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Sex Offender Visiting Parks


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As a mother of 2 boys, this article shocked and frightened me. I wasn't shocked because I'm naive and like to think we live on a nice, little island where terrible things just don't happen, but becase of the apparent lack of power the police have over such people. This person has been visiting parks with the intention of meeting young boys, yet the police have very limited powers to prevent such a person from frequenting public areas such as this, if he is seen he can be moved on but nothing can be done to prevent him from returning........that's the point which most worried me, it's almost as if we have to wait for a terrible crime to be committed (by a known and convicted paedophile!) before anything can be done to completely protect our children.

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Yes, I read this also. You would think it would be a condition of their release that they simply were not allowed to frequent such places. I am told, however, that this offender targets teenagers, which must be harder to limit contact etc.


Personally, I support the "Sarah's Law" initiative (though we don't have it for fear of vigilante type occurences) I think the loss of privacy might make a better incentive not to commit the crime in the first place. Not enough is done to empower the parents, you should be able to protect your children by being aware of paedophile movements.

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As a parent I believe you should have the right to access as much information about the offender as possible in order to protect your children. The way things stand at present a paedophile seems to have more protection than a child. Although I have no sympathy whatsoever for paedophiles involved in vigilante attacks, for the public to take matters into their own hands obviously isn't the right solution. Saying that though, if anyone ever touched my children I'd want them to suffer, suffice to say that what I'd like to do to any paedophile who harmed either of my 2 would involve a blunt, rusty knife and a certain part of their treasured anatomy.


More should be done with the law to reassure parents/the general public that the police have it within their power to do everything humanly possible to stop these people re-offending.


I believe there are pilot schemes underway in areas of England where offenders are fitted with satellite tracking devices - if a tagged offender strays into an area where he is excluded, the police are instantly alerted. It's a step in the right direction at least.

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I believe there are pilot schemes underway in areas of England where offenders are fitted with satellite tracking devices - if a tagged offender strays into an area where he is excluded, the police are instantly alerted.  It's a step in the right direction at least.

I understand the English satelitte tracking devices, as announced recently by the Blunkett to a fanfare of spin-doctors, are not real-time and rely on an end-of-day download. They also use GPS to track the tag which circumvented by, erm, going inside.

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I understand the English satelitte tracking devices, as announced recently by the Blunkett to a fanfare of spin-doctors, are not real-time and rely on an end-of-day download.  They also use GPS to track the tag which circumvented by, erm, going inside.

I guess it's like any technological device though, you have to start somewhere and only through testing and pilot schemes can you determine problems and ways of improving, and technology can advance very quickly nowadays. There are bound to be teething problems with such a device, but like I said, it's a step in the right direction and anything that can help keep children safe from paedophiles must surely be a good thing.

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They should name all convicted paedophiles place pictures of them on notice boards and broadcast where they live.

They gave up there right to privacy when they committed there sick crime.

Parents and the general public have a right to know where these people are.

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Paedophiles are not criminals and should not be treated as such.


They should certainly be punished in order to provide revenge-by-proxy for the victims and their families, but following the punishment they should be placed in secure basic accommodation for the rest of their natural life. The only concession that I would make would be to provide them with the means of painless suicide after the period of punishment was finished.


My personal and much preferred method of dealing with such creatures would be euthanasia, but I recognise that would deprive the victims of the knowledge that the perpetrator was having to spend time suffering during the punishment phase.


The whole business of punishment of offenders needs reform. It is simply wrong to treat all offences as being either civil or criminal. There are some offences, such as terrorism, when motivated by religion or politics, as well as paedophilia, that are something else entirely.


Such offences are, like those who commit them, utterly psychotic. Terrorists and paedophiles, and one or two other types of offenders, should be punished AND taken out of society – for ever. They can not be cured nor can they be taught that the costs of what they do outweigh the benefits as can be the case with ‘Decent Honest Criminals’ who do at least deserve the chance to learn from their mistakes. But even for them I would dearly like to see a ‘Three Strikes And Your Out’ law on the books, again with the option of suicide for those who wanted an easy way out.



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Paedophiles are not criminals and should not be treated as such.


.....in order to provide revenge....


.....provide them with the means of painless suicide after the period of punishment was finished..... 



Not criminals eh? Someone ought to clear that up with the law/courts/the entire human race as they seem to be under the mistaken impression that they just might be.


Revenge is all fine & dandy as well eh? Criminals aren't punished to 'get revenge'. They're punished in a generally vain & pitiful attempt to stop people from committing crime again. It might not work very well but it's certainly not meant to be about revenge.

And just like the manics sang "suicide is painless"?


I know it's Monday morning & all that but you're not kind of 'sleeptyping' are you?

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I understand what he means when he says that they are not criminals. Yes, technically it is a crime, but it is a crime that is driven by a psychological misfire rather than a conscious decision to take a criminal risk for personal gain of some sort.


A friend of mine's best friend is a criminal psychologist and has treated paedophiles, rapists etc etc. They are largely untreatable - many people make calls for castration and similar to treat rapists but the fact is that it is not a sexual crime driven by a sexual need per say, it is an aggressive crime, a crime of violence and control. I am told that even if you castrate a die hard rapist, they will still rape but they will use something else, like a broom handle and it is likely to be even more violent.


I can also understand where he's coming from with the revenge comments. I think you would find that if you asked the parents of James Bulger or Sarah Payne if they wanted to hurt the killers of their children, or would they like them disposed of mercifully etc, they would probably want to dish out some pain AND dispose of them - I very much doubt they would be sympathetically calling for rehabilitation. So, in dealing with these types of offenders you have to hear the voices of the victims families too and those are invariably calls for revenge and retribution.


Speaking as a parent, as I've said already above, I think we should be made aware of known paedophiles movements. As harsh as this sounds I wouldn't even waste tax payers money spending thousands a week keeping them under lock and key and attempting rehabilitation, I would just give them a lethal injection or similar and be done with it. What makes their life more precious than the life of their next victim???????

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There are huge problems withdrawing their right to privacy.


They will go underground and be even more difficult to keep track of, any chance of controlling their 'urges' will disappear and there will probably be a significant number of innocent people mistakenly beaten up.

And judging by the hysteria that will probably happen a lot.


Tagging could be a possibility but it would have to be discreet otherwise there will automatically be a loss of privacy.


And I wouldn't put it past people beating someone up because they are tagged when they might just be petty criminals.

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