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Cathedral To Demand Sony Apology

Albert Tatlock

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Heh, you actually seem proud of that.


heh, no. I'm merely defending the allegation that i'm backing up your point - and more so, that yes, i know that sikhism is a religion (since you tried to infer i didn't).


It's taken this long for you to realise.


Fair play, you found a technical angle to make a post on the internet, but how has that post in anyway supported your point? What has it contributed to the debate, other than back up my point that it's only relgious organisations that are petty enough to kick up a fuss about this sort of thing, and generate general antipathy in the process?




what has this contributed to the debate blah blah. You pick up on that now after trying to make out I was wrong. A full reversal now huh?


actually... it was just a simple answer to your question - which is a contribution, is it not? I wasn't arguing anything by it. Just answering your question. Simple as.

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I'm not religous and perhaps this is a little naive but I've always thought that there should be a place in the world where there are no weapons and the church seems the right place.


Perhaps they could modify the game so that if you run into the church in question with a gun some omnipotent deity bitch slaps you and pinches all your ammo ?

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Perhaps they could modify the game so that if you run into the church in question with a gun marriage licence some omnipotent deity bitch slaps you and pinches all your ammo money ?

Fixed your post - they already have that - it's called 'getting married'.

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umm... yes.

You did actually read your own words before you posted them right?

Slim: I think on the contrary, I gave an example of another organization that (like the Church of England) has made a complaint about their representation in a computer game. So no... i hardly proved his point.


I'm not surprised you're a bit dim, as I've seen some of the nonsense you believe. He said 'when else', as in 'when has someone other than a religious organisation' complained about such a thing.

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Why do people play games that involve shooting?


Because they're exciting and fun in a way entirely different from jumping over flowers and collecting sweets.


or because it saves me the time and expense of pulling a gun out on real people when i've had a bad day! ;)

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umm... yes.

You did actually read your own words before you posted them right?

Slim: I think on the contrary, I gave an example of another organization that (like the Church of England) has made a complaint about their representation in a computer game. So no... i hardly proved his point.


I'm not surprised you're a bit dim, as I've seen some of the nonsense you believe. He said 'when else', as in 'when has someone other than a religious organisation' complained about such a thing.


oh come on, I've just been through this with Mr Sausages. It's quite clear what he said, and he has well acknowledged that. Stop trying to drag this out and change his words to try and make it look like I'm a "bit dim" as if to fit into your pathetic equation ---> 'he who believes in God must be a bit dim'.


have to say, love the little "as in" bit. 'Yes, he really said ....... but what he really meant was ..........' LOL


and have you really, really seen the nonsense I believe? I doubt you'd have a clue.

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oh come on, I've just been through this with Mr Sausages. It's quite clear what he said, and he has well acknowledged that. Stop trying to drag this out and change his words to try and make it look like I'm a "bit dim" as if to fit into your pathetic equation ---> 'he who believes in God must be a bit dim'.

have to say, love the little "as in" bit. 'Yes, he really said ....... but what he really meant was ..........' LOL


The questions still good and valid to the discussion no matter how you want to dance around it: What non-religious organisation has ever made a similar complaint?


and have you really, really seen the nonsense I believe? I doubt you'd have a clue.


I have seen the nonsense you believe, a bunch of very flakey tosh about someone discovering a set of golden plates. As religions go, the mormon one isn't even an interesting story. If you're going to make shit up like that, might as well make it funny like the scientologist stuff.

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