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Mannin Line

GI James

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Stu Its my opinion that Manx radio have made a big mistake in dropping the ManninLine to one hour per week. It was nice to hear the publics views on Manx affairs and sleaze, but all we have now is a daily dose of MHKs bleaching their dirty linen. Take tonight for example we had Mr X ripping the Back out of George Bush, not a good thing to do at the moment as we all know that Bush has a hiden agenda regarding off shore tax havens, and for Mr X to openly state that all Bush wants to do is control the worlds oil is bloody stupid. The Yanks spend £millions per year checking on press and radio reports that are non supportive of the American way of thinking, so it would of been better for Mr X to say nout.

Have we also heard the last Broadcast from the Sulby Fringe


EDIT - please refrain from using derogatory slurs on this board. If you are unsure of what is acceptable behaviour, please re-read the T&C

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The main changes are that the Mannin Line has been replaced at noon during the week by one of our specialist programmes each day, followed by Midday Mandate. It will still form a platform for views and discussion on Sundays at 1300 hosted by Roger Watterson (or David Callister)..



This forum was spawned as a result of the manxnet forum being closed down, rightly or wrongly, it was publicly perceived to have been closed down following government pressure.


The mannin line has now suffered the same fate and, rightly or wrongly, the general public perception is that government pressure was once again the cause.


The papers are publicly perceived, rightly or rightly, to be magazine issues rather NEWS papers.


Where will the checks and balances come from now, who and how will anyone be able to bring matters of national importance into the public arena?


Perhaps the Internet is the way forward, but didn’t some guy try that already and what ever happened to him, did he get shut down?


Sorry Stu but I for one, a listener of Manx Radio for most of its 40 years, think the changes are not for the best and are to the detriment of free speech. The station has been artificially inseminated and that’s no bull.

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As the new website is sorted and firing on all cylinders, I'm sure that each of the programme titles will have a description of what it's about - but in the interim, if you're not sure, feel free to email me at the station via stuartpeters@manxradio.com


I'm the first to admit I'm sometimes resistant to change... and I know I'm not alone... but give us a few more days for the dust to settle before judging whether you think what we're trying to achieve is an improvement or not.

Thanks for the reply Stu. Very informative - in fact a lot more informative than one I received from elsewhere at Manx Radio.


I'm advised that it's taken Manx Radio over 12 months of intensive development to launch the new web site and the advantages it offers both Manx Radio, and its users, will be revealed in future months.


12 months! Future months!


I thought that one of radio's main strengths - unlike the print media - is it's capability of being 'live'? I imagined that a similar immediacy would be applied to its website?


I just can't imagine why 12 month 'intensive development' has produced an unfinished product!

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Its an ample oprtunity for one of the other radio stations, you know the ones who are not funded by the Government, to take up the chalenge and have a phone in moan in line type of thing.


Why not e-mail these other radio stations with such a request. If it is as popular as you believe, then I am sure they would take it seriously.



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Stu Its my opinion that Manx radio have made a big mistake in dropping the ManninLine to one hour per week. It was nice to hear the publics views on Manx affairs and sleaze, but all we have now is a daily dose of MHKs bleaching their dirty linen. Take tonight for example we had Mr X ripping the Back out of George Bush, not a good thing to do at the moment as we all know that Bush has a hiden agenda regarding off shore tax havens, and for Mr X to openly state that all Bush wants to do is control the worlds oil is bloody stupid. The Yanks spend £millions per year checking on press and radio reports that are non supportive of the American way of thinking, so it would of been better for Mr X to say nout.

Have we also heard the last Broadcast from the Sulby Fringe


Actually, The Manx Treasury Minister stated on Manx Radio that the election of Bush is beneficial to our business interests and that Kerry was critical of "offshore"

tax havens.


Regarding the Mannin Line.....What a complete mess up. The word is out and people are deserting Manx Radio in droves.


And yes! I for one think there is political interference somewhere. I cannot prove it but I suspect it.


As for the new jingles. What a load of rubbish!


Thank you Mr Pugh for destroying the Voice of Mann.


Re-named, the "Voice of Ned"


EDIT - Removed derogatory slurs from quoted part of post

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This might seem a bit obscure but:


I liken the Mannin Line to the No Speed Limit areas on the Island.


You see I know that Mannin Line is there SHOULD I ever have the need to vent my frustration or share a thought or even a praise. I don't - but the choice to do so was always there. The freedom to pick up the phone and just do it.


(How many times have we heard someone saying "I'm going on Mannin Line about this" etc.)



Now, the speed limit thing is very, very similar. I have 125bhp motorcycle in the garage. It rarely gets used, but its taxed and insured and kept in good fettle. At any time, on this Island I can go for a spin. Go over the Mountain and thoroughly enjoy the place. Perhaps 80-90mph at times (I assure you safely, I have no death/accident wish - not at my age). Again, I don't do so a lot but the feeling that I could , if I so wished, is there.


These freedoms are extremely important. They are being eroded. This little Island needs to be able to express its desires better to Them that rule.


The fact we are in the dreaded "mid-term" of a government has a lot to do with it. Come the next election our short term electoral memories will have mostly forgotten their self centred power trips. By then "They" will be promising Us the earth again.

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My Manx Radio listening consisted of the news at mid-day and Mannin Line. After giving it a go Monday & Tuesday I didn't bother tuning in at all today - what a relief not to hear those dreadful ads and the crappy new jingles (how much did S2Blue charge for that I wonder?).


I'll still visit the website archives for the four evening programmes I like

(but 2 of them seem to have disappeared from the new programming), so I'm not impressed so far. And how convenient for certain people that 'The Voice of the People of the Isle of Man' has been silenced.


PS I listen to Gerry Anderson's call-in programme on BBC Radio Ulster weekday mornings - cracks me up. If we had presenters like Gerry and Sean, with their capacity for ad-lib and Gerry's rudeness to callers (in a humorous way) we could have a new style Mannin Line. (Or how about giving Marje her own show - "Ask Auntie Marje" - I'd listen in for that!)

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:rolleyes: As I have always said " on air " it is sometimes helpful if you want the truth to ask the horse.Stu Peters has always been forthcoming with his comments regarding Manx Radio which is commendable and now I'm Here too.

Before anyone suggests that I am hiding behind a username, I am Chris Wiliams and I would be happy to comment on any constructive issues raised concerning the station if I can.

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OK, so instead off changing ML to, say, Tuesday, Thursday and then Sunday, it was dropped to only Sunday?


A day when most or alot off people are doing something else than listening to the radio. A Sunday ML is only really about 40mins in total as the rest is taken up by adverts. Should keep the bigwigs happy.


People are turning MR off now as it's pants. Won't really affect MR as long as they keep getting the handouts and the advertising.


My opinion is that it's a shame that MR has now good some good presenters only for them same presenters to sold out by a management who are to scared to stand up to political pressure. Pissing in the same pot comes to mind.


If Stu or Chris are going to tell me differant, i'll just ask them if they think that the bosses at MR are going to tell them the real truth?


We even have some MHK's who openly lie to the public so why are the MR bosses going to be any differant?

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The trouble with Mandate in the morning, Mandate at lunch time, Mandate in the evening is that, to me, it seems like it's all politicians telling us what they think. There's now very little opportunity for the Manx public to tell the politicians what they think.


People are turning MR off now as it's pants. Won't really affect MR as long as they keep getting the handouts and the advertising.


I'd imagine their advertising revenue is dropping, or is in danger of dropping. I'm made sure all on my radios now have 3FM on one of the presets and now listen to that far more than Manx Radio. I've been surprised at how many advertisers they have already.


It seems like some of the staff have been pretty shabbily treated by the management. One week they're told that their jobs are secure and then next week they're out on their arse.

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I normally listen to the Home Service - I really like Down Your Way, Movie-Go-Round and the Billy Cotton Band Show.


But I accidently tuned to Manx Radio while I was out milking the other night and I heard Billy Clelland talking to John Kennaugh about a new automatic robot milking machine installed up at Andreas, which means cows are not milked by people at all!


This is dreadful. What is the world coming to?


That warm feeling as your forehead nestles into the cow's flanks, wetting your palms with a little squirt of milk, and drawing down on the tits, getting into rhythm, and filling that pail. The note changing as the pail slowly fills... is that all gone?


Manx Radio should be ashamed of themselves broadcasting such dsillusionment.

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