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So This Fat Bloke Goes To Heaven....


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Yes, back when political correctness actually meant not invading the wrong country !


To be fair, he had his cringe moments and often took it the edge of comedy acceptance.


But I still far prefer a FUNNY joke which involves a Rabbi, a midget, an Irishman and an English bloke more than listening to some militant bi-sexual man hating bint ranting on about how she bleeds once a month and how sensitive that should make me feel etc etc!

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Here's a couple more of his overly offensive and apparently all he ever stood for racist jokes...


"I'm glad I'm not bisexual; I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women."


"I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included."

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Been to his club, at least a third of the audience were other than white, they were rolling in the aisles !!


You know why a lot of people hated BM, because a lot of his jokes represent the truth about society.


Wherever he is be it hot or cold it will be a funnier place.

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Bernard Manning relied on an audience to bounce off - I remember being invited to The Embassy Club once with my new in-laws and trying to shrink in my seat so he didn't pick on me - but like the rest of the crowd was soon in fits of laughter.


I heard a tale years later about how that backfired on him though.


He'd just started his act at (IIRC) the Warren Club in Bredbury and was picking on audience members when a bloke stood up near the front of the stage. The audience hushed in anticipation - this was a real kamikaze thing to do at a BM gig.


Sure enough, Bernard accosted the bloke with a 'and where the f*ck do yer think YOU'RE going?" to which the bloke replied "for a quick piss before the comic comes on".


Evidently it was a new heckle that left BM floored, and he cut the act short.

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Another couple of his:



Hear about the first Jewish Kamikaze pilot? ...crashed his plane into his brothers scrapyard.



I was driving the other day and crashed straight up the arse of the car in front of me. I couldn't see the driver...and then suddenly this dwarf got out. He insisted we exchange details, so I said to the dwarf that I didn't have my insurance details with me. So the dwarf said "I'm not happy" - so I said "which ****ing one are you then?"

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The one I remember was just after the Falklands war he did a show and said "I see we have some soldiers from the conflict in tonight" The audience then gave massive cheers. Manning then times it perfectly by saying "They're Argentinians"


Never really got on with his style of comedy but I cant deny he had brilliant comic timing.

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Another couple:


Bloke is at the supermarket checkout. On the conveyer belt he's got one sausage, one rasher of bacon, one bread roll, one egg, one tomato etc.


Bird on the checkout looks at him and says cheekily,"Ooh you must be a single man."


Bloke thinks he's in here and says, "Why how can you tell?"


"Because you're a fucking ugly cunt."




Yorkshire couple go to Majorca for their first holiday abroad. Being typical Brits abroad, they don't trust the local food, and as it's a Sunday they start cooking a roast dinner. Unfortunately they've forgotten the gravy granules, so Maureen says to Geoffrey:


"I'm sure the couple next door are English, go and ask them if they've got some"


So off he goes, knocks on the door, and sure enough a bloke in Union Jack shorts opens the door:


Geoffrey asks politely: "Hast thou any Bisto??"


The bloke says: "Fuck off you Spanish twat"

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