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Public Meeting - Water Fluoridation


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In February 2007 IOM Health Minister Eddie Teare announced that there would be a 12 month ‘public consultation’ on the issue of Water Fluoridation.


The Isle of Man Campaign for non-Fluoridated Tap Water are opposed to this measure for several reasons and have been campaigning vigorously since Mr Teare’s announcement.


We are pleased to announce the first public meeting on the issue and have managed to secure the services of one of the world’s leading experts on Fluoridation Dr Paul Connett. Dr Connett is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, USA and co-founder of the Fluoride Action Network the worldwide coalition against Fluoridation.


The meeting is scheduled for 7.30pm on Friday May 18th 2007 at the Loch Prom Church (Meeting Room), Loch Promenade, Douglas.


Entry is free and everybody welcome.




Please could a mod / admin pin this topic.

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A gradual exposure to water Albert should help your sensitive nature. Unfortunately our sea is polluted and perhaps our drinking water is under threat from zealous health officials and others.


I have no firm view on this topic and await the evidence. I believe groups who aid public consultation are doing a great service. I want to hear both sides of the argument - Government and any contrary or supporting positions.

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Is this the same Dr Connett who is strongly opposed to incinerators?

Sounds like another Greenpeace nutter who's real agenda is to stop the chemical industry from receiving more public money.

Take everything he says with a pinch of salt, preferably fluoridated, its better for your teeth.


Oh yeah, dont use non-stick pans, Dr Connett will tell you they cause cancer...

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but its the thin end of the wedge. next it will be something as a supplement that helps men and women be more fertile, or stops ginger haired people from reproducing.


If they can put something in the water to stop trolls I'm all in support of it!

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but its the thin end of the wedge. next it will be something as a supplement that helps men and women be more fertile, or stops ginger haired people from reproducing.

Anything that prevents a ginger child has got to be a step in the right direction.

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  • 4 months later...

I heard the views of that arrogant, bigoted representative of the Health Authorities, (I think his name might have been Paul Emerson, and if he is not South African, I would be surprised!) regarding the fluoridation of the public water supplies, on today’s Mannin Line. Like many others, if I want fluoride, I can get it in the form of fluoride tablets or toothpaste, and not have it forced down my neck.

Apparently – the Manx Government (no laughing at the back of the class, you lot!) will abide by the wishes of the electorate – “yeah, right”!

I wish the anti-fluoridation organisations here on the IOM “good-luck”. They definitely have my support.

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Why does the Government have to have consultations all the time? We elect this people, and pay them well, to make decisions, so why do they always come bleating to us shouting "urgh! I can't make my mind! Help!". These things only encourage the bee in the bonnet types to get all agitated and come bothering the public with crappily produced flyers and shouting about public meetings.


Why does this need a one year public consultation, anyway? It only takes a second to see there's no reason to fluoridate water and say "no".

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