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Public Meeting - Water Fluoridation


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I think my three year old can say most things better than you.


However, I'm glad you've decided that statistics are rubbish. It means we can all completely discount any of the statistics you and your tinfoil hatted cronies have presented too. This way we can just resolve everything with a good old fashioned fist fight.


The smart money is on my side.



That must be hard for you having a child of such intelligence... :lol: :lol: Maybe that's why you think violence would be a good outcome. <_<


Nice to see you've moved on from one-liners though ANS....



So what are you saying ANS, Statistics from organisations are always correct?


Did you read the link; or did you get your 3yr old to do it for you....

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So what are you saying ANS, Statistics from organisations are always correct?


Course not. I'm just wondering why you only feel it appropriate to question the credibility and motivation of statistical evidence that doesn't support your point of view, while quoting your own statistics that do and expecting us to believe them. You do see the hypocrisy there, right?


(To help you out, I've linked all the big words back to Dictionary.com so you don't have to go copy and pasting them. That must be such a chore for you)

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Questioning statistics that don't support my own point of view??? :lol: :lol: That's a good one! :whatever:


Quoting my own Statistics???? Sorry, did I miss something, I don't have any of my own statistics. Is that me discredited now?


Why on earth would you make reference to copying words from a dictionary???? Eh...??? :huh: what are you on fella.


You've slated me continually on most of my posts in this thread. What's your problem with me, are you really that intimidated or something; have some balls and just come out with it, don't hide behind silly little innuendo and sly remarks. <_<

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Sorry staaue (going back to yesterday) , yes I could have been more eloquent. What I wanted to know is this :


Are you questioning the apparent evidence from Carolyn Lewis that tooth rot is worse on the island than the uk?




Alex McC - certainly, but its not the parents that suffer for a lifetime from a totally preventable disease.

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Quoting my own Statistics???? Sorry, did I miss something, I don't have any of my own statistics. Is that me discredited now?


It's impossible to speak slowly to someone on a forum when they're being a bit dim, so I'll ask you to read this post slowly.


If someone quotes statistics to support an opposing argument to yours, and you claim that statistics are generally lies, you can't therefore rely on statistics from other sources because by default, they must also be lies. You see? If you really don't get it, I suggest you get an adult to help you.


You've slated me continually on most of my posts in this thread. What's your problem with me, are you really that intimidated or something; have some balls and just come out with it, don't hide behind silly little innuendo and sly remarks. <_<


Have some balls and come out with what? I don't agree with you on this subject, what else is there to say?

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There's no news like old news:-




When is one of these boffins going to tell us how many cans of coke our schoolchildren drink?


Is there a ready supply of the sugary shite available in schools?


In my day a can of Coke was a rare treat not an everyday necessity. Mind you, I've got a head full of mercury based fillings, but that is because the dentist at our school got paid by the filling. No wonder the smug bastard used to drive round in a flash sports car.


So, rather than bother fixing the teeth I would like to propose that we rip the bleedin' lot of 'em out at say age 8, and replace them with falsies. As an incentive the kids could have flashing lights in them or something like that.



I was going to patent the idea but after doing a quick Google I see some bastard has beaten me to it


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Sorry staaue (going back to yesterday) , yes I could have been more eloquent. What I wanted to know is this :


Are you questioning the apparent evidence from Carolyn Lewis that tooth rot is worse on the island than the uk?




Alex McC - certainly, but its not the parents that suffer for a lifetime from a totally preventable disease.


I'm concerned that this recent announcement is a precursor to fluoridation. I don't see how we can get to see the true data that was used to create this report (maybe someone could help there), and seeing that almost all compiled survey data is biased in the direction of the organisation that commissioned the report etc, this makes me suspicious.


It of course could be possibly true that there is a serious problem with kids teeth unique to the island. Even if this is so, I don't see putting toxic chemicals in the water supply as the answer; I see education and proper dental care as an answer. I don't even think it is an issue for the gov't to address, in the way it appears to be taking a 'nanny' stance over us.


My kids teeth are in excellent condition because of our control of their sugary-acid intake, oral hygiene and dental visits; along with more fruit intake and education about how bad sugary food can be if abused. I am arguing against fluoridation of water as I am not convinced as to the long term health effects of doing this. The chemical is volatile and hazardous and there are alternative solutions to the problems indicative of dental caries.




ANS, calm down fella, I like a bit of wit, but sarcasm isn't a substitute for intelligence, don't you know. :angry: If you're going to continue to be unnecessarily personal and continue to insult me, I'll have to contact a MOD..... :lol::lol: :lol:


That aside.....


Doesn't it also come down to why the said organisation commissioned the report. The stats are quite unimportant really, it's more to do with how they are used and interpreted.


Also, I'm being lazy, could you please quote these statistics that you are referring to.

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%age - in the obvious absence of intonation and body language we (that is I) need a minimum of one emoticon to help us understand how to take your last post.


I didn't realise anyone read my posts.


If we are going to constantly force feed our children with teeth decaying liquids just to keep the wee blighters from screaming blue murder then we and they deserve to have their teeth rot away.


But that isn't a very nice thought and I feel a tad remorseful thinking it so I compensated by suggesting they could have brightly glowing and colourful false teeth in their place, made of a hard wearing polypropylene or something. There would be an added benefit that this would stop these narrow minded dental statiticians from bleating their junk.


Problem solved and everyone, for a change, is happy.

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What a fascinating topic with some brilliant write ups, for and against the use of fluoride in our water.


After reading many interesting articles on the subject without the need for any consultants, I have come to a conclusion and therefore my own opinion,

that I personally don't want fluoride in my water.


If the authorities decide to put fluoride into the water for their own reasoning, then all I ask is for my right to have fresh bottled water (without fluoride) supplied on a daily basis. This is my choice, as it's also to take fluoride tablets, toothpaste etc if I so want to.


I do not see why fluoride needs be placed into the water, when people have a choice to choose for themselves if they want to purchase what they believe is better for them.


Like I said, some good articles and my opinion firmly stands against fluoridation of my drinking water.

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If you want to see the data staaue, ask Carolyn Lewis. She should have statistics going back to I think 1993 when this survey started. That's a long time before this debate. If there was any, lets say, manipulation of the figures, that should be immediately obvious.


%age. Yes I read your posts and they are very entertaining. However I fully agree with your point ( and staaue's) on diet but just because you don't like the statistics doesn't make the dentists "bleat junk". Not in the real world anyway.


I have never agreed with water fluoridation on a right to choose ground but it would cure the problem given enough time.

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Yet another former advocate of fluoridation speaks out:-



And now over 1,300 professionals have signed the online statement:-


Fluoride Action Network LINK



Another absorbing video presentation and the above link is well worth a look.

I'm satisfied that fluoride is bad for you (see youtube video) and one wonders as to why some dentists would prefer people to to have fluoride in their water. Do they have anything to gain?


IMO, Oh yes, customers Mmmm.... :ermm:

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