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Cathedral To Demand Sony Apology

Albert Tatlock

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They're being judgemental, that's what religious people do, and that's why it turns into 'another bash religion' thread.


not so. It turns into a bash religion thread because people manipulate the content and context out of proportion. If this wasn't a church, but a business or an individual's home... we'd be discussing the issue of representation without consultation.


However, because it's a church... it's a discussion of how religion portrays itself and tries to manipulate the foolish (i'm paraphrasing i know!).

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Copyright issues aside, when else has an organisation complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property, and used morality to justify their complaint?


A gaming company has agreed to remove scenes from the game Hitman 2: Silent Assassin after Sikhs complained it was racist and offensive.

One of the game's levels is set in a temple. Players are asked to shoot the men in turbans because they are terrorists.


Sikhs say the scene looks exactly like the inside of the Golden Temple in Amritsar in India.




Eidos has done it again, causing quite a scene with the recall of early copies of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin after drawing the ire of religious leaders. A mission in the first person shooter imitated the real-life 1984 Golden Temple massacre in Amritsar, where thousands of Sikhs were killed in an attack by Indian troops. According to Eidos, copies of the games have been recalled and replaced with a new version.





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Personally I find that quite sad. You ignore family invitations to functions which they consider to be significant just because you have a problem with religion?


Again, let's take what's been 'said' out of context, change the words and dis the writer. Where exactly was the word 'ignore' used. My family respect my position and invite me out of politeness and respect for me.

I have no problem with religion, it doesn't feature in my life, the problem is all yours.

Surely your view of the church as being 'one church' with only one deity means it is your church, just cos it's getting away from you don't change horses now.

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Copyright issues aside, when else has an organisation complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property, and used morality to justify their complaint?


A gaming company has agreed to remove scenes from the game Hitman 2: Silent Assassin after Sikhs complained it was racist and offensive.

One of the game's levels is set in a temple. Players are asked to shoot the men in turbans because they are terrorists.


Sikhs say the scene looks exactly like the inside of the Golden Temple in Amritsar in India.




Eidos has done it again, causing quite a scene with the recall of early copies of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin after drawing the ire of religious leaders. A mission in the first person shooter imitated the real-life 1984 Golden Temple massacre in Amritsar, where thousands of Sikhs were killed in an attack by Indian troops. According to Eidos, copies of the games have been recalled and replaced with a new version.






You did actually read those quotes and links before you posted them, right?


You do realise that Sikhism is a religion, right?

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Good manners and courtesy would have stopped this happening. I hope Sony have the decency to make a substantial contribution to a humanitarian charity. - perhaps to some of the people who suffer because of gun crime or even as a result of idiots who go to war in the name of religion.


I dont know about that so much, last big news event regarding the C of E i heard, was of the coverup of the priest giving a child a generous donation for a number of years!

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That's two religious examples, which kind of proves his point. It's really not a surprise to me that religious people find it hard to separate fantasy from reality.



You did actually read those quotes and links before you posted them, right?


You do realise that Sikhism is a religion, right?


umm... yes.


You did actually read your own words before you posted them right?


You do realise that you said:


Copyright issues aside, when else has an organisation complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property, and used morality to justify their complaint?







You do realise that Sikhism is an organization, right??????


Slim: I think on the contrary, I gave an example of another organization that (like the Church of England) has made a complaint about their representation in a computer game. So no... i hardly proved his point.

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Surely your view of the church as being 'one church' with only one deity means it is your church, just cos it's getting away from you don't change horses now.


surely you are misrepresenting me here?


I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. This is an issue to do with the Church of England.


That's a different church.

That's not my church.

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So you pick out an example of a religious organisation doing it on moral grounds to back your argument that it's nothing to do with religions being judgemental? You've argued my point for me. Cheers.


hehe, try to change it now, but you clearly stated - and I repeat:


Copyright issues aside, when else has an organisation complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property, and used morality to justify their complaint?


Your argument here (let me explain a little) -

When else has an organisation complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property...?

and used morality to justify their complaint?


I replied in giving you... wait for it....


An example. An example of what?? An example of an organisation that has complained about the unauthorised use of an image of it's property AND used morality to justify their complaint!!! Ta-da!!! How about that???


And that's.. all i did.


I'm not arguing your point.. i'm giving you an answer to your request.

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*Paging Rhumsaa to DJ Dan bashing thread*




lol I'd hardly call this a 'dj_dan bashing' thread. At the moment, it's turned into a 'oh dj_dan is right... let's try and pretend that he's saying something that he's not in a hope that nobody will notice' thread.


But if you're gonna' call out the big boys.. i better get my ninja suit on.














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Heh, you actually seem proud of that.


Fair play, you found a technical angle to make a post on the internet, but how has that post in anyway supported your point? What has it contributed to the debate, other than back up my point that it's only relgious organisations that are petty enough to kick up a fuss about this sort of thing, and generate general antipathy in the process?

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I understand with Sikhs arguement (shooting men in turbans and the resemblance to an actual massacre) a lot easier than the CofE bollocks in this instance. Fair enough, if the object of the game was to rush in a rescue a load of kids from evil vicars then they'd have a reason to complain but it's not, it's set in the 50's and you have to kill hybrid human/monster things. Fact is, they're getting themselves loads of free publicity, like someone already said, I bet people will go the the Cathedral now just to see if it really is that good a recreation.


The whole game is set in parts of England and it never really occurred to me that the representations of the various towns, cities and buildings were true to life. They could've said it was Manchester Cathedral but in fact looked nothing like it and I would've none the wiser, now I know that's it's a pretty darn good copy and if I'm every in the vicinity, I might go and see if any crawlers try and eat me. Not really. They're way to scary, being a total girl, it took me 5 attempts on medium to get past that bloody Cathedral just because as soon as those nasty buggers came I just about threw the controller on the floor, urgh, I hate creepy-crawly things!

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