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Cathedral To Demand Sony Apology

Albert Tatlock

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Dan - you have just given me a brilliant idea for a sequel to the game 'Resistance: Fall of Man' which I have forwarded to Sony.


oh really?... I'd love to see their response (which I assume you will be posting in this thread). Oh, they would respond to your brilliant idea no?



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When I was about 8 or 9, the entire Catholic School I attended was marched to church each Wednesday after a school for a 'benediction' service that I never understood (it was all in Latin with a little bit of Greek). While we were sitting/kneeling/standing, I used to pretend to be shooting bad guys who were hiding behind the statues, altar, pillars etc.

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This could be a unique event - I'm actually with DjDan on this one! I think it was wrong of Sony to use a facsimile of the interior of the building without consulting the authorities responsible for it - the fact that it is a religious building has no significance whatsoever, its simply a matter of common courtesy.



Oh don't talk shit! Churches have been used in literature and movies for years, why the big hoo-ha now? Games like Hexen ten years ago portrayed you shooting demons in churches for gods sake. It's only because resistance depicts the church with so much accuracy that it's causing them to bleat, but it's still just a likeness of their church, not the actual church.

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Dan - you have just given me a brilliant idea for a sequel to the game 'Resistance: Fall of Man' which I have forwarded to Sony.


oh really?... I'd love to see their response (which I assume you will be posting in this thread). Oh, they would respond to your brilliant idea no?



I don't think they'll accept it as it is a bit unrealistic. I mean how can a Arab born in Palestine be a white guy with a beard for instance? I'm reworking my ideas.

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So, the next time they use a war zone as a backdrop for their preaching and prosthelatising the combatants can claim fees?

Are you having a laugh? Who paid for the building in the first place, who pays the wages of the staff, who forks out every week in the hope some of the mumbo-jumbo spouted by the cloaked fools might just turn out as promised by them (none ever has so far and never will)? The gullible public, that's who.


heh, if it's the gullible public who are paying out (and not yourself of course), then really you have no say in the matter. It's down to the gullible public.


Stop bleating and take it like a man, you're being used by someone to make money, surely not a concept you are totally unfamiliar with?


are you talking to me here? or....


Of course I'm talking to you, the point i made was that the church and all it's hangers on have been making money out of fools for centuries, it'a about time there was some redress. For the record, I have never, ever, given money to or done anything that would support organised religion, to the point of refusing family requests for me to attend functions inside a church. I probably missed some very moving moments while sticking to my principles. Never mind, my life is no poorer for it.

If I were ever to enter a church the roof would probably fall in, due to dry rot, nothing else.

Good luck to Sony and thanks for the free publicity.

You and your ilk deserve no compensation whatsoever. Probably see the number of visitors to your museums increase substantially in the near future because of the noise you have made about this (surely not on purpose to that end?) Will the church be splitting the spoils with Sony? -- (fill in the missing word folks)

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Perhaps if Sony were to offer for the churchgoers to have a few sermons in Sony's offices?

It could be a balanced form of redress.

And I'd bet it would be the best turn out that the church has seen in years!!!


They could even give them a few new ideas for the consoles - I know I'D like to have the latest plug'n'play wireless font and altar set....

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Just stopped short of posting this story myself a few days ago. Stuff like this does nothing for the credibility of the church and everything for the sale of Sony's game - with all that's happening in the real world they choose to waste their time worrying about a virtual one. Sony don't need permission to draw a church with pixels any more than I do with watercolours.



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Isn't technically what the Church believes in a virtual world anyway?


Hmmm.....note to self, check internet to see if able to copyright Heaven....


I wonder if the next thing that will happen is that producers of films/documentaries/soaps etc etc will have to individually write to the owners of all buildings and vehicles and inform individuals when they want to film anything and ask their permission!


I can just see it now:-


Rita: "You know I was watching Eastenders last night and on the start titles someone had airbrushed the City of London out and replaced it with a picture of the producer's Mum's cat!"

Petunia: "Couldn't have had all the permission slips back in time then."

Rita: "I suppose it was better than last week when they'd outsourced the picture to Bangalore"

Petunia: "Yes I thought it was FarEastenders I was watching!"


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Stop bleating and take it like a man, you're being used by someone to make money, surely not a concept you are totally unfamiliar with?


are you talking to me here? or....


Of course I'm talking to you, the point i made was that the church and all it's hangers on have been making money out of fools for centuries, it'a about time there was some redress.


Right.. well I had to check that you were addressing your comments to me as I wasn't sure, seeing as how I have nothing whatsoever to do with this church n'all. :rolleyes:


For the record, I have never, ever, given money to or done anything that would support organised religion, to the point of refusing family requests for me to attend functions inside a church. I probably missed some very moving moments while sticking to my principles.


Personally I find that quite sad. You ignore family invitations to functions which they consider to be significant just because you have a problem with religion?


I would attend a mosque if a muslim invited me. I don't agree with their beliefs, but out of politeness I'd offer my attendence to mark any event with them if they had some important function.


Stuff like this does nothing for the credibility of the church and everything for the sale of Sony's game..


that's hardly the point though is it?

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It's bollocks to suggest, as some in this thread have, that it's a matter of principle, with the church having a right to say when an image of it's buildings can or can't used.


If I was to paint a picture of the church with a rainbow behind it there'd be no complaint. They're not complaining about the images being used without permission, they're complaining about the manner in which they are used.


They're being judgemental, that's what religious people do, and that's why it turns into 'another bash religion' thread.

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