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Mannin Line

GI James

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Ah, George Woods no less. Hi


Yes, I remember your grand tale of milking the cows, from way back in the Manx net days.


If you go up Bradda to the Cooils you'll find many things done in the good old way. Including milk delivered. In glas bottles that are used many many times over and over. Many have Leh Cooils name on them still. Proper milk we were brought up on in the south. Of course these days in douglas and that you'll need to burn that plastic container, use it once and forget it.


It burns nasty black that plastic to.

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i tuned into mr on monday forgrting the forced changes to a annual okish format that was bearibal if only for the mannin line


so on monday i forced myself to listen to what i describe as the me and us show lots of self applauding back slappers what utter crap


tuesday i thort shall or shant i well i did more self crap altho the tt flashbacks we good to many competers named dead now tho


wednsday spent 2 hours off and on trying to tune into something to feed my brain so to speak stu did i miss anything ?


thursday brilliant bird watching on the radio with comments such as ( amazing and fantastic and exciting) what kind of drugs were they on. then as the population sat down to eat we heard the ins and outs of compost mannagment with every mouthful the word worm was spoken (self slap on the back for the program planners i think) this would have been better planed for sunday


friday well in advance stu i aint bothering im switching to talk radio


so listners are leaving so will advertisers then the nations station will be totaly funded by the taxpayer


hey the brackken interview was good any chance off puting some on ur sarnies and reduce the taxpayers burden?

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Surely nobody types that badly and inconsistently - unless they are pretending to be somebody they are not of course? Like Steven....




*Post edited to make the humour a little more obvious:-)

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so on monday i forced myself to listen to what i describe as the me and us show lots of self applauding back slappers what utter crap


tuesday i thort shall or shant i well i did more self crap



I'll second that.

and its nice to see someone with spelling as bad as mine.

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No - he spelt that badly in his text to the studio about wurm poo spoiling his samwitch too! :blink:


A personal view then:


It's inevitable with any form of change, some people will like it, others won't. The new look and sound at Manx Radio has been designed to reflect progress and the breadth of things that the station covers in depth every week, in the hope that more people will turn on than tune out. Any radio station can play records, but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to do what Manx Radio does 365/24/7.


Monday was a one-off celebration - a lot of listeners enjoyed it, but if you didn't, don't judge the new schedule based on a couple of hours of fooling around.


And PLEASE let's get off this bandwagon about how much the station costs everyone in taxes. It's something like the equivalent of twenty pence a week each, and is a tiny fraction of what we all pay to the BBC for 'local radio'.


If you prefer 3FM, or Energy, or Talk Radio...that's perfectly fine - you have the choice. I listen to most of the 'competition' in the car and am the first to admit that they all do a fine job... but it's a DIFFERENT job.


We're not cherry-picking a certain part of the market to woo advertisers, our remit is public service broadcasting for the whole island and a wide range of interests - regardless of age or status. If we were purely commercial, we wouldn't be able to do that.


Manx Radio is unique, warts and all, but please don't assume any disregard on OUR part for the wishes of our listeners. I personally think the station is improving all the time, but it will never please all the people all the time. That's why the BBC has so many radio channels...one man's meat etc.


So post away - your views ARE welcomed - but please avoid sweeping generalisations like "Manx Radio is pants" and personal insults, as they simply make me want to contribute to other forums where people are prepared to consider alternative ways of doing things, and stick to constructive criticism rather than shoot everything down in flames for the sheer hell of it.


I'd love there to be a radio station featuring a mix of music by the likes of Pink Floyd, Simon and Garfunkel, Boston and the great modern comics like Bill Hicks, Peter Kay, Dennis Leary and Eddie Murphy, along with local news and current affairs and a car show - but I've still to find it and don't expect to.


But the last thing I'd do is post here that ANY radio station is cr8p because it doesn't suit my own tastes 100% of the time. It's like a buffet - just come in for the bits you enjoy, hang around for a while, but leave that yucky-looking bowl of goo at the back of the table if you don't fancy trying it.


Along with the wurm poo samwitches!



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Just a question


Been listening to The Headlines Again and how wonderfully clever it is


The link I found was The Headlines Again click Friday October 29th and click The Headlines Again


I haven't the words to say how funny this is.


My question?


How can I save it in case it gets 'lost' from the website?



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If you click the link and open the file in WMP or whatever, you should be able to do a File>Save As...I think! (I'm not a techie).


BTW - there's unconfirmed talk The Headlines Again is going to be released on CD soon, with some proceeds to charity.

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But in all the planning that went beforehand, did anyone think to work out what the impact would be of dropping the Mannin Line?


As far as I can see, that is just about the only real complaint.


If you (Manx Radio) had made all the other major sweeping changes, but kept the Mannin Line, I would guess the complaints would have been virtually non-existent.


I suspect a re-instatement of the Mannin Line would cause great rejoicing from the regulars, and then all the other changes would be accepted.



I only say this because I want to make the sweeping generalisation that 'You and Yours' really is pants.

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I don't suppose you would happen to know the results of the Mannin Line poll would you Stu?, it's just that I didn't see the results of that poll on the Manx Radio site.


Stu, I don't mean to mither you but if you could answer this question I raised I would be very grateful. If you don't know the answer however then fair enough.

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I think it was more a straw poll to help management in making a decision than a democratic policy instrument - but I was told there were around 250 'real' votes, and of those something like two thirds were to keep the Mannin Line.


I was actually MORE surprised there weren't thousands of votes and a much higher 'keep it' percentage... but I guess that's the voter apathy the politicians keep complaining about!


Sorry - didn't mean to evade the question!

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This forum illustrates, in some ways, the way that people liked to listen to Mannin Line even if not calling in.


Probably at this moment there will be loads of people watching this and that but no posting at all.


These 'invisible' viewers from Last Click link might miss the forums a lot if the forums were closed.

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I think it was more a straw poll to help management in making a decision than a democratic policy instrument - but I was told there were around 250 'real' votes, and of those something like two thirds were to keep the Mannin Line.


I was actually MORE surprised there weren't thousands of votes and a much higher 'keep it' percentage... but I guess that's the voter apathy the politicians keep complaining about!


Sorry - didn't mean to evade the question!


Quite alright Stu, I just thought you might have missed my question in the haze of other posts. It just seems to me rather odd for Manx Radio to have a poll and then to disregard the results. I don't believe the results were even published. If I am correct that the results were not published then to me it makes Manx Radio look like they are trying to hide the results. It looks open to have the results where people can see them, as Manx Radio is supposed to be "the nations station".

I am suprised there weren't more votes in favour of keeping the Mannin Line too, this is a terribly stereotypical thing to say but I'd imagine a significant portion of the Mannin Lines listeners are elderly and don't have the Internet.

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1 Was Manx radio under any presure from any MHK in regards to the Mannin Line.

2 Do you agree that with only a 40 min slot at a time when most people are busy on a Sunday, will give the station the excuse to kill it of for good.

3 Can you confirm that it was a management decision to reduce the broadcasting of the ML and that NO other party was involved with that decision.

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