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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


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I'm not normally one for world-this and world-that days, but this particular one is definitely noteworthy imo


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Friday June 15


Cllr Story said: “All of us, whatever our age or ability, have the right to live safe from harm and abuse. But the sad fact is that older people, because of their vulnerability, can be victims of both mental and physical abuse, often by members of their own families or those who are paid to care for them.


“We all have a responsibility to keep older people safe and I am delighted that this special day gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves to watch out for our older relatives and friends.”


UK statistics alone suggest that some 500,000 older people are victims of abuse every year. Often called ‘the silent crime’, it can include all forms of abuse – physical, psychological, financial and sexual as well as through neglect.


Cllr Story added: “It is appalling to think that those who have reached the autumn of their years, having made their contribution to society, can be denied a contented, peaceful and happy retirement, thanks to the cruelty of those they depend on.”


Another story about it on the Beep.


Having witnessed this sort of behaviour first hand in the past, I still think it's one of the most despicable and disgusting types of crime possible - just sickening to even think about...


The first article mentions an adult "protection co-ordinator" of that particular borough - does such position exist on the IOM?

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Although my father can hardly be considered to be old (he is 64) he is in a nursing home here on the Island.


He has Korsakoff's Dementia and is exceptionally aggressive with it. He is cared for by an absolutely amazing team of staff, who keep their composure even when he is being physically violent with them.


Sadly, this seems to be the exception to the rule. I worked in the care industry for 15 years and over that time have seen things that have mentally scarred me.


One of the main problems is proving abuse. I was a witness in THIS case. From the link you can see that it came to a head in 2004. The problem being, the actual abuse happened in 1999. (I am aware that it is to do with learning disabilities, but the patients in question were elderly).


It is both saddening and sickening. It unfortunately also seems to be endemic in our society.

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It is very sad. The problem is that it's so easy to enlist sympathy for children or cute-looking animals when they're abused because they're a marketing man's dream. It isn't quite so easy when it comes to someone who's in their dotage or suffering from dementia.

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I agree Elder Abuse as a *silent crime* is often minimised and disregarded or censored here as well - and of course this reality is accompanied by other cases of dreadful abuse and exploitation of children and animals here too sadly ...


However in respect and support of the many pensioners struggling downunder with the losses of their international occupational entitlements, benefits & savings - the following link may be of some interest perhaps?




Sorry not the best winter weather on this day for those brave people who are protesting the DWP equivalent offices to mark this worldwide day .... but fingers crossed its been a good day for victims bringing attention to this injustice.....


Plus I guess forewarned is forearmed I hope - and so this link may be relevant to any informed decision making concerning emigration or repatriation choices by British/Manx people....

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It is so correct to say Elder Abuse is a silent crime. It is tragic in any race or language. A case in question came to mind. Adult children were the abusers. They had the power to delay property settlement in the hope that the father would die before settlement; so they could get control of both parents asset pool. Shocking case that was detailed on the net recently. Worth a look - Just type frank punito in your browser.

Leave your comment to cheer up the poor man.

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