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The Oz Pink Floyd Show

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Fantastic night. Thought the atmosphere was a bit lacking in the first half, but it livened up in part 2 with crowd pleasers like wish you were here, and comfortably numb. Highlight for me was great gig in the sky with the two girls sharing the part to great audience appreciation.


The stage show topped anything I have seen at the Villa, but pity not enough space for the giant inflatable pig and kangaroo.

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Great gig...agreed that the first half involved a lot of middle aged men nodding slowly in appreciation (me included) but really got going after the break. Not sure that Comfortably Numb was written with waving bottles of blue Wkd in the air but who cares!!!


As for the backing vocalists on Great Gig in the Sky....oh my word!!


Well done all those involved in getting them over.

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Lol! I was there too. Sang my little heart out to every song bar one that I didn't recognise!!


It was a good concert, especially after 7/8 pints..... :)


However, what really gets my goat is the people that insist on recording the whole thing on their phones???


You've paid to see a live concert, so BLOODY WELL WATCH IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES rather than on a 2.5in LCD screen... HELLLLLLLOOOO!!!

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T'was a rare treat for the music fans on the Isle of Man.


Im sure they will appologies to Douglas rate payers for ripping the roof off the Villa, tearing it into shreads and throwing it right out to sea.



Blues Brothers in the Autumn? (please)

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