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Maddy Mccann And 24-hour Rolling News


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No and you have to think that after three weeks or so you have to doubt that they ever will. As many have said the parents have my sympathy for what they are going through but the incessant and in my opinion OTT media coverage does after a time begin to grate. Do we really need to know they went to some holly sight in Portugal yesterday to pray for her safe return. Maybe they should have questioned their "god" at the same time why if he has the ability to assist in her return he did not assist stopping her disappear.


As I say I do have a level of sympathy for them over the loss and I presume they must be beating themsleves up over it as much of the resonsibility rests with them as if they had not left the children alone this probably would not have happened. However i probably have less sympathy in this case than many others where a parent looses a child as in this case I believe the parents must accepts a large part of the responsibilty. As a parent myself I do not accept that it was anything but wrong and grossly irresponsible of the parents to have left three children all under four left unattended but that does not mean they deserve what happened.


I also presume that much of their current actions are a way coping with the level of guilt that they must consequently be feeling. I just wish they would not also try and level it on the rest of us. The relatives have now tied yellow ribbons and put pictures up on the railings on the war memorial in Douglas. To me that is totally OTT as by now I can not believe that anybody is not aware of the case and every time I see this sort of action spreading I resent more and more the coverage the case is it is getting compared to many other equally deserving missing person cases


Have they found her yet?
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As I say I do have a level of sympathy for them over the loss and I presume they must be beating themsleves up over it as much of the resonsibility rests with them as if they had not left the children alone this probably would not have happened. However i probably have less sympathy in this case than many others where a parent looses a child as in this case I believe the parents must accepts a large part of the responsibilty. As a parent myself I do not accept that it was anything but wrong and grossly irresponsible of the parents to have left three children all under four left unattended but that does not mean they deserve what happened.


I also presume that much of their current actions are a way coping with the level of guilt that they must consequently be feeling.

Have they found her yet?



I have to fully agree with what you have said here 'Lost Login'. And, the majority of what has been said before on this topic.


My wife and I were discussing this last night, and we both agreed that to leave three young children as they did was very irresponsible.


I do realise that they are very much aware of their actions, and to a certain degree they are finding it hard to come to terms with. However, to now embark on this latest trip to Italy to hold an ordinance with the Pope, whilst leaving the twins behind, strikes me as being another irresponsible act. I personally in this situation would want my children with me 24/7, and wouldn’t even contemplate leaving them behind at this time, even if it were just for 24 hours.


I can honestly say, that with our children now 20 (Twin girls) and our son of 16, we never ever left them unattended anywhere. It was a case that if they couldn’t go with us, then we didn’t go unless they were looked after by our parents. And that wasn't very often.



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Well, after logging into Manxnet today and seeing yet another picture of this poor child, we had a chat at work. In the main, we all agreed that the parents were irresponsible leaving three very small children on their own, in a strange room, in a strange place; something that none of the parents in the debate would have done with children so small.


That, of course, does not excuse the actions of the real villain of the piece; the person who actually took her.


But now I think it is time for the parents to concentrate on what they should be doing with the twins, loving them and being parents rather than this eternal crusade.


I think the point has been made above, or elsewhere, if this was a single mother from, say, Sheffield who had left her children unattended while she went out for a meal she would have been villified, branded unfit and generally slated by the press. Whereas, these are professional people who should really have known better (and are in positions that allow them to tell you what you should or should not be doing).


This may be a way of them dealing with the issue, but my sympathies lie with the little girl whose parents let her down so badly. Sorry, it may seem harsh, but I have empathy for the parents, but no sympathy.

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Taking the piss?


"They flew to Rome from the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz in tycoon Sir Philip Green's private jet, which he put at their disposal.


The couple, who are devout Catholics, are also due to visit Spain, the Netherlands, Morocco and Germany to raise awareness of their daughter's disappearance. "


Link Clicky


So they have left their other two in portugal? Are they being looked after or are they planning on "Checking in on them" every week or two with their new private jet? <_<

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I bet they are divorced within the year.


I would tend to agree with you there. The body language my wife saw after they were interviewed the other evening on TV, gave out all the signals that they were not as close as they have been making out to be.


Having said that, and thinking about what they have gone through, I can't for the life of me imagine what it must be like :(



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Oh come on people. I've been basically ignoring this topic as I find the mawkishness of the press distasteful in the extreme and I also find the "diana-ification" of emotions a sop which replaces dignity with a public display where the display is more important than dealing with the substantive issue either emotionally or practically.


However I just don't know what to make of people's reactions to what the parents are trying to do.


Criticize the media, or the people who ignore vastly more current issues occuring on the Island, or where ever, to put up posters for Maddie or whatever, but if your 3 year old had been taken, probably by a pedaphile, maybe to be sold, do you not think you'd use every break you had to keep your child on the front page?


That is what the parents are doing, and I won't complain or be vindictive against them for doing it. The idea they are getting a thrill out of a private jet is pathetic, and it is a sad fact that the strain of situations like this can destroy even the strongest relationships. These two people are doing everything in their power to keep the 2 second attention span of the media focused on their child - they've been remarkably successful in doing it. Good for them.


Its difficult - I think its more than likely that their poor child was taken by a loner, abused and disposed of, but you cannot rule out she's now in a network that has international links - there have been reports of sightings in Morroco etc.


If that is the case getting as much publicity as possible out their could save the life of their child.


What must haunt people in these sorts of circumstances is the feeling of powerlessness as days and weeks go by.


The McCanns have admirably been able to keep the media interested. They've shown themselves to be very media savvy. I do hear Gladys's comments that they shouldn't have left their children alone - and agree the media could have chosen to villify them. But that is my only criticism of them - and that criticism is irrelevent to the issue of finding out what has happened to their child.


They are taking advantage - yes of jets and the Pope and the News of the World - in the hope it gets their child back. If you were given that advantage don't pretend you wouldn't take it too.


There are very important debates about why people have been willing to provide such publicity, exposure and support - it links into Diana-ification if you ask me - but those are separate from the parent's attempt to get their child back.


Just think about that - a three year old - taken, proabably being abused - if it was you you'd want the publicity and the hope it brings that maybe your child will be brought back to you. I hope it works.

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I think the problem lies not with the huge media interest and publicity for this case, but the absence of it for others. You're absolutely right that these parents should be taking every scrap of publicity to keep her face on the front page, I would do exactly the same, but these celebrities and companies should be exposed for the shameless, self serving whores that they are. Whatever the result of this case, how many of these people will get behind campaigns that benefit the vast numbers of missing children that dont get this sort of coverage?

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Guest chunkylover

I agree with some of the earlier posts - i think she's been stolen to order for some horrendous paedophile ring - if she'd been taken by someone who wanted to abuse and kill her, they'd have found her body by now surely


people abroad do like blonde children - in Spain and Greece in particular they really do attract a lot of attention. this reminds me of Ben Needham who went missing in Greece when he was 18 months old. He'd be 17 this year - I hope the McCann's don't have to go for the rest of their lives not knowing what happened to Madeleine

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