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Public Meeting - Water Fluoridation


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I was there in both occasions, and I find the debate very educational, at least from one side. The antifluoride one. The arrogance of professor Lennon was something out of belief. I asked myself a question. Why the professor antifluoride would waist time and energy to back a campaign which clearly won't make him a penny. I believe is a very honest man and a exceptional expert. I would like to download a letter to send to my MHK, and duplicate to distribute around. Any advice?


Ciao for now

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Glancing through the report it seemed an interesting meeting. It is certainly a comprehensive account from the newspaper reporter.


There can be little doubt that there is a strong groundswell against flouridation, from all walks of life too, not just tree hugger types with those warm woolie jumpers on.


There now seems to be an argument as to whether these people are in the minority or not. Mmmhh.


I would like to know where the groups of people are, banging on the politicians' doors, demanding that our water be flouridated. I really would.


That is the group that the likes of Fast Eddie believe are the majority.


It seems though, that the flouride boys have a get out for this.


They tell us that the group of people who most 'need' government to take control of their dental care are at the lower end of the social scale. It seems they are implying that they are also the social class that are least likely to be able to really know how to look after their children's teeth and so are too thick to know anything about flouride and stuff like that. Maybe it is believed that this social group are too busy watching Eastenders and/or Brooky, or down the pub or something whilst the kiddies suckle on a can of coke, to be able to go to meetings about flouride and stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From today's question paper in Tynwald


8. The Hon Member for Onchan (Mr Karran) to ask the Minister for

Education –

(1) Do you have the power to ban the practice of selling sugary drinks

(including from vending machines) in schools on the Island; and

(2) if so, will you do so, in the interest of the children’s dental health?


This is a good question that was answered by Anne Craine Minister for Education, more or less by saying that the schools provide a wide variety of foods and drinks and it is up to the children and their parents to make the decision. Freedom of choice type of thing and no she doesn't have the power to ban and doesn't seem to want to.


No other MHK took the matter up by way of supplementary questioning, which was surprising considering the apparent government concerns to flouridate our water or rather concerns to prevent tooth decay in children.


I get the feeling that the Health Minister realises the public anti-government response to plans to fluridate our water supply, but simply doesn't offer any support to prevent tooth decay in other ways.


It is as if our Government now wish to see as much tooth decay in our children so that they can then blame it on the anti-flouride lobby in future years.


Aye, it's as much a personality point scoring game of ya-boo politics over here as it is in Westminster.

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I have to admit, I knew very little about this a short time ago, but having looked at the issues in a bit of detail, I cannot understand how anyone can even consider doing this. What is wrong with people when they think they know better, think they can improve on something as basic as water.


Fluoridating water started in the U.S. some time ago, maybe they did not know any better back then, maybe they knew exactly, think what you like. However, most recent, large-scale studies have found that fluoridated water provides only a minor benefit to teeth, or no demonstrable benefit at all. According to a recent Canadian government review: "The magnitude of fluoridation's effect is not large in absolute terms, is often not statistically significant and may not be of clinical significance." Forgetting science for a while, think about this logically, why would fluoride have to be swallowed to prevent tooth decay? Fluoride in toothpaste, I can see where they may be coming from, but drinking the stuff..

Someone mentioned chlorine – I do not like the thought of this (or any other chemicals for that matter) either. I would much rather drink water as it comes out of the ground – naturally (and not “naturally” as in that term used and abused by manufacturers, naturally, as in not interfered with by humans who know how to “improve” on nature). That said, other chemicals are added to the drinking water treat the water, or make the water safer to drink – not fluoride. Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the sole purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay -- a non-waterborne disease).


Also, according to the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No human disease - including tooth decay - will result from a "deficiency" of fluoride. Thus, unlike real nutrients like calcium and magnesium, the human body does not need fluoride for any physiological process.


If you are pro adding fluoride to drinking water, I'm sure you believe that in good faith and defend the practice as you genuinely see it as beneficial. I understand that and I'm not making a personal attack on anyone's beliefs. But honestly, you may want to look at the research for yourselves again before you approve any plans to go ahead with this. If the dangers of fluoridated water mentioned above and in previous posts is not enough to make you think twice, think about this, this has to be the kicker for me:


The main fluoride chemical added to water (hydrofluorosilicic acid) is an industrial by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. No joke, the Irish Government spends about half a million Euro annually purchasing this acid from the importers Albatross Fertilizers in Wexford, who in turn get it from Kamira Chemicals Finland (the Government of Finland being a majority owner) – a country that stopped its own fluoridation program in 1992. So, unlike the fluoride used in toothpaste, hydrofluorosilicic acid is not pharmaceutical-grade quality. It is an unpurified, industrial-grade, corrosive acid which has been linked, in several recent studies, to increased levels of lead in children’s blood. FFS !! How stupid is this practice..........


Finally, health risks associated with low-to-moderate doses of fluoride include: dental fluorosis; bone fracture; bone cancer; joint pain; skin rash, reduced thyroid activity; and IQ deficits. Now, tell me again why we need this s**t should be added to drinking water.



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I'd like to see them answer the following question:


Would the Minister advise which they feel the best value for money means of investing in the long term dental health of children (and subsequently adults) on the Island: supplying free fruit and promoting improved dental hygiene in all primary and secondary schools on the Island or changing the existing water treament plants to accommodate flouridation units to increase flouride intake of those who drink tap water on the Island.


Seems to cut to the chase.


Having asked a senior health advisor and several MHKs and MLCs the same question, whilst touring the Sulby treatment works, it would be interesting to compare the answer given now to the ones they gave then.

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  • 1 month later...
Alarming figures revealed today (Monday) show more than half of Island five year-olds have suffered tooth decay at some point in their young lives.


A survey shows 52 per cent of those examined in 2006 had experienced decay - compared to 39 per cent in Great Britain.


Caroline Lewis, director of the salaried dental service for the DHSS, admits the figures are alarming (audio file attached):


Now who would have guessed we would have seen an article like this one. !!!!! :lol: How obvious. <_< I think they should put fluoride in our water supply. :lol: :lol:


I'm sure we'll see more information like this to ensure the brainwashing takes full effect...

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Manx Radio News


I would suggest that the News Item is saying how shit the Island is at teaching children to look after their teeth.


But I reckon you can bet this "News" headline is a pre-cursor for calls to FLOURIDATE OUR WATER NOW



Or . . . wait a minute . . . . seeing as how we are a small enclosed Island with definite boundaries and all that, can one of the bean counters on a highly paid and pensioned wage from the Government total up the number of cans of coke that are brought onto the Isle of Man and then pro rata the figure to indicate how many cans each our kiddie winks are guzzling per day.


Even better, go round to the schools and get a figure.


That might be a good starting place before we get all panicky


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I think my three year old can say most things better than you.


However, I'm glad you've decided that statistics are rubbish. It means we can all completely discount any of the statistics you and your tinfoil hatted cronies have presented too. This way we can just resolve everything with a good old fashioned fist fight.


The smart money is on my side.

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