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Manx Radio Tt


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It has just been on mandate ( or whatever their morning prog with Stu Peters is called ). Radio TT online will cost £8 for the race week ( free practice week ).


Right, so they're charging for web access to streaming media.


I wonder if they told their advertisers...

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It has just been on mandate ( or whatever their morning prog with Stu Peters is called ). Radio TT online will cost £8 for the race week ( free practice week ).

If it's true...this is just opportunism, and all that will happen is that they'll still have to produce the service and not many people will be listening far afield.


I would call this a community dis-service and whoever came up with this gem needs their arse kicked. This loss of free publicity is also bound to have some affect on reducing the numbers visiting from abroad next year.

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From the sounds of it, the Radio TT stream was well over subscribed last year, and probably cost a lot in bandwith.


Duke on their iomtt site have put a package together where you can get live information from the transponders, speed traps, have three favourite riders on your dashboard, and listen to the manx radio commentary and probably more.


It will be free during practice week, but will cost £8 for TT week.


You would be whinging if Manx Radio/Tax payer were footing the bill for the extra bandwith and technology involved in providing this service.


Everyone on the Island will still be able to tune in using their radios, so advertisers should be happy, and rather than just a crappy audio stream on the internet, duke are making it worth subscribing to, so the adverts will be heard by more people off island also.


Better than 1000's of people trying to listen to it on MR website and it not being able to handle the traffic and people can't connect.


I think its a good idea.

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Maybe the department of tourism should foot the bill, freedom to flourish lol more like freedom to charge.


This does not give people the right impression of the Isle of Man now does it, like everything TT related its Charge, Charge ,Charge.


If i was a biker listening on the net i would be thinking cheeky b@stards.


Come on its about time we gave a little back to the bikers.

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I can see both sides to this debate.


Here is a recording of the Mandate Interview between Stu Peters and Peter Duke, and Anthony Pugh Manx Radio MD:




Edited to add that Manx Radio website has the article and Audio Clips


Manx Radio Website


(although the second sound clip is currently a broken link)





The article gives an excellent explanation of what is going to happen.


It is more than simple Manx Radio/Radio TT that is being offered. I'm not sure if the service is absolutely necessary other than as a means to make someone lots of money, because lets face it the Island is full to capacity during TT anyway, it doesn't really need any more advertising/promotion.


What this sort of thing will do is to show that there are many ways of cashing in on the TT around the world and our Government are now well into TT business and marketing.


You may think I am being harsh, but just consider, for example, the hundreds of TT marshals who give a lot of their time FREELY to the TT. When they too start to say: "Hey, where's our cut in all this", then the TT organisers will really have to think seriously about what they are allowing to happen to the event.


Maybe the Isle of Man TT should become a reflection of the Island itself in recent years and stuff the unique ethos of Motorcycle Road Racing and just go for making as much £££££ as possible and as selfishly as possibe. I think we are rather good at that as a nation. Freedom to Fleece and all that.

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Maybe the Isle of Man TT should become a reflection of the Island itself in recent years and stuff the unique ethos of Motorcycle Road Racing and just go for making as much £££££ as possible and as selfishly as possibe. I think we are rather good at that as a nation. Freedom to Fleece and all that.


Greed isnt something unique to the Isle Of Man, I think they call it capitalism.

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Personally I couldn't be arsed, listening to the race reports on a crappy transistor radio is a virtual institution in our house.

The last time I listened to it the radio had valves and the commentary was broadcast by the BBC North Home Service.

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After this thread I asked a friend from Wales (well, I send him TT programmes and he sends me bootleg Led Zep Cds) who cannot make it over this year how he and his wife felt about paying £8 and his reply was:-


I don't feel I'm being ripped off, £8.00 is not too much to give if the practice & race commentary on Manx Radio is as good as the last few year's have been.

I have heard a lot about Bushys- just wish we could get there to see it for ourselves.


Well that little piece of market research seems to be favourable.

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what's the difference to paying a subscription to WRC+ and listen to WRC rally radio and get split times etc from events around the world ?

I suppose all you need is a radio feed on camstreams.com and anyone could do it for free :) (but probably crash the servers !)

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