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Car Surfing - Road Safety Unit Prepare New Campaign


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At huge taxpayers expense (£150,000) the Road Safety Unit are expected to come up with a new campaign to thwart the expected new fad taking over the Bottleneck and Chester Street car park for car surfing. Have they got nothing better to do?

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thats nothing new, we did that years ago, I recall one time going up the balla in a morris ital van with one of my mates on the bonnet leaning against the wind screen, what fun we had trying to knock him off with the windscreen wipers.


he eventually fell off going round the tight right hander at the end of Port Erin prom and broke his collar bone, after that he seemed reluctant to play :huh:

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Has anyone been in the Bottle Neck car park in the evening? Full of kids revving up their cars, screeching round and lining up to do who knows what. I am really not a spoilsport, but it is a bit risky leaving your car there when you take a walk along the prom.

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I think it's been like that for as long as I can remember Gladys.


I notice it more these days but probably because I'm no longer a youth and am (quite enjoyably so) becoming prematurely 'humbuggy'.

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At huge taxpayers expense (£150,000) the Road Safety Unit are expected to come up with a new campaign to thwart the expected new fad taking over the Bottleneck and Chester Street car park for car surfing. Have they got nothing better to do?


Oh no not an expected new fad ???? :blink: you thought they would at least spend the money to thwart an actual new fad,


you really are a bit potty how the hell do you expect kids to stand on the roof of cars while driving through the chester st carpark they will bang their heads on the celling you silly man,


anyway, i gave up car surfing years ago is i could not keep the car balanced on top of the surfboard and after loosing 2 cars i gave it up as i found it to an expensive hobby to keep going.

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I think car surfing is a perfectly safe hobby, but you have to practice a lot until you reach this level of perfection:




Although, admittedly, it's not really a sport for everyone...



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Is it just me that thinks that spending £150,000 effectively 'advertising' this craze and spreading the word is more likely to make it catch on? I would have thought tackling a few hotspots where it is likely to occur would be money better spent. What kind of idiot likely to do this is likely to take any notice of a leaflet anyway?


FFS! There'll be a campaign about parachuting without parachutes next.

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I think car surfing is a perfectly safe hobby, but you have to practice a lot until you reach this level of perfection:




Although, admittedly, it's not really a sport for everyone...





Is this Mrs Stav?

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