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I don't have to be told by anyone what is or osn't boring. I've found boring people like boring things.


And both those DVDs bored me.....


BTW Is it a crime to have an opinion? Does it make me a better person? Does it make me any worse? If you liked those films then great. Judging by the last two reactions I may have struck a nerve...


Why get so upset over an opinion of a film?

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I don't have to be told by anyone what is or osn't boring. I've found boring people like boring things.


And both those DVDs bored me.....


BTW Is it a crime to have an opinion? Does it make me a better person? Does it make me any worse? If you liked those films then great. Judging by the last two reactions I may have struck a nerve...


Bloody hell! Calm down dear - it's just a commercial.


I stated something which someone once told me, and said I don't know if it's true or not, and you chuck a wobbler.


Why get so upset over an opinion of a film?


It's not me that's upset apparently. :P

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But Coast is simply moronic T.V. that presents itself as intelligent. It's like a Daily Mail "Birds of Great Britain" wallchart. Makes middle England feel all good about themselves because they can pretend it's improving, when really all their doing is enjoying the pretty pictures.


If they want to make trashy TV they should go ahead and make it, if they want to make intelligent and thought provoking television they should crack on. What I object to is when they attempt to passthe former off as the latter.


Ach - no way. I don't think Coast has any pretensions to high art or that the makers are trying to dress trash TV up as something greater. It's a very well made magazine programme which is meant to be enjoyable, not challenging.


I do find it an intelligent programme, from which I've found out a whole bunch of stuff I never knew before - does that make me a middle Englander ripe to be slapped with a patronising stereotype? I'm pretty damn sure I don't watch it to feel smugly as though I'm improving myself - I watch it because I think it's interesting, well-researched and, yes, lovely to look at - what in hell's wrong with that anyway?


I'm really glad I CAN enjoy programmes like that without the faintest cultural hang-up. If I felt guilty about watching Coast while caressing my wildlife wallcharts from the Sunday nationals, I might have to make myself sit through an Ingmar Bergman movie afterwards, or a complete series of Panorama. And that would be f*cking grim.

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I like Coast. It doesn't pretend to be a serious geological survey; it's just interesting stuff, enthusiastically presented. I'm looking forward to next Sunday's programme. Has anyone been watching David Dimbleby's How We Built Britain? Again, a well presented look at British social history through buildings which doesn't pretend to be anything else. He did a series a couple of years ago called A Picture of Britain, which was social history through the great British artists. Wonderful stuff. When compared to the rest of the apalling dumbed-down, reality tv wanky crap rubbish that's on TV 90% of the time, (and Albert T - totally agree with your comments on Panorama btw), it's in a different league.

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Coast isn't that bad (although the comparison with a "Birds of Britain" wall chart was beautiful). I find it a bit dull, but I'm not that interested in the subject matter.


Far more deserving of the simply moronic T.V. that presents itself as intelligent description is QI, a half hour festival of smug and sometimes inaccurate fact worship dressed up as insight for the chattering classes to guffaw knowingly at one another over.


Anyone who can read the QI Philosophy without feeling ill wins a bun.

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Coast isn't that bad (although the comparison with a "Birds of Britain" wall chart was beautiful). I find it a bit dull, but I'm not that interested in the subject matter.


Far more deserving of the simply moronic T.V. that presents itself as intelligent description is QI, a half hour festival of smug and sometimes inaccurate fact worship dressed up as insight for the chattering classes to guffaw knowingly at one another over.


Anyone who can read the QI Philosophy without feeling ill wins a bun.

"Everything is interesting if looked at in the right way."


Just read it whilst eating a bacon buttie.


Can I have my bun now please ?

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I was a bit disappointed to be honest. Awesome aerial shots and all that, the stuff on the internees was good and the basking shark was a star but Mr Film Extra came across like a Father Ted creation ("Here's me with John Malkovich. And here's me with Rowan Atkinson..."); all he needed was a grubby t-shirt saying 'I Shot JR'. Personally I'd like to have seen the basking shark footage back to back with something on the glory days of the herring fleet. Also it seemed a little perverse not to mention that little road race we have (or maybe they were trying not to be obvious) nor to link the stuff on Blackpool & Morecambe to the Island's tourism heyday. And why was the poor man's moustachioed Rick Stein given the job of dishing out a potted history of the Island? Anyway, apart from that...

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And why was the poor man's moustachioed Rick Stein given the job of dishing out a potted history of the Island? Anyway, apart from that...


Whoa... Butch is a flippin legend. He and they did a good job in the 15 minute time slot IMO. Oh and it was nice not to have the TT mentioned for once. "The Isle of Wight?" "No the Isle of Man." "The IOM? Oh yes where they race those bikes..."

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I thought it was good, the whole thing, some stunning aerial shots and even played a bit of Led Zep 'Kashmir'; that was me happy!


Very surprised they didn't mention the RNLI connection though, bearing in mind the whole series is about the coast and the RNLI must be such an intrinsic part of the history of the British coast.


Quite how they managed to get Butch though!?

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I was very impressed by it


Very positive and it only covered the souther section of the Island which to my mind gives scope to come back for the north and east especially as it's an eroding coastline up there.


Amazing aerial shots and a lot of locals who were genuinely pleased to talk about their passions and the Island to a presenter who seemed to be happy to give us a good report.


Agree about the film extra guy.... creeped me out a bit really - is that the best we have to offer in "local stars"?

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you don't know that... he said he went out to a club with one of the actresses - he could have been tearing up that dancefloor around his handbag

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