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Maddy Mccann And 24-hour Rolling News


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(I read at another set of forums a couple of weeks ago, citing proper statistics, that once you get to a certain length of time past the original abduction, the probability of finding the child alive is effectively zero.)

That's not true. For example there was that Austrian girl who recently came home after being held for years in a cellar, plus many many children are illegally abducted for adoption purposes each year, some can be found years later or find out and search for their real parents. Even in the word 'hopeless' there is 'hope'.

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(I read at another set of forums a couple of weeks ago, citing proper statistics, that once you get to a certain length of time past the original abduction, the probability of finding the child alive is effectively zero.)

That's not true. For example there was that Austrian girl who recently came home after being held for years in a cellar, plus many many children are illegally abducted for adoption purposes each year, some can be found years later or find out and search for their real parents. Even in the word 'hopeless' there is 'hope'.


OK then, "close to zero," and that's my final offer.

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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.


Plus two 2 year olds wasn't it?

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I think the BBC are taking the speculation too far though. (Genuine screenshot from the BBC News site.)


Oh my god how could she! When they say she's a suspect we all assumed it was about Madeline, but no, she poisoned Paverotti!

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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.


Plus two 2 year olds wasn't it?


Yep, alone in an unlocked hotel room whilst mummy and daddy knocked back the drinks at a nearby bar, but it's OK 'cause they were checking on them all "every half hour or so."


What if the fire alarm had gone off? What if one or all of the children and woken up and been upset? What if, just for a completely outlandish example, one of them got abducted?


Stunningly stupid and selfish on the part of the McCanns.


I wonder how the wonderful UK tabloids would have followed the story had a couple of unemployed people from a council estate gone to a local pub to get pissed up and left their children behind, and one of them was abducted?



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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.


Plus two 2 year olds wasn't it?



I'd forgotten of course, the twins are younger.


From Madelaine's position whatever happened was a tragedy, however if she was abducted you have to say the parents are are culpable for leaving the kids in the first place.

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Unfortunately in such events attention inevitably turn to the parents when no other suspect can be found. The sad thing here is that these are supposedly intelligent people yet they left a 4 year old in a flat in a foreign country. Its bad enough taking kids to england from the island, to leave a child this age without adult supervision is unbelievable.


Well yes, they're guilty of appalling negligence, if nothing else.


SPECULATION seems to be that they tranquillised Madeline to keep her quiet whilst they went off to get drunk, and they got it wrong and killed her and thus had to mount a massive cover-up operation.


yeah of course they did, that would account for the key evidence of bloodstains in the apartment and car wouldn't it.


The portugese police have probably cross contaminated the car with madelines blood, they have made themselves look very inept in the past so i wouldn't put it past them.


Does anyone actually belive they killed her, hid the body for 25 days then hired a car and got rid of the body, all this while under constant glare of the worlds media?


Not a chance


I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it was the McCanns who did it.


Personally, I really, really, REALLY hope that they find her alive. But that's just me.


Agreed... for once ;)

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I find it highly improbable that the parents have killed her and then managed to maintain such a facade in the intense public scrutiny they have faced over the last 3 months.


Surely some crack in their story would have appeared by now.


Unless by some miracle Madeline turns up safe and well one day I suspect we will never find out the truth about what has happened

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Unless by some miracle Madeline turns up safe and well one day I suspect we will never find out the truth about what has happened


Well I find that unacceptable. At the very least someone should get stitched up so we can move onto to more stories about Diana in the tabloids.

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Police 'suspect Madeleine mother'


Portuguese police believe the mother of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann accidentally killed her daughter, a family spokesman has said.


Another family representative said officers believed that traces of Madeleine's blood were in the McCanns' car, hired 25 days after she vanished.


Press, please switch to overdrive...

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Police 'suspect Madeleine mother'


Portuguese police believe the mother of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann accidentally killed her daughter, a family spokesman has said.


Another family representative said officers believed that traces of Madeleine's blood were in the McCanns' car, hired 25 days after she vanished.


Press, please switch to overdrive...



try and keep up it's not exactly breaking news :rolleyes:

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I briefly read in one of the red top tabloids that an elderly woman who was also staying in the appartments had heard a little girl in the McCann's appartment cying for her daddy for about 15 minutes a few nights before she went missing. She only stopped crying when the parents came back to the appartment. The McCann's dining out with friends on the night she vanished was not a one off - if the woman's story is true and they had come back to 'check on' the children one evening and found the child awake and crying, you'd think twice about going out and leaving them again wouldn't you?


I don't think that they killed Madeline by accident, as has been pointed out already, how would they be able to move a body under that amount of media glare, and they would have to have some balls to be able to carry on with the charade all this time. Obviously they have made a mistake in their parenting skills by leaving the children unattended, but that is something they are going to have to live with for the rest of their lives and I'm sure the guilt they feel is terrible.

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Just to play devils advocate for a moment - if they do get charged with the death or abduction of their daughter.


The fund for the search of Madeline has reached around £1million and it is said that they may now need this money to fight their defence. Do you think that donated money should be used to clear their name? Seeing as it was donated for a different purpose.

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