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Maddy Mccann And 24-hour Rolling News


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I hate to say this, but i am also fed up with the almost sickly and overbearing reaction of the media and people in general, it has turned into some really cheesy, praying, chanting, shrine building event where everyone who is anyone can get a word of sympathy in.

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The posters are even displayed at the checkouts at Tesco here - wtf?? What's that good for? Couldn't they put a few "have you seen these vandals" posters up instead of that? Makes no sense....

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I'm sure the parents of Ben Needham et al would appreciate your myopia.....

Oh come on, be honest - what's the point of putting up a black and white copy of a search poster without picture at the checkout here? The story is still on every front page of the papers that lie 10 foot away from it at the news stand, and the rest of the media is still full with it. I'm sure whoever put it there had the best of intentions, but I simply doubt the usefullness of it and could think of better uses for that space. Maybe it's that we all want to feel involved these days, or whatever, but personally, I think it's of little or no use.

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I see what Amadeus is trying to say - helping when relevant is brilliant, just doing stuff cause you "fink its right fing to do init" is a bit fecking useless, people are like sheep when it comes to tragedy such as this, focusing on the misery of this situation more then the misery of their own lives!! sorry if that comes accross as harsh, but its just a big media frenzy to see who can out do each othe on the "find madeline" stakes, it hinders rather than helps. Its too much.


I feel very bad for this family regardless of their mistake - but I am getting slowly disinterested due to the sickly overbearing media and people bloody well selling WRISTBANDS nooooooooooooooooooo - and setting up ribbon shrines and events and praying sessions and candlelight vigils, when thousands of kids go missing all year round...anyway maybe im being to harsh, but i just hate all that stuff

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...people are like sheep when it comes to tragedy such as this, focusing on the misery of this situation more then the misery of their own lives!!


Thanks for the insight Mrs Freud.


If you dont like the wristbands dont buy one...if you dont like the tying of ribbons dont tie one, but dont start dictating how the family should act in an instance such as this because you have a short attention span. Its only been two weeks for fucks sake.


I am sure that the media will swiftly move on the Paris Hilton trial soon enough, much the same as they did with Soham, Virginia Tech, Katrina etc.


P.S. the use of the word "you" shoudl be taken to read as all those with an issue not just you personally.

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I dont have a short attention span and i am not dictating how the family should act, but I PERSONALLY am sick of this overbearing sense of national tradgedy and every person in the world offering me a ribbon, wristband, 20 emails to forward on, prayer sessions etc etc etc - to me it seems all a bit "for the sake of it cause everyone is doing it" - I do feel it is a tragedy and to be honest I have thought about that little girl every night before I ahve gone to bed wondering if she is asleep, wondering if she is scared and secretly preying in my mind for her safe return, but what i have an issue is the complete media frenzy and people just jumping on the bandwagon - in some ways to MAKE THEMSELVES feel better.....


The media is whipping up fear and people are falling foul to it, yes sensible actions need to be taken to find Madeline but i think that half the reason people are going so over the top is because the media are telling you, it could be your child next, so obviously that spurns people on - i wouldnt be suprised if we have vigilante gangs goin over to portugal to try and find and kill whoever is responsible....its just a big old media frenzy and im sorry but it is gettin on my nerves.


Its almost marketing a tragedy.......

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If he's found to be innocent I will feel really sorry for that poor bastard. Seems that being "odd" is all you need to have the international media desend on you and destroy you totally and completely in 24 hours flat.


They need to be more responsible in their reporting and they have had to resort to these sort of tactics because the Portugese police have taken the right approach and told them bugger all so they have to make everything up to create new items when nothing is actually happening.

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it and could think of better uses for that space.


What just in case you miss a save 10p offer on a pack of Garibaldis!!!


How about focussing on a local crime instead, where the people reading the poster might actually be able to help?

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it and could think of better uses for that space.


What just in case you miss a save 10p offer on a pack of Garibaldis!!!


How about focussing on a local crime instead, where the people reading the poster might actually be able to help?


I couldn't agree more. What are the chances that the capters of Maddy will bring her to the Isle of Man of all places?


Although I think that this is a huge tragedy for the family (Albeit one they must of known was a possibility when they left their children unattended in a hotel that offers free babysitting services - sounds very odd to me) I don't think the story should be pounced on and milked for all it's worth.


An occasional update would be great - but how many times do we have to hear, "And it's been two weeks and we've heard nothing. We might have a suspect, then again we might not."


Surely this can't be helping the parents, whose guilt alone must be unbearable.

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it and could think of better uses for that space.


What just in case you miss a save 10p offer on a pack of Garibaldis!!!


How about focussing on a local crime instead, where the people reading the poster might actually be able to help?



Such as?


You will probably find that the posters are a edict from Tesco HQ so local branches will have little leeway...I hear what you are saying but I just dont see the harm

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Such as?


You will probably find that the posters are a edict from Tesco HQ so local branches will have little leeway...I hear what you are saying but I just dont see the harm

Sure, there's no harm - but also little or no use..


If he's found to be innocent I will feel really sorry for that poor bastard. Seems that being "odd" is all you need to have the international media desend on you and destroy you totally and completely in 24 hours flat.


They need to be more responsible in their reporting and they have had to resort to these sort of tactics because the Portugese police have taken the right approach and told them bugger all so they have to make everything up to create new items when nothing is actually happening.

That pisses me off as well - whatever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty" ? The media are grossly irresponsible in cases like this - was it the Sun that has a big "Pervert" headline today? Naff all has been proven - the police are still investigating, yet the low-life tabloid media tear anyone apart who only comes close to possibly having been linked to it. No factual reporting or consideration for the consequences - just a never-ending need to satisfy the lust for more news in a desperate bid to get a bit more market share and a few more readers/viewers - not right at all.... Let the cops do their job, and once everything is known, they can still print big headlines.

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