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The Fat Bald Sercurity Guard At The Villa Marina

hail of bullets

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Rhumsaa who are you calling a 'Emo Fuck' ??


No one here is actually emo, Hail Of Bullets isn't, its just funny cause it pisses him off, so we call him it.



And one day, you might look back onto this, when you have kids, or your kid is in their teens, coming home just like what you didnt think they would turn out like, and you'll be like, why did I let them like this.



So laugh at it now, it will come back on you.




And don't worry, I'm crying myself to sleep right now. Thanks.

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DTL Press Release : Conduct of Youths During the Fabulous Centenary T.T.


It has come to the Department's attention that certain young persons have begun to group together into "posses" called emus. These emus are known to wear outlandish costumes to show their allegience to various musical combos if not their gender.


The Department wishes to remind these individuals that the whilst rock 'n' roll is welcome at the wonderful Centenary T.T. Festival we request that they get into the spirit of the event and stop looking so bloody miserable To that end we have introduced the following dress code for all under 21 year olds -


Leather Jacket

Denim Jeans (blue)

Boots (motorcycle, not kinky)

Band T-Shirt (the only following bands are acceptable - Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Bee Gees, The Quo, McFly.

Baseball Cap


We note that the emos have taken to hanging around the Villa Marina. Since during the Splendidly Super Centenary T.T. this will be the V.I.P. area they are asked to congregate elsewhere (we suggest the Point of Ayre). We have tasked our highly trained security guards to move any recalcitrant nerr-do-wells on, with extreme prejudice.

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Reminds me of the thousands of goths at a Sisters Of Mercy gig chanting 'We are individuals' in unison while wearing identical goth uniforms.


Bloody hell. You were there???


It was so, like, a unique experiance for me.


TBH I was more an Alien Sex Fiend fanboy in that era of my life, ... but then I grew up.


As did all the pseudo Goths/ Punks/insert alternative sub group here of the time.


Makes me laugh all these Emo wannabe on the Island thinking they are making a life choice - they will all end up as accountants.

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have you considered the chalk dust? cry for it.... cry for it is the dust of lost words


Back in the Fields of the Nephlim days it was flour.


Isnt it weird how all this rubbish comes around again - Ill have to try and find an old photo of me from back in the day. I thought I was *so* cool.


And yet, looked like a total nob.


And why is it that its always the teenage, overweight, somewhat plain girl always tries to be the ultimate goth???? Black eyeliner and black and white hoopy tights dont really cut it, when you could just try and look after yourself a little better deary.

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Just so you know, I printed this thread out and gave it to him today.


He looked delighted at all the kind words you had for him and I would imagine he can't wait to thank you in person the next time he sees you.


are you actually a moderator, or just someone that gets kicks out of stirring things up?


if you really wanted to make a difference and to help out, you should have gave it to Noel Quigley.


He's both or didnt you realise that?


And it's "given it", not "gave it"! :rolleyes:



By the way, thanks for pointing out my grammer mistakes, much appreciated!


Its "Grammatical".

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Back in the Fields of the Nephlim days it was flour.


Isnt it weird how all this rubbish comes around again - Ill have to try and find an old photo of me from back in the day. I thought I was *so* cool.


Yeah but Carl McCoy *was* cool (remember those yellow contacts)


The Goth Test


I was sorting out some old tapes (yes remember cassettes) the other day and I found an old Love & Rockets tape - I can't believe I actually fancied Daniel Ash !!

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Carl McCoy was indeed very cool, but possibly not as "there" as Ian Astbury. The early Cult days where just terrific.


Divering slightly, PIL at the time were also very good, and diversing even further, remember PWEI??


Speaking of cassettes I had a really good Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry tape, that i have now lost and cant find it *anywhere* not on iTunes or other downloads :(

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Just so you know, I printed this thread out and gave it to him today.


He looked delighted at all the kind words you had for him and I would imagine he can't wait to thank you in person the next time he sees you.


are you actually a moderator, or just someone that gets kicks out of stirring things up?


if you really wanted to make a difference and to help out, you should have gave it to Noel Quigley.


He's both or didnt you realise that?


And it's "given it", not "gave it"! :rolleyes:


well i realised he was a moderator when he banned me for all of 24 hours!


But i just can't understand why someone like him can be a moderator?




Because he knows when to ban someone for 24 hours?

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I recently bought a PWEI "best of" compilation only to find my memory had been playing tricks on me and that the only decent song they'd ever done was Ich Bin Ein Auslander.

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This has made me fully piss myself.

Most of my chums are what people describe as "emo". I never used to be a big fan of the whole thing, like someone said before it's simply not alternative.

At the end of the day, if they're doing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Ben Harper anyone?


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