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House Of Keys 22nd May 2007 - Questions


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Questions include:


2. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Houghton) to ask the

Chief Minister -

When will a statutory ombudsman service be introduced by


Remember this one from the general election promises. There are so many people getting a raw deal and shafted by sectors of our Government and the Registry (that law unto themselves monster) that there really needs to be at least an ombudsman presence here on the island.


Then there is this one from Peter Karran

12. The Hon Member for Onchan (Mr Karran) to ask the Minister for

Health and Social Security -

( a ) What initiatives have you undertaken, along with the

Department of Education, to get the information over to young

people about sexually transmitted diseases; and

( b ) could you tell us whether there has been an increase in herpes

and chlamydia on the Island, and what initiatives have been

taken to inform our young people that once they have got the

disease, they have it for life?


This is an unusual but good question and more needs to be done to make our young, and indeed not so young folk aware of the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. As Billy Connolly used to say in his seething Glaswegian accent "Diseesis o' tha Willa"


Well done the lad Karran for highlighting the matter.


There are 14 questions in total, but mainly they are bollox if you ask me, but there again, I still haven't finished the gardening yet so I'm pretty grumpy.



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What's to teach kids about STD's - they're instructed in the importance of safe sex from kindergarten age these days!!


People are always blathering about a 'lack of information/advice/education'. Bollocks, it's the quangos who want to be paid to provide more information etc. Actually, they'd do better showing graphic pictures of diseased genitals - but that won't bring in the big bucks on the gravy train.

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Question 1 is a decent attempt to gain clarification on a subject that many are concerned and confused about.


Question 8 will be of interest to Amadeus - it was one of the major planks of his election campaign.


PK is just looking for a headline or two IMO.

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Why is John Houghton obsessed with the police? He always seems to asking questions about them.


Because he used to be a Special Constable (I think)


He's actually put forward a couple of useful bills (not Henderson)... the noise bill and the dangerous dogs act. Very law and order focussed.

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