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Sex Offender Visiting Parks


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I'd simply like to know some more facts about the offense before branding someone a sexual pervert for the rest of their lives


If I, at the age of 16, had consenting sexual intercourse with a 15 year old (I didn't BTW) I could be labelled a rapist. Should I then be on the sex offenders register and have newspapers warning people of my movements?

I'm sure we'd all like to know more facts about the offence, that's a major point some people are making here.........the fact that the public are more or less kept in the dark over offences like this one, we never get to know the facts that I believe we have a right to know. Some of us may well be making wild assumptions about this person, but can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you find it normal behaviour for a 22 year old man to be frequenting parks where he is reportedly trying to meet young boys. Does it need spelling out more clearly??? Male adult preying on young boys, that kinda says sexual pervert to me. Perhaps he was just 16/17 when he assaulted the boy, but he's now 22 years of age and still looking to meet young boys, it was obviously not just a one off mistake or a "phase" he went through.

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but I'm sure that each case is judged entirely on it's own merits


Then why are we judging this case without knowing (m)any of the facts?


Just playing devil's advocate, I'm largely in your corner.


Edit: Beaten by Minnie

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Everyone is hypothesising that this chap was only 16/17 when the offence occurred, I personally doubt that very much but either way a person is not placed on a sexual offenders register unless he poses as a potential threat to other people. You will not be put on a sexual offenders register for a fumble behind the bikeshed with an underage girl/boy even if full intercourse occurred. The emphasis is on the relationship between the two parties involved rather than the rigid age elements.

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but can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you find it normal behaviour for a 22 year old man to be frequenting parks where he is reportedly trying to meet young boys. 


I do think that's odd but I'm not willing to join the lynch mob just yet.


I'm playing devil's advocate to a large extent


So we don't know what he's done, when he did it, and who it is who's reported him as hanging around parks trying to meet boys.


We seem to be desperatey short of facts but I sense the torches are being lit and the crowd is gathering.


Edit to remove "Like Ans" 'cos that only referred to one line

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I know what you are saying by that - but I'm sure that each case is judged entirely on it's own merits and an innocent boy/girl relationship on an equal footing and of the kind you describe would not result in the person being placed on a sexual offenders register. These systems are in place to serve to protect our society not label people without care of the repercussions. It is in the best interests of the public and the police that these registers are accurate after all.

That is not the case though - in the UK young people indulging in normal experimental sexual acts can end up on the register, I'm sure it's similar here.


If this offence was so bad, why wasn't he jailed? I've searched the archives of Manx Radio & iomonline for this case and can't find anything relating to it for the last 3 years, so he may well have still been a teen himself when it happened.


It just seems to me that this is a relatively low risk case and is probably the result of sexual experimentation rather than an attack on a child.


The bit about him trying to meet young boys - where did this come from? Isn't it unlikely he would have admitted this fact if asked?

It's just another "reported to be" statement - there is no source for the information and no proof he is.


The police have just trotted out the usual statements - after all you don't expect them to come out and say "There is no risk" do you? Remember this whole thing is all about the Police getting greater powers.

But even they have said there is no need for alarm.

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One thing i can't get my head round is why when sex offenders in the Isle of Man are released and then sent to a half-way house, all these houses seem to be in the York Rd. Derby Rd and Derby Sq area.


Right next to a school. Seems to be the wrong place IMO.

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It just seems to me that this is a relatively low risk case and is probably the result of sexual experimentation rather than an attack on a child.



The bit about him trying to meet young boys - where did this come from? Isn't it unlikely he would have admitted this fact if asked?

It's just another "reported to be" statement - there is no source for the information and no proof he is.

At the risk of repeating myself, his age when he committed the offence bears no relevance whatsoever, he is 22 and reportedly trying to meet young boys. If it was sexual experimentation when he was a teenager why would he still be "experimenting" at 22?


There's no smoke without fire and the police have stated that they are monitoring his movements in order to reduce the risk of him re-offending. I'm sure the police don't scaremonger and they must see it as a serious incident to have made these statements.


I see no lynch mob gathering, I see decent, law-abiding parents worried for the wellbeing of their children and expressing concern that it appears sex offenders/paedophiles have more rights to safety than we do. Of course the police will tell the public not to be alarmed.......probably for fear of a lynch mob gathering.


There may be no definite proof that he will sexually assault another boy, but as a parent I'd rather err on the side of caution and make sure my children are safe.

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One thing i can't get my head round is why when sex offenders in the Isle of Man are released and then sent to a half-way house, all these houses seem to be in the York Rd. Derby Rd and Derby Sq area.


Right next to a school. Seems to be the wrong place IMO.


I think the battered wives refuge is somewhere in that area as well. Odd...

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The facts we DO know are that he was tried and convicted for sexual assault, found guilty, put on probation and placed on a sexual offenders register. Do you really honestly think that there is no problem with any of that? Are we to have such little faith in our justice system as to automatically assume that this is some miscarriage of justice just because of his age?


Do we think that sexual predators reach a certain age, say 30 years old, and all of a sudden turn into one having been blissfully normal beforehand? Do we not realise that it is a predilection that develops from a young age?


I am not part of a lynching mob, I couldn't care who he is or how he spends the rest of his life, the ONLY interest I have is that of ensuring the safety, as much as I am able, of my three children. Would you advise me to ignore this statement as being overdramatic and spurious?

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The facts we DO know are that he was tried and convicted for sexual assault,


What was the nature of the assault?


put on probation


So no prison then. I wonder what the ratio of prison/probation is for sexual assaults


and placed on a sexual offenders register


It does seem to me to be an odd combination of punishments. I'd have expected anyone of the sexual offenders register to have done time in prison, but I'll probably be proved wrong


Do you really honestly think that there is no problem with any of that? Are we to have such little faith in our justice system as to automatically assume that this is some miscarriage of justice just because of his age?


I'm not saying there's no problem. I suppose I'm wondering if it's being handled the right way. What happens when he goes shopping in Strand St or goes for a walk along the prom ?

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