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Manx Radio And Smokers


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Sorry to be personal and all that, but Stuey Peter has just spoke about his ECG onthe radio which must of cost a bomb.


Perhaps if Stu didnt smopke he would of not needed this test. I like stu and his music and even his reporting but to go on about smoking like he do is pretty horrible. Even th erock show was named Smokin' and he used to keep going out for a SMOKE as if it was naughty.


Believe it or not, the signs on trhe packet are acshully meaningful. Sos to be personal but you choose to live by the sword etc.

Even though you smell of an old ash tray - - you still ace, butgive 'em up and stop fighting for the addicts corner please on MY money ya bas

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Sorry to be personal and all that, but Stuey Peter has just spoke about his ECG onthe radio which must of cost a bomb.

The estimated cost of an ECG is approximately £10 (Finance Department, Northern General Hospital, Birmingham, August 2003). Have you ever thought of going for an MEG (magnetoencephalography) - a scanner that allows doctors and researchers to view brain activity - which also gives a likely indication of your abilities to use Google.


Anyhoo - I didn't hear the article on the radio but wish Stu well for whatever reason he had the scan. ECG's are quite common these days, and to have one doesn't mean you have something seriously wrong with you, nor does it mean that it's smoking related. My mate was given one and told to cut down on his ten cups of caffeine a day, another mate had one and was diagnosed for stress and given beta blockers.

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Lurk - by all means have a pop at me, but PLEASE try to write in English so I can understand the thrust of your argument.


Yes, smoking is bad. I enjoy it though, and since I don't ever want to get very old, I'm not bothered that it's knocking years off my dotage. If the nicotine monster ever rounds on me like the ungrateful brat it doubtless is, I shall have nobody to blame except myself.


Now having said that, the ECG I had was part of my CAA medical renewal for my private pilot's licence, and as such I have to pay for it. Quite a lot actually, for a consultant to look at my trace and pronounce me fit.


So far from fighting the addict's corner on your money (ya bas) the profit from my medical can happily be wasted on your literacy training.

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Well that is me told. (I was actually worried about you though).

Unfortunately maybe I am very anti-smoking, perhaps we shant go there just now. But I worry when the gov. say it is bad but some people in the media and people with a platform are hapy to spread the word about the peculiar enjoyment smoking gives them.


I would love you to one day come and join the band of non-smokers and spread the anti-smoking word. Looks like Im not the best representrtative of thatparticular movement so praps you will stay where you are on this




Nice reply Mr Peters.

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But I worry when the gov. say it is bad but some people in the media and people with a platform are hapy to spread the word about the peculiar enjoyment smoking gives them.


The "gov" will tell you anything they want or need to, whether it is true or not, in order to get their point across and their laws passed. That is the way and always has been.


The UK public smoking ban in England comes into force in a few weeks time, and this weekend the gov just started on booze with spin and lies. I wonder what the outcome of that will be?


Just as a point, ECGs are routine prior to a general anesthetic for anyone over 50, or younger if you have a family history of heart problems.

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Lurk - I'd love to be part of your happy band of non-smokers - I have little sympathy for addicts and it pains me immensely to admit to being one.


However, I have a deep-seated inability to do anything that involves having more than an ounce of willpower, so until they make a wonder pill that works (I've tried Zyban and more recently Champix), I'm stuck with my friend Nick O'Teen.


I DO hope though that if I ever mention it, I don't in any way glamourise the habit. My contribution to any smoking debate revolves around the rapidly-eroding rights of smokers to have ANY say in new legislation. My bet is that the nanny state will soon make it illegal to smoke even at home - yet Governments the world over are too greedy for taxes to actually ban outright the sale of tobacco products.


Looks like I'd be able to smoke in jail though, so that's alright!

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Maybe we should be more protestant. I really do not understand why a bunch of people I've never met feel the need to control my actions. All very well the goverment controlling people from smoking, but what about the utter crap they put in fizzy drinks, processed foods etc etc, seems like they make a load of silly rules for us but when it comes to things on a massive scale, how insignificant is someone smoking?


.................and about preserving my life, save it! I might get run over by a bus tomorrow and then, what good would it have been not smoking? Did someone say Grant had a new job as a bus driver?? :o

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I might get run over by a bus tomorrow and then, what good would it have been not smoking?


That just sums up nature of nicotine addiction. Smokers only think they enjoy smoking, but they are little different to heroin addicts desperate for a hit. Can you believe the latter enjoy their habit? One cannot possibly take Stu Peters argument seriously. If he enjoys it so much, why has he tried so hard to stop? It's illogical.

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You don't have to buy a fizzy drink and if the person in the bar sitting next to you has one it doesn;t affect you at all


smoke however...

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I agree with keyboarder on this one.


You just can't take Stu's arguments seriously.


His attempts to defend the 'rapidly eroding rights' of smokers just don't work when his addictive habit has such a negative impact on the health of others.


And I suppose the much criticised 'nanny state' is going to have to find revenue from somewhere to provide the additional health care through the NHS for people suffering from the well documented impacts of smoking. ...


Maybe manx radio should give him an ultimatum (6 months?) to stop smoking or (in the public interest) stop broadcasting!

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