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D.i.r.t Demo Available For Download...

K.os Theory

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Ill be getting it but holy crap what is going on with the handling.

Especially the braking. I know CMR has always been on the arcade side of handling but blimey they have dumbed it right down now.

the braking is ridiculous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So did anyone get the full version....mine arrived on Friday from Amazon and whilst it certainly is one the best looking games going (the damage modelling is superb), its just feels a bit lightweight next to Forza 2.


The cars still pivot around a middle axis and they dont seem to have any "weight" to them...braking, even on gravel would have Newton turning in his grave.


That said the variety of different types of races and disciplines keeps it fun, the live world rankings and the menu/loading screens are well put together.



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I bought the full game today because a colleague was TAUNTING me incessantly about how an arcade racer such as myself (from the school of Ridge Racer and Burnout) would be completely unable to cope with the discipline of a proper rally game.


Having told him to fuck off around five million times throughout the day, I grandly announced to him that I was a supreme gamer and could take on any genre I wished, and promptly huffed off to GAME and handed over my £45 for a copy of the game.


And now, having just endured ninety minutes with the horrible pile of shite, I have to suffer the ULTIMATE INDIGNITY of selling it on to him for £35 because, exactly as he predicted, I'm total shite at it, and, exactly as he predicted, I'd end up selling it to him for a tenner off.


What a stupid idea for a videogame rallying is, the tiniest little mistake and you smack into a tree, one of your wheels drops off, and the race is over.


I could replicate that sort of "awesome realism" in my real car any time I wanted to.


Stupid fucking game, it can fuck off.


I'm going back to my triple nitrous boosts and crashbreakers back in the happy world where games are fun and annoying colleagues get shot in the face for being cunts.




dude, why not log onto swapgame.com you could have saved yourself a tenner and tried the game out ( OK it cost £10 per month but you can keep the game for as long as you want and send it back )...great post though! :lol::lol:

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So did anyone get the full version....mine arrived on Friday from Amazon and whilst it certainly is one the best looking games going (the damage modelling is superb), its just feels a bit lightweight next to Forza 2.


The cars still pivot around a middle axis and they dont seem to have any "weight" to them...braking, even on gravel would have Newton turning in his grave.


That said the variety of different types of races and disciplines keeps it fun, the live world rankings and the menu/loading screens are well put together.




I completely and utterly agree 100% on everything you have said.

I thought I was the only person in the world that had noticed the 1 point axis cr4p in all of the CMRs.


its a good game if you ignore all the pants bits and just want a quick blast.


The only bit u missed was the "american" driver.. If he says "radical" or anything .. the game is going out the window!!

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The only bit u missed was the "american" driver.. If he says "radical" or anything .. the game is going out the window!!


Like totally dude.....I miss McRaes dulcet tones telling me to "slow dooon" in the training session on the original game.


One more gripe...that anooying "blah" sound when pressing the A button the menu screens!


It still looks amazing though and if they could tighten up the physics on the next one then its a winner.

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