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** Reclaim The Beats **

Dr Fish

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Keyboarder - When you learn to read please feel free to add to this thread until then fook off you twat! Who are you and what are you doing to try and give the Island more choice? Crawl back into your little hole you irrelevant pond feeder and let those that know how to have a good time ENJOY!


It's people like you that keep the Island in the state it's in, we try and make a difference whereas you are most likely surgically attached to your PC in a Steven Hawkins kind of way - bitter n twisted because your home help beats the shit out of you on a daily basis!


Stick to the 'lonely twats' threads from now on you sad little fooker!



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Keyboarder - When you learn to read please feel free to add to this thread until then fook off you twat! Who are you and what are you doing to try and give the Island more choice? Crawl back into your little hole you irrelevant pond feeder and let those that know how to have a good time ENJOY!


It's people like you that keep the Island in the state it's in, we try and make a difference whereas you are most likely surgically attached to your PC in a Steven Hawkins kind of way - bitter n twisted because your home help beats the shit out of you on a daily basis!


Goodness me! I do hope you feel better after getting that diatribe off your chest, lol,lol.... I can't for the life of me imagine what on earth provoked it though. Maybe you're the club bouncer, lol,lol..... (i'm kidding). Let's try to ascertain what rattled you so - was it my reference to an all-nighter? Well, are you open to 2pm or not? Or maybe you're just running a kiddy club at lunchtime for under 18's? Do tell. Or perhaps, and if I was a gambling person this would be the one I'd plump for, you've been overdoing the 4 on the floor just a little? Nasty permanent ringing in the ears, driving you to bouts of insane aggression? It's probably lifelong you know, lol,lol......



Stick to the 'lonely twats' threads from now on you sad little fooker!


But I am very sociable and I have a large circle of friends. Conehead, lol.....

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you never know he may even enjoy it!


I shouldn't think so - some of the clientele seem very aggressive - I'm surprised the promoters let them past the door........... lol.. I prefer a cooler crowd than that.... Hope it goes well though - it's a long old session going through to 2 pm, lol....

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you never know he may even enjoy it!


I shouldn't think so - some of the clientele seem very aggressive - I'm surprised the promoters let them past the door........... lol.. I prefer a cooler crowd than that.... Hope it goes well though - it's a long old session going through to 2 pm, lol....



Glad you couldn't make it! To everyone who did, hope you had a great night!


I know I did!



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