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Childhers Foootball Team Locked Out


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Manx Radio Running News


Some kiddies couldn't get into the changing room at a football match so they had to change on the touch line.


Oh, and it did start raining too.



Yeah, yeah, fair enough it was a cup match and after all they should have got the facilities they had paid for. But...


So What. Whatever, whatever, whatever.


When I were a lad I tell thee, we didn't even have goal posts and used us jumpers for the goals. And a spot of rain didn't make no difference to us.


I have visions of wee cherubs in brand new Wayne Rooney/not so new David Beckham footie shorts and £150 boots, tattoos and earrings an' all probably. Crying to their dads on the touch line because they couldn't get into the changing rooms.

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It's headline news on IoM onlineNewspapers Site too.


The world has gone mollycoddled crazy I tell thee.


Mind you, on second thoughts I s'pose I would feel rather guilt ridden if it transpires that one of these kiddies had dies of galloping pneumonia in the night.

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Isn't the issue that the Corpy charge for pitch hire at a rate that includes changing facilities but don't make them available?


The problem I suggest is not the getting changed outside it is leaving your clothes at the side of the pitch. Since what you are changing into will be cold and wet also. (Although, personally, I used to use the lockers at the NSC).

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Obviously if someone has paid to use the pitch and facilities they should be available. However, all I think this story actually illustrates is the parish pump political level of many MHKs. I want my MHKs to be looking at things of real national importance not whether local commissioners have planted daffodils, etc.

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happened to me loads of times down there, to be fair im adult so a bit different.


My problem was having my watch, keys, wallet in me pocket, spend 90 minutes keeping an eye on my stuff otherwise those little rascals from pulrose would have had a bonanza with 22 pairs of trousers left unattended

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Locked door causes inconvenience.


When I were a lad I played football every week for my club. And for a couple of years I played for the Island. Had to get changed outside countless times, even when on International duty. When we did this we put our clothes in someone's car in case of, you know, rain and stuff. Pain in the arse, yes, but I'd prefer it if the local media and politicians would concentrate on serious stuff like buses having birthdays.

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I remember Playing footie at Braddan School and had to get changed in the mobile classroom infront of the girls, I didnt mind as mine was to small to spot.

i remember having the Tight plastic shorts, the itchy shirts, the clarks footie boots, the shin pads that moved around your leg before popping out, the solid goose pimple football and NO goalie gloves.


They were the days.

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This matter has made the front page of the Manx Independent.


Not even Laaaaxey AFC did that when they won the treble or whatever it was last year


Actually, I think this Malarkey (MHK) chap is pretty good. Had he been Minister for Tourism, with the 100 years TT coming up and all that and that there Motor Cycle News talking shigh talk about insurance and stuff I am sure he would have strrrripped MCN down a peg or two.


So yeah, get in there Bill and kick ass where your constituents need some ass kicking.

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Locked door causes inconvenience.


When I were a lad I played football every week for my club. And for a couple of years I played for the Island. Had to get changed outside countless times, even when on International duty. When we did this we put our clothes in someone's car in case of, you know, rain and stuff. Pain in the arse, yes, but I'd prefer it if the local media and politicians would concentrate on serious stuff like buses having birthdays.



The point is that Douglas Coropration are quite happy to spend a fortune on tarting up the Town Hall and heating it to about 75 degrees every day, but when it comes to doing something useful like keeping kids gainfully occupied and off the streets they are too bloody tightfisted.


Bear in mind this is the same Corpy that sent two elderly lady councillors on a fact finding mission to Blackpool, all at the ratepayers expense, to check out a skatepark.......

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So could someone tell me who the local councillor is for down that way . . . . . . . maybe he should have been kicking ass instead.

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What on earth makes this front page news?? And doesn't it demonstrate the foolishness of a politician that turns this sort of crap into a front page news story and a photo opportunity? Get dealing with some real issues.


As Billy Connolly once said: "The desire to become a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one". Wise words, Billy.......

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From the article:


"Junior teams are currently charged a discounted rate of £17 to use the pitch only, as youngsters are expected to turn up for games already in their kits."


So, erm....they got exactly what they paid for then? Where's the problem?

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Isn't the issue that the Corpy charge for pitch hire at a rate that includes changing facilities but don't make them available?


The problem I suggest is not the getting changed outside it is leaving your clothes at the side of the pitch. Since what you are changing into will be cold and wet also. (Although, personally, I used to use the lockers at the NSC).



Locked door causes inconvenience.


When I were a lad I played football every week for my club. And for a couple of years I played for the Island. Had to get changed outside countless times, even when on International duty. When we did this we put our clothes in someone's car in case of, you know, rain and stuff. Pain in the arse, yes, but I'd prefer it if the local media and politicians would concentrate on serious stuff like buses having birthdays.



The point is that Douglas Coropration are quite happy to spend a fortune on tarting up the Town Hall and heating it to about 75 degrees every day, but when it comes to doing something useful like keeping kids gainfully occupied and off the streets they are too bloody tightfisted.


Bear in mind this is the same Corpy that sent two elderly lady councillors on a fact finding mission to Blackpool, all at the ratepayers expense, to check out a skatepark.......


as Iv'e said before they pay god knows how much to a team of bye-law and park inspectors - but do you ever see them out and about - particularly if its raining - hell no - that's time for a cuppa in the cosy little office in the market hall.

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I've suddenly changed my sympathies to the Corpie! Thanks copycat.


There was a piece on MR from Mrs Chattell who said that use of the changing rooms was not included in the fee paid and the teams had mistakenly thought it was included, but that they would allow the use of the facility for the time being. Not a bad gesture, I just wonder why everyone gets het up about these things rather than pick up the phone and speak to the people concerned.

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