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Tt Pushers In Schools.


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Now, I don't want to pick on Steve Harper, I don't even know him, but there was a story in this week's Courier about him showing off his racing bike at Manor Park School. The children were apparently thrilled when he revved the engine, lol... Am I alone in finding this sort of thing highly distasteful, even a little macabre? I'm glad I don't have children attending this school, although it wouldn't seem so bad if parents were given an opt out. Were they?

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The children were apparently thrilled when he revved the engine, lol... Am I alone in finding this sort of thing highly distasteful, even a little macabre?


No, I agree that it's an ouright travesty and really quite disgusting that children are entertained by a motorbike 'revving'. Lock this filth up whoever he is. Clearly he is trying to corrupt and demoralise the nations' young.


Have to confess though, I'm a wee bit unsure as to quite what a 'Tt Pusher' is though. Is that one of the helpful souls that pushes a bike to start it when it conks out?


This country....

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what a strange thread


Totally agree Mups and started by someone who is obviously craving attention fom others. Very sad.

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Ah, the usual knee jerks from the usual suspects. I can assure all that the last thing I'm seeking is attention from others. I think this is a quite valid topic for discussion, although I clearly haven't made my point very well. Let's try again.


I would hazard a guess that motorcycling is the single biggest cause of unplanned premature death in the Isle of Man. It is also an activity that one has to reach a certain age to legally take part in. A bit like smoking, or drinking alcohol, both of which have been with us for considerably longer than 100 years. It's not difficult to imagine the furore that would be caused if schools were to arrange a demonstration of these 2 examples. A fairly recent (2 years?) case springs to mind. A newcomer racer from Scandinavia was involved in a similar demonstration of racing machines at a school, I forget which school. Within a couple of days, and without even having completed a full unaccompanied lap he crashed at Kirk Michael and received fatal injuries. (there was also a hoo ha about the corpse being left in somebody's garden iirc). I ask again, am I alone in finding this sort of thing rather distasteful? This is not an anti TT thread, I'm just questioning whether schools should be pushing this highly dangerous activity, one which consistently kills young people, on schoolkids. And were the parents of the school in question given the chance to have their kids sit out of the presentation?

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Now, I don't want to pick on Keyboarder, I don't even know him, but there was a post on this website ManForums about him showing off his trolling skills. The members were apparently goaded when he typed the post, lol... Am I alone in finding this sort of thing highly distasteful, even a little macabre? I'm glad I don't have children reading this thread, although it wouldn't seem so bad if parents were given an opt out. Were they?


Im in ur post, redooing ur wrdz

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Let's try again.


That's a little better.


To answer the question though I don't remotely think there's anything wrong with this. And I think to call it 'pushing' is a little bit too sensationalist.


I'm not going to take the piss though seeing as you sound like perhaps you aren't doing this time.

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'Iwould hazard a guess that motorcycling is the single biggest cause of unplanned premature death in the Isle of Man' - you probably are guessing.

'I ask again, am I alone in finding this sort of thing rather distasteful?' As far as I'm concerned, yes. For ghod's sake, our children are molly-coddled and wrapped in cotton wool enough as it is. Kids, and especially the males of the species, throw stones, play with guns, kick footballs and pretend their trikes are formula 1 racing cars or aeroplanes. Such activities might not be to your liking but, like it or not, the grown-up variations on similar themes are what makes this world go around, for better or worst. If someone had brought a motor-bike to my primary school when I was a kid I'd had been thrilled. Worry about something worth worrying about!

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'Iwould hazard a guess that motorcycling is the single biggest cause of unplanned premature death in the Isle of Man' - you probably are guessing.


Yes, I am guessing. That is why I said I was guessing.


'I ask again, am I alone in finding this sort of thing rather distasteful?' As far as I'm concerned, yes.


That's not exactly conclusive is it?



For ghod's sake, our children are molly-coddled and wrapped in cotton wool enough as it is. Kids, and especially the males of the species, throw stones, play with guns, kick footballs and pretend their trikes are formula 1 racing cars or aeroplanes. Such activities might not be to your liking


How do you work that out?


but, like it or not, the grown-up variations on similar themes are what makes this world go around, for better or worst. If someone had brought a motor-bike to my primary school when I was a kid I'd had been thrilled.


That's irrelevant. You may also have been thrilled if someone had brought a handgun to school. Or a bong. Or the kindly old granddad who spent some time abroad after the awkward incident in the park. Etc..


Worry about something worth worrying about!


I'm not worried.

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...the single biggest cause of unplanned premature death in the Isle of Man.


I'd like to know what the single biggest cause of planned premature death is in the Isle of Man?



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