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Parking Restriction Rules Cars And Apparently None For Bikes


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Typically for this time of year BillyOnly OneMate just called in to say he has had a parking ticket for being away longer than the disc time - but he says the bikes besides his car were there when he arrived and had no tickets on or discs displayed - why do they selectively impose parking restrictions?

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Typically for this time of year BillyOnly OneMate just called in to say he has had a parking ticket for being away longer than the disc time - but he says the bikes besides his car were there when he arrived and had no tickets on or discs displayed - why do they selectively impose parking restrictions?

Ever tried enforcing an IOM parking ticket in Germany, Spain or Portugal? Have fun trying....

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I've never heard of a bike getting a ticket in a disc zone as they can't display a disc really.


not long ago i saw a warden ticketing a bike in the motorcycle disc parking bayson douglas prom...maybe he'd had a bad day. bet the biker did.

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Same thing hapened to me. was parked in the sea terminal car park to long and got a ticket. There must have only been around 5 or six cars in there, the rest of the spaces were taken by bikes which had been there all day!!!


What bugs me though is there seems to be a hell of alot more traffic wardens about. At a time when parking is ltd it seems they are looking to cash in on the manx motoristss!!!

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What bugs me though is there seems to be a hell of alot more traffic wardens about. At a time when parking is ltd it seems they are looking to cash in on the manx motoristss!!!


Isn't that their ultimate aim every day of the week? They're trained to be like vultures... they watch and watch and watch.. and at the first sign of weakness - they flock and target. Isn't it funny that in some disc zones (say for example, one that starts at 8:00am)... at 8:02am you see them placing tickets on cars without a disc. Obviously the car hasn't been there for two hours of the zone allowance - but they are ticketed anyway under '5.1 failing to show a parking disc'. All they care about is how many tickets they can issue!


I thought the purpose of traffic wardens is to help traffic move along orderly and fairly? Prevent people from parking where they shouldn't, and for dominating limited parking spaces (expiring a certain parking time allowance). :rolleyes:


Traffic wardens are thieves. Are we sure they don't get commission off tickets they place? Why else would they target with such eagerness??

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They're trained to be like vultures... they watch and watch and watch.. and at the first sign of weakness - they flock and target.


All they care about is how many tickets they can issue!


Traffic wardens are thieves. Are we sure they don't get commission off tickets they place? Why else would they target with such eagerness??


Don't be such a naiive tool. A lad I know is a traffic warden for corpy car parks and basically he's a normal lad that goes out and does a fair day's work like most people I know. The only time he actually enjoys ticketing people is when they decide to be gobby bastards about it, or start to threaten him just because they're too dumb to learn how to use a watch/clock.


They actually get bollocked for getting people bang on the minute or within a couple of minutes just so it can't be argued about whose watch was right etc etc.

And as if they get commission. If they did, he wouldn't have to do a stupid amount of hours each week to make ends meet. Be grateful that you don't have to do their job dealing with ignorant berks instead of criticising them for your own failure to obey some simple rules.


Be careful they also have extended powers - I had a mate who got an on the spot fine from a warden because his tax was 5 days out of date. The car was parked in a carpark - not even on the public highway. How can they do anyone for having no tax when your parked on private property not subject any of the Road Traffic Acts.

Which carpark was this then? If it was actually private land then they couldn't have got you fined. Simple. You're allowed to have your car untaxed as long as it's not on a public highway but a lot of carparks are. If your 'mate' was on private land then surely he would have contested it right?


They're making them wear head camera's in the UK because apparently they're often afraid when people shout at them. If you can't face the abuse get another bloody job, who in their right mind is happy to get a £60 fine off some characterless Nazi who failed the police entry exams.


What, so Joe bloggs doing his job to pay for his house/kids/food etc should get a load of abuse from some tool that can't read a sign, or the hands on his watch? No-one is ever happy to get a parking ticket but at least some of us have the balls to admit that on the odd occasion that we get one its cause we parked where we shouldn't have. It's not the bloody X-files to figure out why you've had a ticket you know.


If you can't handle getting a ticket, don't park illegally. Or is that too hard to cope with? It sounds like you're blaming other people for your own cockups.

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They're trained to be like vultures... they watch and watch and watch.. and at the first sign of weakness - they flock and target.


All they care about is how many tickets they can issue!


Traffic wardens are thieves. Are we sure they don't get commission off tickets they place? Why else would they target with such eagerness??


Don't be such a naiive tool. A lad I know is a traffic warden for corpy car parks and basically he's a normal lad that goes out and does a fair day's work like most people I know. The only time he actually enjoys ticketing people is when they decide to be gobby bastards about it, or start to threaten him just because they're too dumb to learn how to use a watch/clock.


They actually get bollocked for getting people bang on the minute or within a couple of minutes just so it can't be argued about whose watch was right etc etc.

And as if they get commission. If they did, he wouldn't have to do a stupid amount of hours each week to make ends meet. Be grateful that you don't have to do their job dealing with ignorant berks instead of criticising them for your own failure to obey some simple rules.



That may be the case for this normal lad you know (who you say works in car parks), but I have my doubts about the traffic wardens (who we are talking about) that patrol the streets.


I used to work for a guy who had a shop on strand street. Every day he would have to bring in new stock from the supplier. When the ferry arrives late (which is often) he wouldn't get the supplies before 10:00am. Anyway, he still had to get them to the shop - so he had to park outside the post office on regent street. That is a loading bay.


Suprise, suprise... how many times (while loading and unloading the van) he'd go out to his van and find a ticket!! (this is having left the van unmanned for like 3 mins) How many times he'd go out and find a traffic warden about to give him a ticket.. and no matter how much he explained to them, they didn't care. Sometimes he'd get two tickets (in the space of 15 mins).


Of course he wrote in and complained (since this was a loading bay.. and he was loading) but they never let one ticket drop.


Are these traffic warden's really "doing a job"? They abused their pathetic powers and enjoyed ticketing him. The same two traffic wardens ticketed him (for the same reason) 5 times in two days. Is he supposed to park in a car park and drag boxes, and cabinets through the streets?


You'll have to excuse me.... but i'm not convinced these traffic wardens we have here are merely trying to earn a little salary, and hate having to ticket other residents. :rolleyes:

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Of course he wrote in and complained (since this was a loading bay.. and he was loading) but they never let one ticket drop.


Are these traffic warden's really "doing a job"? They abused their pathetic powers and enjoyed ticketing him. The same two traffic wardens ticketed him (for the same reason) 5 times in two days. Is he supposed to park in a car park and drag boxes, and cabinets through the streets?


You'll have to excuse me.... but i'm not convinced these traffic wardens we have here are merely trying to earn a little salary, and hate having to ticket other residents. :rolleyes:


Fair enough that perhaps the ones doing the streets may not have quite the same rules applying to them - I don't actually know but I still think you're probably wrong.


The thing is that if he had used a loading bay legitimately and got ticketed then there shouldn't have been any issue getting the ticket written off. I presume it's probably a case that you get so long in a loading bay just like most spaces and that he exceeded the time?

I agree that it might not be easy trying to find somewhere to park for that sort of thing but I doubt they can just give you tickets because they feel like it. They'd be rejected no problem. I think it's far more likely that your mate got tickets for actually exceeding the time he was allowed to be there. I didn't think they could give you two tickets within such a short space as 15 minutes either.


I think you've watched too many horlicks adverts. :P

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Typically for this time of year BillyOnly OneMate just called in to say he has had a parking ticket for being away longer than the disc time - but he says the bikes besides his car were there when he arrived and had no tickets on or discs displayed - why do they selectively impose parking restrictions?

Ever tried enforcing an IOM parking ticket in Germany, Spain or Portugal? Have fun trying....


And from another thread :-


Simple answer is


Up until 2 years ago you could avoid paying Congestion Charges and parking fines and, if clicked by the yellow speed cameras, you were Ok and could speed too.


The IOM did not give out owner details under data protection


in May 2005 reciprocal driving bans came in, between UK and IOM, at tne request of the IOM, an agreement to exchange information for "crimes" such as motoring was needed to make it work, so now IOM DoT provides ownership details ro local authorities, police and the DVLA.


So drive in the congestion charge area and not pay, on any day, you will be tracked down and issued with a penalty notice. It cannot be enforced directly over here as a civil penalty, in the courts, but next time you go through immigration at an airport, or go over on the boat, watch out.l


Police fixed penalties can eventually be backed for bail and warrants issued which are enforceable in IOM.


Speed cameras will catch you and put three penalty points on your non existent english licence, if you get 12 in 3 years then you will be banned in UK. That means you cannot drive in IOM, even though your manx licence is clean, and the UK will tell IOM that you are banned here as well. You will be watched and if you drive will be prosecuted for driving whilst disqualified


So the manx can get busted away from the IOM for traffic offences, but anyone not from the IOM can do as they please whilst on the island?


Doesn't sound very fair to me....

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First of all a car park may belong to a private concern, M&S, Douglas Corpy or the brewery. Thnye can impose their opwn parking rules, they are civil, but penalties. No other country will enforce the penalties of another, except in unusual circumstances


Second, whilst they may be privately owned, they are still public places and the requirement to observe RTA ;legislation continues, ie no drink driving, no drunk in charge, no due care, no drive with no insurance and yes have to have road tax


Third, does IOM have fixed penalty for anything but parking yet?


Fourth under the EU road traffic directive there is an increasing unification of road traffic legislation which will eventualy mean that penalty points and disqualifications will follow you around and be recognised reciprocally throughout Europe.That will inevitably include the IOM. That will involve exchange of information by vehile licensing authorities and cross border arrest warrants for the prison in default of fines for those who do not pay up on the notices, court proceedings etc

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