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The Germans Open Fire On Us - Again!


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They drink beer with abandon, indulge in toe-curling displays of ostentatious wealth and hold the trashiest of women to be the epitome of glamour.

That devastating assassination of a nation's character may sound familiar but, for once, it is not the all-too-predictable British verdict on the Germans. Rather, it is the hardly flattering portrait of 21st century Blighty penned by a leading member of the Berlin intelligentsia.


Mr Hüetlin goes to some lengths to explain "why the English cannot stand the Germans - even 62 years after the end of the war."

"The Huns, that's us Germans," Mr Hüetlin declares. "Dislike of us is a folkloric pleasure that belongs to the island, like driving on the left and the notion that Victoria Beckham is a woman with class."

The dreadful habits of the British include: "The drinking of very much beer in a very short time, going for a walk without socks in winter, the delusion that 42 years after its last win, the national soccer team belongs to a world elite - and, of course, the fact that the Hun is still enemy No 1 - even in the age of Osama bin Laden."

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Dear me, what a load of old rubbish. Don't the Boche know that not even the thickest of English chavettes would ever think Victoria Beckham had "class"?


They're just giving themselves airs and graces, thinking we still view the Hun as the enemy. Don't they know the cheese-eating surrender monkeys have always been the ones for us to work over whenever the opportunity arose?


I bet the only reason he wrote the piece was because he was just obeying orders....

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