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Art? What Art?......


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This is Lotty Rosenfeld, an artist from Chile:




Lotty is currently taking part in the Documenta 12 in Kassel, Germany, the art thingy were all important artists take part.


This is her work for the exhibition - can't remember the name, but it's basically a lot of road markings in the centre of town that were turned into crosses using sticky tape - the message behind it is something like "to detect subliminal forms of power and control"




This, on the other hand, is the street cleaning and road maintenance team from Kassel - a happy bunch that looks after the roads and isn't really into art (you can see where this is leading now...):




And this is what happens if no-one tells them that alterations to their road markings are actually meant to be art:




The artist is said to be devastated, while the street cleaning team celebrated a job well done - art, it's weird :)

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