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[BBC News] Public meeting over Peel festival


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Well that's £50 a ticket and once your inside a brow beating from the Beer Nazi's warning you about the danger of drinking at rock festivals. I sometimes wonder whether vwe are living in the real world or not.


Don't talk to me about bloody beer Nazi's - more like piss taking money grabbers!


"....to ensure the festival is "family friendly"." - well don't have a bloody bar then. That way no one will have the ability to get pissed once inside!


"You will not be permitted to bring your own drink onto the festival site....." Why? To stop people overindulging and ruining the "family atmosphere"? My arse! its so they can then rip you off with "festival" (i.e expensive) bar prices once you are inside.


This has nothing to do with alchohol bloody awareness, just an excuse to make more money out of people. If they were so concerned with alchohol abuse then why have they applied for a drinks licence to run from 1.30 in the bloody afternoon? If i started drinking at 1.30pm I'd be ratted by the time the main bands came on!


I've seen this at some of the major one day events over the years. Stop you taking your own bottles of alchohol or even water in and then charge you way over the odds for the same item. Excuse - health and safety sir, you might just throw your bottle through the air when it is full. Blatant money amking excersize in my opinion.


/rant over. I'll still be going and I also won't be drinking because they haven't even had the sense to lay on buses from the outlying areas (like Port Erin) so i've got to drive. A lot of the traffic could be kept to a minium if they utilised al the buses that would normally be tucked away in bed in the evenings. Kill two birds with one stone, keep traffic off the roads and give the bus drivers some good overtime.


Plus I'll have my kids with me.... :ph34r: Their Mum wouldn't be too impressed if i drank too much while in charge of them.... :rolleyes:

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