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Flouride In Water


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It might be something to do with the cordless drills they use to drill holes into the enamel that is embedded in your skull.. ooooh and the needles.. and the way they smirk in a sadistic fashion when they tell you to spit in the bowl knowing full well that you are going to dribble spit the consistency of syrup all over your chin.

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Throughout this thread saveourwater have quoted questionable and inconclusive studies. This is highlighted in the York report which saveourwater so readily reference.


What is unquestionable is that the consumption of fluoridated water has been in use in the UK and other countries for many years without significant evidence of any problems whatsoever.


Fluoridating water has not been proven to be harmful/unsafe and it has not been proven to be safe, however it is unquestionable that the consumption of fluoridated water has been in use in the UK and other countries for many years without reported and substantiated evidence of any problems whatsoever.


I am pro fluoride at present because the evidence of benefits greatly outweigh any proven problems.



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Throughout this thread saveourwater have quoted questionable and inconclusive studies. This is highlighted in the York report which saveourwater so readily reference.
Incorrect, the UK Government's White Paper on health specifically stated that the York Review would examine the effects of FLUORIDE ON HEALTH. However, the NHSCRD focussed only on "Water fluoridation" - and was HIGHLY SELECTIVE in the papers it accepted for review.


The Review SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED all animal studies, all biochemical studies, all mathematical models, therefore ignoring decades of international scientific research which found serious adverse effects from fluoride exposure - including exposure to naturally fluoridated AND artificially fluoridated water.


Thousands of scientific medical and dental studies exist on the effects of fluoride on health but were excluded from the York Review because they were not allowed for in the remit of 'Water Fluoridation'. Even so the York Review "did not show water fluoridation to be safe".


What is unquestionable is that the consumption of fluoridated water has been in use in the UK and other countries for many years without significant evidence of any problems whatsoever.


Completely incorrect, just google for the studies, if the reports and studies did not exist then what would the argument be, why would the Nobel Institute and Pasteaur Insitute reccommend against fluoridation, why would Nobel prize winning scientists and doctors sign a growing International petition to stop fluoridation altogether.


I refer to the York Report because our own Public Health Department have blatantly misquoted from it informing the Manx public that it showed water fluoridation to be both safe and effective, I have referenced where they have said this and a link to a statement from the York Review Chairman stating that the report did not show this. I have also contacted York University and informed them what PHD have said and they have told me that they have now written to the Director of PHD telling him not to misquote the York Report and referring him to the 'actual' findings of the York Report.

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I've been really lucky and never needed much dental treatment, just the odd baby tooth extracted but no fillings etc. Maybe that's why I don't understand the fear people have of the dreaded dentist. During my time as a dental nurse I saw some pretty manky mouths though, I could tell you some stories that'd make your hair curl! :o

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Controversial plans to introduce fluoride into the public water supply in Scotland are set to be abandoned.


The Scottish Executive is said to have axed the plans in favour of better targeted dental services.


Ministers also feared a row over fluoride provision. Some saw water fluoridation as an infringement on freedom.


New measures to lift Scotland's poor dental health are likely to include more proactive dentistry for young children in deprived communities.


The British Dental Association supports water fluoridation and said "If the Scottish Executive chooses to take this route, it is clearly a very disappointing decision."


Scottish Nationalsits, Conservatives, Greens and Scottish Socialists have all spoken out against putting fluoride in the water.


Full story



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A step in the right direction I would say.


Definitely, the Scots have got it just right with more on education and diet.


Our local campaign is well underway, we have distributed about 10,000 leaflets island wide so far and have many people assisting us now.


It is however still up to the people of the island to decide on this issue, unless of course our government sees the light as they have done in Scotland.


This could still happen on the island and it is far better that people lobby their MHK's now rather than thinking they won't make a difference.


Pick up a leaflet, sign it and send it to your MHK or to Mr Rodan (DHSS Minister).


We will of course be making the Minister aware of the decision in Scotland and also issuing a press release.

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