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Maddy Mccann And 24-hour Rolling News


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BBC News just reported that Kate is now a supsect and they have allegedly found traces of madelines blood on the inside of the McCanns hire car - I have just been to my local tescos where they have a TV with rolling news and people are actually forming in crowds in shock! Asking each other "do you think they had something to do with it"

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people do need to be careful with this. a suspect in portugeuse terms does not mean what we think a suspect is.


The status of suspect or arguido/arguida confers certain legal protections under Portuguese law, including the right to remain silent in interviews and to have a lawyer present. It is not uncommon for people caught up in criminal investigations in Portugal to declare themselves arguidos in order to receive this protection.


its not like they came out and said "we think she dun it"

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Madeleine McCann's blood was found in a car her parents rented 25 days after they reported the girl missing, a family spokeswoman told CNN. Police today told the girl's mother she is a formal suspect and a family friend told The Associated Press the girl's father also would be named a suspect.



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im surprised at cnn. every other news website is reporting what the spokeswoman actually said.


They believe they have evidence to show that in some way she's involved in the death of her daughter, which of course is completely ludicrous. They have suggested that blood has been found in a hire car that they hired 25 days after Madeleine was taken.
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I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it was the McCanns who did it.


Not only will it make the tabloid gutter press in this country looks amazingly stupid, it'll make the pope look a total twat as well.


God should have given you a clue, old man, not to kiss the child killers!*



* If they did it, that is.

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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.

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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.


Well yes, they're guilty of appalling negligence, if nothing else.


SPECULATION seems to be that they tranquillised Madeline to keep her quiet whilst they went off to get drunk, and they got it wrong and killed her and thus had to mount a massive cover-up operation.

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How excatly will the Pope look a total twat ? And do you REALLY hope that the McCanns did it ? Are you sick of mind ?


Just when you think you've found the dumbest fucker on MF then someone else comes along and throws their hat into the ring...




Well I'd expect the pope to have a bit of a clue about such matters, what with his hotline to god and everything, not very good for the old Nazi's credibility, eh?


I don't "hope" the McCanns did it insofar as being delighted that there are child killers in the world, but the fact remains that someone did it and surely it's better to have the people responsible caught, than not caught?

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How excatly will the Pope look a total twat ? And do you REALLY hope that the McCanns did it ? Are you sick of mind ?


Just when you think you've found the dumbest fucker on MF then someone else comes along and throws their hat into the ring...




Well I'd expect the pope to have a bit of a clue about such matters, what with his hotline to god and everything, not very good for the old Nazi's credibility, eh?


I don't "hope" the McCanns did it insofar as being delighted that there are child killers in the world, but the fact remains that someone did it and surely it's better to have the people responsible caught, than not caught?


You are totally clueless, mate...



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I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it was the McCanns who did it.


Personally, I really, really, REALLY hope that they find her alive. But that's just me.


Well yes that would be preferable of course, but if we're to be entirely honest about it, do you reckon there's anything better than a 0.0001% chance of that actually happening?


(I read at another set of forums a couple of weeks ago, citing proper statistics, that once you get to a certain length of time past the original abduction, the probability of finding the child alive is effectively zero.)

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