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Manx Radio And Smokers


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I see the light.


Thing is right,




the 'voluntary' inhalation into, and the obvious damage to, your lungs,


probably one of the most delicate parts of YOUR body, (alveoli and all that)


just doesn't make sense.


YOU do it to relieve YOUR self-induced craving. YOUR addiction.


YOUR *arhem * 'pleasure'.



But to go round in public, be it Strand Street or Bar George or similar, and expect other people to put up with YOUR shit is quite simply unacceptable. In anybody's language abso-fucken-luetely-unaccepatble.


For any supposedly intelligent person with a public platform to fight the addicts corner is little short of reprehensible.

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Maybe we should be more protestant. I really do not understand why a bunch of people I've never met feel the need to control my actions. All very well the goverment controlling people from smoking, but what about the utter crap they put in fizzy drinks, processed foods etc etc, seems like they make a load of silly rules for us but when it comes to things on a massive scale, how insignificant is someone smoking?


.................and about preserving my life, save it! I might get run over by a bus tomorrow and then, what good would it have been not smoking? Did someone say Grant had a new job as a bus driver?? :o


WHAT, I've got an LGV licence, not a PSV. In your dreams only, thebees. Was it a nice dream? The other worry I have is that you are mixing me up with The thriller! You'd better not be. I think he's took his PSV test about 256 times, don't know if he eventually passed. You can bet he'll let us know shortly.

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I was thinking about the whole passive smoking thing and wonder how long it will be before a someone (probably in the good ole US of A) manages to take court action of some sort, and have a smoker prosecuted for assaulting them with smoke?

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I see the light.


Thing is right,




the 'voluntary' inhalation into, and the obvious damage to, your lungs,


probably one of the most delicate parts of YOUR body, (alveoli and all that)


just doesn't make sense.


YOU do it to relieve YOUR self-induced craving. YOUR addiction.


YOUR *arhem * 'pleasure'.



But to go round in public, be it Strand Street or Bar George or similar, and expect other people to put up with YOUR shit is quite simply unacceptable. In anybody's language abso-fucken-luetely-unaccepatble.


For any supposedly intelligent person with a public platform to fight the addicts corner is little short of reprehensible.

Go to an HS hire shop and hire yourself some test equipment and stand on any roadside to see what crap is really going into YOUR lungs. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


Why don't you get yourself a space suit to protect yourself - or better still to wear when you f**k off back to that other police state planet you obviously come from.

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I used to smoke 20 a day then when I went to Uni i gave up - it was just so anti-social. The thing is when im drunk, which doesnt happen to often these days I get an overwhelming urge to smoke, so I am so pleased the ban is coming to UK as I hate smoking nowadays, I hate that I ever tried it, and that it had such a hold on me and still does to a small extent.


I worked last year with some District Nurses and let me tell you that visiting people with lung/throat cancer was the most horrific thing I have ever seen. The amount of destruction done to the human body is unbelievable People were just empty shells with their body going into freefall - absolutely heartbreaking. To see families caring for a loved one with cancer, children looking after their parents, patients being powerless to do anything as they were so far gone was just awful - all of them regretted the day they smoked. Okay any of us could get a cancer, and yes there is the argument of we couod get ran over by a bus and all that but at least a bus would kill you out right.

The amount of work that goes into looking after someone with cancer and to see them fade away in the most painful way with no control over their lives is like torture.


I feel that its okay for Stu to be all "brave" about it saying he doesnt want to live until he is old or that he totally accepts a smoking disease but i bet that if it happened to him he would regret every fag he smoked. It does not send a good message out to people to be so blaze about smoking which is one of the biggest killers in the UK!


Smoking is just disgusting - I see people in the mornings chomping at the bit to get off the train to have their fags and it just makes me realise just how powerful nicotine is and how people are just wrapped around its fingers!!! Thos people who own tabaco companies are just laughing in their big leather chairs at all the people dropping like flies, and paying them for the privalage! Its madness it really is! Its dumb!



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I'm with Stu here, the smoking ban is just a pathetic attempt by government to convince the gullible that something is being done, without loosing revenue, I'm a long term smoker but would be in favor of a full UK ban on tobacco sales, it's not going to happen though, they tell you it's bad for you on one hand and take your cash with the other, I also have no wish to live long enough for the highlight of my day to be pissing into a bag. Crack on Stu and don't let the anti's grind you down, it is a free country after all, isn't it?

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Yes it is a free country - people should be able to sit in a bar, cafe, club, bus shelter, workplace without inhaling other peoples smoke. The ban is to stop other people inhaling passive smoke and I welcome it. I dont care what people do in their own houses etc but why should I be forced to stand out in the rain because the selfish bastard who smokes lights up in the bus shelter etc. The only prob I can see with this ban is that more people will smoke in open public areas and we will ahve to get through crowds of smokers huddling together to get into a bar or wherever...


Come one - someone tell me they really enjoy smoking! I mean I just dont believe it!!!! How can you enjoy it - I positively hate myself if I have smoked on a night out when I have gotten drunk and the next day you can feel it - I just hate it! Raaaaaah!


Dont think that the anti's will grind Stu down - I dont think he cares!


I might sound harsh but I actually wish people would realise that we are being taken the piss out of by these big tobacco companies - smoking has NO benefits to us whatsoever and nicotine should just be a banned substance IMO.

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I have no problem with people wanting to escape from smokers, but I do have a problem with other people dictating to smokers that they cannot carry on their habit even away from non smokers in a designated pub or area. The bare fact of the matter is that we will all die one day and cancer will get at least a third of us regardless of whether we smoke or not. If global warming continues and affects the atmosphere (and its ability to filter UV), few people currently realise that there is also likely to be an epidemic of cancer.


As human beans we have choice and that freedom to choose is being eroded more and more through the nanny state and business. This is especially so through anti smoker lobby groups (anti smokers being wholly different people to non-smokers), and business lobby groups (publican associations) arguing for 'a level playing field' and across the board bans. If I choose to smoke that is my concern and not yours - provided I do it away from you. Neither should it be the concern or remit of businesses.


The dangers of nannyism is that we will all become robots and forced into behaviours through nanny-state-programming, which is already happening (for example, you can tell pretty much who reads what national newspaper by the content and tone of many peoples postings). Education is important and I appreciate being informed - but freedom is more important.


We have the freedom to think about things, the freedom to be informed and the freedom to choose our own courses of action. We also have the freedom to be protected from harm if we so choose. However, with freedom comes risk, but people should embrace choice and risk because everything we do has risk and that is what makes life interesting. We should never have the freedom to dicate to others when they are doing something 'risky' which only affects themselves.


Otherwise we will end up staying only at home or work, following rigid diet schedules issued by the government, bringing up our children using some government hand-book, being watched 300 times a day by CCTV, fed information by a central news station, monitored and reporting our movements to the state through ID cards, stopped and searched by the police whenever they feel like it, most of our income going to the state to re-enforce the system, fighting a never ending war on terror and only treating in hospitals those who obey society's rules. I wish people would think more before throwing away our hard won freedoms and how far down the road we have actually come to George Orwell's 1984 in ten short years.


If you think this is hogwash then do a little research into: how much more society is being told how to behave from government; the spread of CCTV; who actually owns the worlds press/news/TV stations (which companies etc. - there are not many and you will be surprised at some of the companies involved); proposed new police powers of stop and search; the databases that the proposed ID cards will actually be linked to; how much tax we now pay with little choice of where it goes and how it is spent; how the goal posts have changed and history has effectively been rewritten as to why we went to war in Iraq; and how hospitals are now filtering out certain groups of people for treatment.


We should be defending freedom - not destroying it.

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I'm with Stu here, the smoking ban is just a pathetic attempt by government to convince the gullible that something is being done, without loosing revenue, I'm a long term smoker but would be in favor of a full UK ban on tobacco sales, it's not going to happen though, they tell you it's bad for you on one hand and take your cash with the other, I also have no wish to live long enough for the highlight of my day to be pissing into a bag. Crack on Stu and don't let the anti's grind you down, it is a free country after all, isn't it?


I guess you have never watched someone die of cancer. It usually takes months. It often hits you at an age that you think you have years left then suddenly your virtually given a date of death. Oh yes, you will be pissing into a bag ok, just not when you are old. Once they start you on the morphine you know the end is near. It is basically euthanasia, but you will take anything to stop the pain.


Don't feel sorry for yourself though, feel sorry for your family and friends who are there literally watching you wither away and die. They are the ones going through hell, not you.

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I'm with Stu here, the smoking ban is just a pathetic attempt by government to convince the gullible that something is being done, without loosing revenue, I'm a long term smoker but would be in favor of a full UK ban on tobacco sales, it's not going to happen though, they tell you it's bad for you on one hand and take your cash with the other, I also have no wish to live long enough for the highlight of my day to be pissing into a bag. Crack on Stu and don't let the anti's grind you down, it is a free country after all, isn't it?


I guess you have never watched someone die of cancer. It usually takes months. It often hits you at an age that you think you have years left then suddenly your virtually given a date of death. Oh yes, you will be pissing into a bag ok, just not when you are old. Once they start you on the morphine you know the end is near. It is basically euthanasia, but you will take anything to stop the pain.


Don't feel sorry for yourself though, feel sorry for your family and friends who are there literally watching you wither away and die. They are the ones going through hell, not you.


I had cancer when I was 20, obviously it didn't kill me and was not related to tobacco in any way, Ive also seen quite a few people die of cancer, close friends and family mostly, non of whom smoked, your talking to the wrong guy.

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You missed my point about control. NVM, at least Albert knew what I meant and Im glad about that. I meant what Albert said :) oh you are a great man Albert.

No Grant, I wasnt dreaming about you.



Quick edit, 2 posts jumped in there :D Cambon, not the strongest arguement I've heard in favour of not smoking, very graphic and unpleasant for those who have witnessed the cancer deaths of people they loved. My grandfather died of cancer in the way you described, but, as with Brad it was not smoking related, it was in his colon, food related perhaps? DDT in the chemicals he used as a farmer? So I too am qualified to be upset......about the government blaming cancer on smoking, it suits them to.


I'm off to smoke some cigarettes, I will make a point of buying the ones that are harmful to others..FU

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Albert in reply: I can see what you are saying and of course no one wants to live in an Orwelian state, but serioulsy non smoking areas in pubs etc just dont work the smoke fills the room. No one is telling people what they can do in their own houses, but what about the "freedom" of people to enjoy their surroundings without breathing in harmful smoke?


You do have your choice to smoke - no one is taking that away from you, but why should you be allowed to smoke in areas whre people do not - what about their freedom, so smokers can pass their habit on to everyone else in a room - where is the freedom in that? Freedom to kill other people? years ago we all used to be able to smoke on trains, tubes, planes etc i am sure people used the same arguments - that they were having their freedom taken away etc etc, so this is just progression from that, in a couple of years we will wonder why we ever smoked in public areas etc!


Just as society changes, which in my opion has become more selfish and insular - laws need to be made to make people consider other people. To me its just a sign of the times.


I dont agree with ID cards, absouletely shit idea! I also dont agree with the stop n search proposal - as I think we all know the police are not exactly unbiased towards certain groups of people. Its a shame we need constant CCTV but I do infact feel safer because of it - and thats the real shame.


Off topic, but this country is messed up, the fact that a homeless person can be left to sleep on the streets yet if we see a stray dog the RSPCA immediately pick it up and give it a home - just renders me speechless!


Anyway I welcome the non smoking I think that if anything it might encourage people to give up the killer habit..!

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of people to enjoy their surroundings without breathing in harmful smoke?


FFS T&B you live in London - its smog can be seen for miles, compare that to one bloody cigarette (even a thousand) then come back here moaning about passive smoking, this really winds me up.

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I had cancer when I was 20, obviously it didn't kill me and was not related to tobacco in any way, Ive also seen quite a few people die of cancer, close friends and family mostly, non of whom smoked, your talking to the wrong guy.


Maybe, but what I have said is the truth, you have to admit that.

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