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The Steam Racket

Roger Smelly

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Well why don't the government instead of paying a fortune on advertising give the money to the steam racket and subsidise the summer fares.


Its alright having a nice advert but if it costs the same to come here as it does for 2 weeks in spain what are you going to pick ?


The islands tourism should be focused on short 3 day breaks that way people don't get bored come the 4th lol.

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Why should the government give your money and my money to any commercial organisation as subsidy. If the industry doesn't work, let it die and be re born.


Does that apply to farming? That surely has to be most subsidised industry in the world.

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What Peter Karran said about the racket was the best thing I have ever heard from a MHK - actually makes me want to go out and vote again!!


The Steam Racket are an embarassment - I meet people all over the world who tell me their worst ferry experience was a trip to the Isle of Man!!


When are they going to get rid of this offensive "fuel surcharge" - fuel prices actually went down recently, but we are still stuck with the surcharge. Would they please just add it into the price so what you see is what you pay?? Why not try some sails anyway - plenty of wind in the Irish Sea!!


I used to travel Manx Line - it was fine - big comfy leather seats - and the modern technology of a large TV!! (without being charged extra) The King Orry used to have a 'cinema', but then they started charging. The Ben has some background TV with movies playing in the cafe (why??) The Lady used to have a fine 'cinema' on the lower deck - but this seemed to disappear in recent years though.


Indeed all the Australian bank are interested in is money - why is half the 'super'seacat now 'first class' and why is so much extra channeled into paying to reserve your seats???


Maybe they will have time to plan for the bi-centennial TT in 2107!!!

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The Lady used to have a fine 'cinema' on the lower deck - but this seemed to disappear in recent years though.

The cinema was welded shut during the last refit, to create an additional void space to comply with new regulations - was nice before, though...

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Anyone with experience of travel on other ferry companies in Europe will find the Steam Packet hopeless by comparison.


The food is bloody awful, the set-up for passengers at Liverpool is third world, waiting in that stinking "lounge" at Heysham is torture and that's before breakdowns and the constant deafening"information" messages from the tannoy. It makes me feel like a prisoner off to the gulag, not a fare paying passenger


I have suffered travel by Steam Packet for nearly fifty years and it's always been shite


Remember all that bullshit we used to get about arline fares, about how they had to charge that much because of landing fees etc, and then Emerald came along and halved the fare to Liverpool and passenger numbers soared.


What this service needs is competition, monopolies are never good for the consumer, think Lada cars.

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Providing another ferry service to the island is never going to be viable, no-one will do it. There's not enough people using the service for a start. I've used the ferry and fast crafts in excess of 40 times over the last 2 years and I have used the departure lounges for waiting probably 4 or 5 times as there was never any need to be there early because the boat was usually more than half empty. Obviously over the Autumn/winter/early spring few people are willing to risk the weather, either because it'll mean a cancelled boat or throwing up.


There were a few times I sat there and wondered if the fast crafts actually managed to make money over the winter. I think the only time I've been on it with more than 80 people was between Easter and September. The only people who seem to be on the Ben during winter months are students and freight drivers, I'm sure you'd find it was much better value for money of you used it outside of peak times, obviously they're going to charge more for the summer and school holidays because that's when they can make money!


I don't think I've had any particularly bad experiences on the boat. They can't help the weather, yes, it's inconvenient when it's cancelled but I'd rather them do that then put me out on the sea express in a force 8. I never buy the food, what's the point? If you can't go for a maximum of 3hrs45 without needing a full cooked breakfast and a beaker of shitty syrup coke then you deserve to pay £7.50 for it. They messed up big time over TT, they had problems with the sea cat and the sea express sank, yes fair enough but then to go on and try to blame everyone else without apology was a bloody stupid. That said, I'd rather pay £35 for a 5hr round trip to Liverpool with the Racket than give £120 to Eurowank for a 3hr plane journey to Manchester and back (by the time you add check-in times).

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I make a return visit Peel-South of England about every 5weeks or so, always by boat (generally using a boat/rail ticket with flexible return date so I can avoid some bad weather) - in winter I always avoid the Liverpool boat as a 50% no-go ratio is useless. The Ben is generally ok - at least the quiet lounge is - and as you say most of the regulars seem to bring a packed lunch - certainly during winter the Ben's lounge is seldom more than 25-30% full midweek and often much less. I've never been in the Sea -Express in a force 8 (force 6 yes - rather bumpy and soon very smelly!) however I have been seriously delayed by engine failures which can make onward travel somewhat of a problem (my brother had a recent sea cruise around Liverpool bay whilst they fixed the third engine! - my sister-in-law says never again by boat).


There might be lessons to be learnt from Shetland which operates their all important link by contract (as does Orkney I think) - the price paid for the Racket indicates to me that some serious price gouging is in store as it in no way reflects the acquired assets(most of which now appear to have been sold off and leased back) and relies totally on the single user agreement - come another poor winter and non-air transport is utterly dependent on just one boat.

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I've spent most of this evening trying to make a booking on their so called web site, it's gone something like this:


5 minutes of: LOADING... Please wait.


Followed by: Sorry, but your booking has timed out. Please click here to start another booking.


Please ensure you complete each step of the booking within 15 minutes


And then: Booking System currently unavailable


The Booking System is currently unavailable due to a technical fault.

We will keep you informed of the progress on this page.


Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.


I'm not accepting apologies, I'm not even taking prisoners! I've wasted hours trying to make a crucial booking, entered my details countless times only to lose the booking at some stage or other. The site has been like this for the last few days. Exasperated doesn't begin to describe me.

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There might be lessons to be learnt from Shetland which operates their all important link by contract (as does Orkney I think) -



The Aberdeen - Shetland (Lerwick) journey is a 14 hour trip. That boat goes come what may (as the Steam Packet used to). It arrives late sometimes due to gale force winds - but it arrives.


There is at least one person from the Isle of Man going to the annual motorcycle rally up there this year, which is held over the longest day ('Simmer Dim'). That far up north it stays light just about 24 hours.


Perhaps next year there will be a good contingent from Isle of Man bikers taking the long trip up there . . . . .


Edited to add that I have been through the same experience as Mr Woo this evening. Perhaps the bandwidth only allows 1 person at a time?

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I've spent most of this evening trying to make a booking on their so called web site, it's gone something like this:


5 minutes of: LOADING... Please wait.


Followed by: Sorry, but your booking has timed out. Please click here to start another booking.


Please ensure you complete each step of the booking within 15 minutes


And then: Booking System currently unavailable


The Booking System is currently unavailable due to a technical fault.

We will keep you informed of the progress on this page.


Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.


I'm not accepting apologies, I'm not even taking prisoners! I've wasted hours trying to make a crucial booking, entered my details countless times only to lose the booking at some stage or other. The site has been like this for the last few days. Exasperated doesn't begin to describe me.

Can I just remind you?


WEBSITE forums caused 'unnecessary panic' over changes to 5,000 TT ferry bookings, the Steam Packet has claimed.


It's not their fault - never...so stop it - right now! We know it's your fault! Step away from the computer! :ph34r:

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The food is bloody awful, the set-up for passengers at Liverpool is third world, waiting in that stinking "lounge" at Heysham is torture and that's before breakdowns and the constant deafening"information" messages from the tannoy. It makes me feel like a prisoner off to the gulag, not a fare paying passenger

Again though, should port facilities be the responsibility of the ferry operator? It is certainly not the case for airlines is it?


Plus the SP have tried numerous times to develop facilities in Liverpool, only to be turned down by the Council etc. So they have tried. And I do believe that the current works will provide for better facilites once they have been completed.


But IMO it should be the port authorities who take that criticism. I mean, compare the outdated facilities at the Sea Terminal compared to those at the Airport. The passenger handling facilities and security procedures are woeful by comparison, and often contribute to the 'cattle herd' experience of being a foot passenger.


Heysham will always be a moot point for some, but as I normally travel by car, personally I find it and excellent port for onward travel.


Like Tugger says, I have no problem with them looking into it at all. As long as they start looking at other things which attract public criticism, like MHK's and MLC's for instance :)


Someone also mentioned the fuel surcharge thing as well. Again the Packet held off for years thorugh soaring oil prices before adding this as an 'extra'. I don't particularly like the way it is not included within fares ,as that used to be a clear difference between airline pricing and the SP's. However, if you are being fair, airlines are still charging a bundle of extras which include fuel and security, so is there really a difference?

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