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[BBC News] TT fans hit by timetable changes


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A mere 5000? From 41,000 that's 1 in 8. Would that be because they are 1 boat short?


I liked this line 'The necessary changes have been made to optimise passenger bookings and make this year's Centenary event a successful one for everyone concerned.'


"Optimise passenger bookings" my arse!!


Big cock-up more like!


I just hope that they get everyone here at about the right time......

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A mere 5000? From 41,000 that's 1 in 8. Would that be because they are 1 boat short?


I liked this line 'The necessary changes have been made to optimise passenger bookings and make this year's Centenary event a successful one for everyone concerned.'


"Optimise passenger bookings" my arse!!


Big cock-up more like!


I just hope that they get everyone here at about the right time......


A German visitor, who has been coming to the TT annually since 1981, reports his experience on TTwebsite.com


" I even got an e-mail that my booking was changed: We want to go home June 8th 08:15 Douglas - Heysham now it is 14:15 Douglas - Liverpool. Arrival at Liverpool 16:45. I come from Germany and booked the ferry over the channel for the same day. So I must be in Hull on June 8th 17:00. So I have 15 minutes to go from Liverpool to Hull!!!!

Needless to say that I booked for TT 2007 in 2005!!



It has taken the company over 175 years to become this incompetent!



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It has taken the company over 175 years to become this incompetent!


No it hasn't - it's taken probably 5 years since private equity firms & *ankers got involved. I'm seeing exactly the same thing happen at my place of work since the two owners sold out in the last few years. It's all about maximising short-term profits and high returns instead of long term planning and reasonable returns.


They're more concenred with optimising returns than optimising passenger bookings! :rolleyes:

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Fantastic, still, at least these people can take consolation that even though they now are having to leave 6 hours later than planned, and end up arriving at a different port, the crossing time is reduced by 1 hour. Great.


That's presuming the SSC2 is running on all engines.

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but the changes aren't the Steam Packet's fault because the spokesperson Laura Howland says in the MR interview this morning that the changes are because of "port restrictions" - so that means its the fault of Government and the DHPP

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Fantastic, still, at least these people can take consolation that even though they now are having to leave 6 hours later than planned, and end up arriving at a different port, the crossing time is reduced by 1 hour. Great.


That's presuming the SSC2 is running on all engines.

Well, the Haemorroid (sp!) looked like it was adrift this evening off the pier, no apparent power and just lolling on the water between the Tower and the pier. Just about when you would expect the Ben to come in.

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As just been said on the Radio, there were up to 11 boats in use in the 60s. Now there's the shambles for the centenial.

Crap inadequate ships run by crap incompetent people. Classic for the expression Couldn't organise a p*** up in a brewery

Steam Racket needs competition.............

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As just been said on the Radio, there were up to 11 boats in use in the 60s. Now there's the shambles for the centenial.

Crap inadequate ships run by crap incompetent people. Classic for the expression Couldn't organise a p*** up in a brewery

Steam Racket needs competition.............


As does the MEA; Manx Telecom; Manx Gas etc etc

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but the changes aren't the Steam Packet's fault because the spokesperson Laura Howland says in the MR interview this morning that the changes are because of "port restrictions" - so that means its the fault of Government and the DHPP

Today she is blaming the Post office for letters being delayed!!!!!!!!!!

When are these incompetent bunch of liars going to come clean and admit it is all THEIR fault.

She moans that the Manx public are not supporting them, but as a true Manxman I feel ashamed to admit that this company has anything to do with the Isle of Man.

Anderson, minister for transport says he does not know anything more than Manx radio. Why??

He should summons the boss of this shabby outfit to come to him and explain honestly just what is going on.

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but the changes aren't the Steam Packet's fault because the spokesperson Laura Howland says in the MR interview this morning that the changes are because of "port restrictions" - so that means its the fault of Government and the DHPP

Today she is blaming the Post office for letters being delayed!!!!!!!!!!

When are these incompetent bunch of liars going to come clean and admit it is all THEIR fault.

She moans that the Manx public are not supporting them, but as a true Manxman I feel ashamed to admit that this company has anything to do with the Isle of Man.

Anderson, minister for transport says he does not know anything more than Manx radio. Why??

He should summons the boss of this shabby outfit to come to him and explain honestly just what is going on.




I am sick of paying MHKs' wages only for them to muster little more than a few hollow parps of doublespeak and a rueful shake of the head in situations like these.


The real problem is that all the disgust and derision in the world won't make a difference as long as our esteemed politicians and the fiasco-monkeys at the Steam Racket are raking in so much for themselves that it anaesthetises them against the niggling pains of their responsibilities.


Shameful bastards.

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