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I haven't got xfire, but my username on Bf2142 is MrShifty, feel free to add me there.


A computer game about the miner's strike would be excellent, perhaps it could have the poll tax riots as a sequel!

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How does it compare to BF2? I was a BF1942, Desert Combat and BF2 fan (until I lost my copy!). I looked at BF2142 and I am considering getting a copy.


It's pretty good, despite what some say it's gameplay is quite different compared with BF2 - the maps look like they were designed with an eye to concentrating battle a bit more in specific areas, so there're less occassions where you find yourself running over half the map to get where the action is, which, because it's focused more also tends to be a bit more frantic. Having said that it takes away some of the tactical element BF2 had, but then again you only got to enjoy that if you happened to find a server that wasn't full of demented thirteen year olds trying to run in every direction at once.


The unlock/promotion system is different as well. Now you start with only a very basic kit for the four classes (main weapon/pistol/knife and a specialty item like repair tool or first aid kit) so you can feel like you're at a bit of a disadvantage to everyone when starting out, but promotions are easier to get since getting badges and ribbons give points that count towards promotion (like a silver recon badge will give you 500 "career points"). Also, some of the unlocks are a bit more exciting than in BF2 (a sniper rifle sight that can zoom in on your target, yay!)


The main downside is the relative lack of ranked servers: usually about 300 or 400 for 2142 compared with 800 or 1000 for BF2.

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i personally enjoy 2142 so much more than bf2, saying that i did get 2142 before bf2, plus i cant seem to get bf2 running anyway, ah well, off to try and get my rank up, what rank you at vinnie btw?. i think mine is sargeant major now :huh:


I dont seem to have any problems finding ranked servers, get xfire mate :thumbsup:

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I ended up getting a copy. I was surprised how similar it is to Planetside (which I played for a while). It's more enjoyable than Planetside simply because you can logon, and get straight into the action. Working in a squad makes things easier, and like you said you start off with some pretty crappy kit. To get around this I basically start out with any old kit then just scavenge from the battlefield. The game is a cross between BF2, Team Fortress and Planetside. Good fun though. My BF2142 gamer name is joeyconcrete.

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I play it regularly - in fact someone Manx joined a squad I was in t'other day on a random server, and we remarked on how it was the first time we'd encountered another islander(aside from a couple of mates who I play with). I much prefer it to BF2. It's just a far nicer whole experience from the working server browser to the far improved map-loading speed. Great as BF2 is, everything fights you - even re-binding the keys is an absolute chore in that game.


Fire 'soob' into Xfire if you'd care to play sometime - though I'm mostly on for an hour or two after work in the late afternoon.

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I play it regularly - in fact someone Manx joined a squad I was in t'other day on a random server, and we remarked on how it was the first time we'd encountered another islander(aside from a couple of mates who I play with). I much prefer it to BF2. It's just a far nicer whole experience from the working server browser to the far improved map-loading speed. Great as BF2 is, everything fights you - even re-binding the keys is an absolute chore in that game.


Fire 'soob' into Xfire if you'd care to play sometime - though I'm mostly on for an hour or two after work in the late afternoon.


I believe youre a mate of marks? I work with the bellend :lol:. Will add ya though if thats alright ;)

Just seen ur other thread, you know cret aswell i see. lol such a small island

Added concrete to xfire aswell :)(A TF player too, good man, i cant wait for TF2 )

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