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Arma - Armed Assault


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I've heard it's glitchy, but I don't play the PC much anymore.


Glitchy isn't the word, its absolutely shocking. I enjoyed Operation Flashpoint (despite its quirks) so I thought I would give this a try. Some reviews marked it high, others very very poorly. The general opinion is, they took an old engine - and adding post-rendering to try and tart it up a bit. I upgraded my box to a Core Duo, 2gb RAM and a 512mb 7900 GeForce and it struggled, even at 800x600. Load up BG2142 and it ticks along happily at 1280x1024. The game had loads of potential, but a seriously crappy engine.

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I bought it a little while ago, lured by the promise of huge draw distances and whatnot. Haven't encountered that many bugs so far, but it looks like absolute crap. I know there's got to be some kind of compromise with regards to features and aesthetics, but this thing looks about as pretty as Half Life 1.

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I upgraded my box to a Core Duo, 2gb RAM and a 512mb 7900 GeForce and it struggled, even at 800x600.


That's odd, ArmA works fine for me at 1280x1024 with most of the settings on high, and I've only got the 7600 GeForce. Even at those settings the textures look like they were made in MS Paint though. It wouldn't be so bad, but it's so boring as well! Average single player mission consists of:


Run left!

Run Fowards!

Run right then backwards!

Spin round three times!

Return to insertion point!


Mission Accomplished!


At least Operation Wulf was fun.


Bananaman have you played the Eve of Destruction 2 for Bf2 yet?

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