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Dangerous Dog Bill - A Step Too Far?


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Sewage in the streets is dangerous it gets into the water supply and causes cholera, so we banned that and put in proper sewers and built resrvoirs for clean water


Do we have to go back?


This relates to the ROSPA post. We should take steps to prevent health risks, harm and accidents where reasonably practicable but not to the extent of cotton wooling.


The nice thing in a democracy is we can debate where that arbitrary line is. I suspect it has gone too far at present in some areas


Because of pressure from the media we end up with knee jerk reactions from our politicians. Sometimes they are not considered.


I personally don't think dangerous dogs legislation is knee jerk or ill considered. It has taken a long time coming.


There are lots of other things I regret. I regret that teachers and cub/brownie leaders and social workers cannot cuddle a child or touch because they fear being branded child molestors


I regret that DHSS will remove children if one parent figure has a sexual conviction, unrelated, however long ago, in panic, instead of working to resolve issues and kep families together, but I understand that in the elsim chance they do nothing and it does go wrong they don't want to be pilloried


I regret the readiness of people to seek to blame someone else when things go wrong, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, on the other balancing hand I also regret the people who because they have a couldn't care less attitude expose others to unacceptable risk, speeders, employers who do not train or provide safety equipment, governments who spend billions on firworks to eradicate WMD but not enough on dettol to stop MRSA


Most of all I deplore the attitude which expects government to do everything, allows for no one to take responsibility and doesn't recognise that sometimes the unexpected and unavoidable happens and it really isn't any ones fault


I regret the prolonged enquiries that then stop people doing tgheir job and come up wityh reccomendations which will make no real difference, cost a fortune and waste everyones time with targets and reviewing if those targets are met. I do agree we have to learn from istakes where possible

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reply to nathan wind-

Are you being serious? a dog barks to comunicate and does not always mean you any harm, it could be he/she just wants to play or is just excited to see you

If you were to kick or punch a dog for barking at you from the other side of a gate you are a sick person. that dog has caused you no danger or harm and quite frankly shows the ignorance of the anti dog members of the general public on this island to even suggest being legal to beat an animal.

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reply to nathan wind-

Are you being serious? a dog barks to comunicate and does not always mean you any harm, it could be he/she just wants to play or is just excited to see you

If you were to kick or punch a dog for barking at you from the other side of a gate you are a sick person. that dog has caused you no danger or harm and quite frankly shows the ignorance of the anti dog members of the general public on this island to even suggest being legal to beat an animal.

Deadly serious.


Like a ninja.

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to comment back to that would mean reducing myself to your level so i wont.

I am concerned about the amount of people being bitten by dogs on this forum. I am around dogs 7 days a week and have never been bitten, maybe some of you should start to look to your own actions around dogs and sort your own behaviour out before blaming the dog for attacking you, dont forget its easy to blame the other party than accept you may possibly be at fault

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Many, even normally well-behaved dogs, tend to attack postmen, coalmen etc. (both jobs that I've done in the past).

Owners tend to say things like "It's defending it's territory;" but that isn't much of a consolation to those being attacked.

If you could train them to ignore 'friendly' callers, and just attack Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormon Missionaries, double-glazing salesmen and political candidates then I suppose there might be some justification for keeping a dog as a pet.

Otherwise, I wouldn't dream of having one.

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A good friend of mine recently got bitten by her neighbour's dog. Quite a nasty bruise on her wrist and a ruddy good job she was wearing a protective biker jacket at the time. As far as I know she is still thinking about reporting it.


Just to add about her behaviour affecting the dog's actions, I think the people who think this may have a valid point. She has stroked the dog lots of times in the past and always goes up to say hello if she sees it. This time however she didn't see the dog, so she walked straight past and it attacked her from behind. The owner told her it wouldn't have bitten her if she'd walked up to it face on. Her fault for not doing so, obviously.

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to comment back to that would mean reducing myself to your level so i wont.



You need to research ninjas - they're not serious.


I've never actually punched/kicked a dog, you know....however, little irritates me more than a fucking great dog steaming up to me barking its head off. Happens a lot up at Bradda where I live too, since so many dog owners bring their dogs up here to shit. I don't hesitate to tell the dog/owner to piss off and shut up, but of course, I'd never give the animal a whack, unless it was attacking me, natch. Sarcasm is diffucult to convey on a forum.

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....however, little irritates me more than a fucking great dog steaming up to me barking its head off. Happens a lot up at Bradda where I live too, since so many dog owners bring their dogs up here to shit.


I have to agree with that one - no owner should allow their dog to run barking up to another person (or dog). How many times do we hear “he only wants to play”? Even if your dog does only want to play it doesn’t stop him from scaring the person he’s heading for.


We’re back to ‘effective control’ again (or lack of it) and the fact that a lot of the time the blame lies with the irresponsible attitude of the owners. Same goes for not picking up your dog’s excrement - in the end all dog owners get penalised by blanket bans, etc.

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