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Is This True ? Or Just The Manx Rumour

Billy One Mate

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Odd thing is, when living in the UK, the delays were just part of everyday life. That was how it was. Regularly, 30 mins to go less than a quarter of a mile. Don't get me on the M25, you just know no matter where you go, be on it before 7 am.


Yes , I think we will have some grown up driving to be done. But you are in charge of your bike, car or massive wagon; worry about yourself and how you are driving, not someone else.

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I think there's every chance of this being true. I think we've seen a display on this very forum which show the madness that infects this island with regards to the TT. Cost benefit goes out the window along with rational thought and all the stops get pulled.


I'm sick of the fucking TT. We all need to put pressure on our MHK's after this fortnight to get a financial summery of what it's cost us taxpayers.


Agreed - but not just in terms of the financial costs. The extreme anxiety and inconvenience inflicted on locals having to get to work or do normal stuff like visiting people in hospital, getting to kids' birthday parties, visiting friends etc etc etc has gone beyond a bad joke. I seriously want to start a pressure group to end this annual insanity.


It's a pain in the arse, it actually happens for 3.5 weeks a year and it probably does cost us a fortune. I hate the TT and the MGP, not only because it does make it difficult to get places but because I actually find it quite upsetting when I hear about people getting killed, be it competitors, marshalls or mr bloggs going to his work. My bf is an MGP winner so my views are at odds with his.


But, it was here long before me and it will be here long after me, and it makes a lot of people happy and brings some live to an island which can be quite quiet the pother 48.5 weeks of the year. Although I don't agree with it, who am I to say what other people can and cannot enjoy. I just get on with it and know that in a couple of weeks it'll all be over and life will go back to normal...

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The point isn't that it isn't going to go ahead, but that it is going ahead only after a £500k injection of cash from the government. At least that is what the post on Manx Bands is suggesting.

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I think it will go ahead. The thing that gets me about this, if it is true, is that the tax payer is forking out for what could be taken from Mr Irving, lets not pretend he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, the man is a bread head, you dont get big fancy houses by being kind.


My mate approached the tourist board about a bit of TT entertainment - he is Manx, didnt ask them for any money had a brillaint idea but was told no, due to the stupid tourist board not having time between when he called and TT week to have a meeting to grant him a licence, they are having a laugh, no wonder we have no tourists.




Edit : agreed Rox :)

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