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Emma Christian & Ladysmith


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Went to the Ladysmith concert tonight. Absolute knockout! They are just so good, and almost mesmerising when they repeat over and over a refrain (wrong word, but I know what I mean), it almost delivers you to another plain. Also, visually, it was great to see a line up of people who knew what the order of service was, but interpreted it for themselves (much better than the slick synchronised pap that you usually get). There were a few political moments, which always got a huge applause from the audience. It was just very joyous, can't think of another word to describe it. Anyway, they went out on a standing ovation, well deserved.


But the real gem was Emma Christian. I have heard of her, but never heard her. The most beautiful voice, singing mostly Manx traditional songs and playing on recorder and harp some haunting tunes. She played a lovely tune on the recorder 'collected' from the west of the Island and thought to originate from Dalby, more specifically, Niarbyl. The Peel fishwives' evocation to the seas was stunning and she ended with, what else, Ellan Vannin. It was sung so beautifully (not slushy, sentimentality) that it fair raised a lump to my throat, as it did to a very new comeover next to me.


Blinding evening, but there was a common thread; preserve and cherish your culture.

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Excellent concert :)


I liked Emma's anecdotes in between her singing!


Was amazed how "otherworldly" her voice sounded, almost like it should have been used for Lord of the Rings theme.


Her recorder music reminded me of the Peruvian music we heard last year doing the Inca Trail.


Ladysmith were stunning. Very entertaining and seemed genuinely pleased to be performing.


Top night. Have got to say well done to the Villa and to the Isle of Music committee.


For a small place, since the Villa has been done up, we have had some absolute quality acts in recent years.

(Snow Patrol, Ben Elton, Aussie Pink Floyd, Ladysmith amongst my faves) :)


A big thumbs up to whoever is responsible for bringing all these top acts over !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the positive feedback, the "committee" (there's only 4 of us) will enjoy the comments enormously.

I must say that the band were amazed when we told them that, to get a Manx audience to seek an encore is an achievement in itself. Funniest bit for me was them saying "hello fairies" in Manx on the way to the airport on Sunday.

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