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Tt Pushers In Schools.


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I'll just let you carry on making a tool of yourself on these forums.


Ok, I'll try not to disappoint you. Let's look at your (in my opinion ridiculous) analogy. What is the theoretical purpose of a trip to a fire station or a school visit by a fire officer? Almost certainly to educate youngsters on:-


1. How to prevent the unwanted occurrence of a potentially very dangerous natural phenomenon, ie fire, particularly in the home.

2. How to best behave should one find oneself in a fire situation.


Now why on earth would this encourage anyone of a stable mental disposition into acts of arson?


So what does a visit by motorcycle racers to schools hope to achieve? Better road safety? I think the reinforcement of kid's understanding of the Highway Code would probably serve that purpose more effectively. No, I believe that it serves to glorify a very dangerous sport - ergo to glamorise it in the eyes of youngsters. Now parents may well choose to do that for themselves, and it would be none of my business, but is it a schools role? I don't think it should be.

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Why do you always have to be so aggressive, Modey? Even people who have had numerous run-ins with Keyboarder in the past, have acknowledged he has a point on this thread, although they do not necessarily agree with it. It seems as if you've read the first post, half-formed an opinion and fired off another angry post. When challenged you've become abusive (again), but not backed it up with anything.

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Why do you always have to be so aggressive, Modey? Even people who have had numerous run-ins with Keyboarder in the past, have acknowledged he has a point on this thread, although they do not necessarily agree with it. It seems as if you've read the first post, half-formed an opinion and fired off another angry post. When challenged you've become abusive (again), but not backed it up with anything.


His blatant overuse of the " :lol: " isn't a particularly endearing habit either.

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I'll just let you carry on making a tool of yourself on these forums.


Ok, I'll try not to disappoint you. Let's look at your (in my opinion ridiculous) analogy. What is the theoretical purpose of a trip to a fire station or a school visit by a fire officer? Almost certainly to educate youngsters on:-


1. How to prevent the unwanted occurrence of a potentially very dangerous natural phenomenon, ie fire, particularly in the home.

2. How to best behave should one find oneself in a fire situation.


Now why on earth would this encourage anyone of a stable mental disposition into acts of arson?


So what does a visit by motorcycle racers to schools hope to achieve? Better road safety? I think the reinforcement of kid's understanding of the Highway Code would probably serve that purpose more effectively. No, I believe that it serves to glorify a very dangerous sport - ergo to glamorise it in the eyes of youngsters. Now parents may well choose to do that for themselves, and it would be none of my business, but is it a schools role? I don't think it should be.



The vist of a motorcycle to a school is just a bit of fun for the children. It gets them up close to something which is part of isle of man history.


You are reading far too much in get into it that it is to encourage them to get into bikes or to glorify a dangerous sport.


A lot of sports are dangerous, The children are going to make thier own minds up when they are older, i really don't see how a vist of a bike to a school is gong to make a huge difference to thier future.


Declan > I thnk you'll find keyboarder was the one who became aggresive and name calling

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Why do you always have to be so aggressive, Modey? Even people who have had numerous run-ins with Keyboarder in the past, have acknowledged he has a point on this thread, although they do not necessarily agree with it. It seems as if you've read the first post, half-formed an opinion and fired off another angry post. When challenged you've become abusive (again), but not backed it up with anything.


His blatant overuse of the " :lol: " isn't a particularly endearing habit either.


:unsure: WTF?


brilliant contribution.

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Why do you always have to be so aggressive, Modey? Even people who have had numerous run-ins with Keyboarder in the past, have acknowledged he has a point on this thread, although they do not necessarily agree with it. It seems as if you've read the first post, half-formed an opinion and fired off another angry post. When challenged you've become abusive (again), but not backed it up with anything.


His blatant overuse of the " :lol: " isn't a particularly endearing habit either.


:unsure: WTF?


You just tend to use the " :lol: " rather a lot. Particularly in threads regarding football.


Nothing personal, just an observation.



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It pains me to admit it, but even though I don't remotely agree with Keyboarder on this subject, they are at least trying to address the arguments properly.


The world is becoming a better place.

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Oh sorry, is there a limit per day on how many to use?


Ah well at least i've got a long way to go to catch up on keyboarder doing ..lol at his own jokes every other post.

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The vist of a motorcycle to a school is just a bit of fun for the children.


When my son was little his school had a visit from a sidecar rider and passenger and, in the following TT week the passenger was killed. My son and his friends were quite traumatised by the whole thing. It was the first time that he had met someone who had gone on to die so suddenly.


All the fun of the fair..... lol...

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People die every day some sudddenly, it's a fact, your saying we should hide children from this too?


I don't recall saying that at all actually. However, I think children are shielded to some extent from bad news, and rightly so imo.

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