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Manhunt 2

When Skies Are Grey

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I see that the BBFC has effectively banned the release of Manhunt 2 stating among its reasons the "unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone" (sounds like any day in the office to me but anyway)...they have therefore deemed that it is not eligible for an 18 certificate and have not issued any recommendations for alterations to allow it to get one. It is therefore effectively banned.


Whilst the Manhunt series isnt one that has ingnited my gaming fires over the years it would appear that the increased realism of graphics will put these types of games increasingly under the microscope.


Harmless fun or poisonous evil?? I guess it depends what paper you read!

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Just been commenting on this on a forum i frequent quite often.


How I see it is that if paying customers vote with their wallet and dont buy it there wont be a Manhunt 3. I dont want some beuracratic organisation telling me what I can and cannot buy. It's not real, it's a game. Manhunt was a crap game anyway.

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Manhunt was a crap game anyway.


Exactly...but nothing like a bit of free publicity! I bet there's a small rush on back copies of the first game.


I recall that GTA got away with it because of the "stylised" graphics...not sure how this will affect the new one considering the trailer has a much more "realistic" feel to it.


Hey ho...keeps the bile of the Daily Mail readers bubbling no doubt.

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I heard on Radio 1 this morning that it was also due to the fact that the video footage of James Bulger's abduction is used in-game.

His parents were obviously distraught to learn of this and subsequently called for it to be banned.

Don't blame them really, that sort of thing isn't very nice for them to have to endure.

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I heard on Radio 1 this morning that it was also due to the fact that the video footage of James Bulger's abduction is used in-game.

His parents were obviously distraught to learn of this and subsequently called for it to be banned.

Don't blame them really, that sort of thing isn't very nice for them to have to endure.



James' image was actually used in another game Law & Order:Double or Nothing...not Manhunt 2

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I agree if a game uses actual video footage of a gratuitous act of violence then it should be banned. If it's staged or acted then it should just follow the film classification. And there is some deeply disturbing films out there that get passed by the BBFC.

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I heard on Radio 1 this morning that it was also due to the fact that the video footage of James Bulger's abduction is used in-game.

His parents were obviously distraught to learn of this and subsequently called for it to be banned.

Don't blame them really, that sort of thing isn't very nice for them to have to endure.



James' image was actually used in another game Law & Order:Double or Nothing...not Manhunt 2

Which was released over 3 1/2 years ago with no-one noticing until now. It's a still of the original CCTV footage from the shopping centre, and completely unrecognisable to anyone not significantly involved with the case. Still inappropriate IMO, but not actually anywhere near as bad as made out by the media.



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I heard on Radio 1 this morning that it was also due to the fact that the video footage of James Bulger's abduction is used in-game.

His parents were obviously distraught to learn of this and subsequently called for it to be banned.

Don't blame them really, that sort of thing isn't very nice for them to have to endure.



James' image was actually used in another game Law & Order:Double or Nothing...not Manhunt 2

Which was released over 3 1/2 years ago with no-one noticing until now. It's a still of the original CCTV footage from the shopping centre, and completely unrecognisable to anyone not significantly involved with the case. Still inappropriate IMO, but not actually anywhere near as bad as made out by the media.




God that image still makes me shudder.....inappropriate yes, but like you say sensationalised by the lazy media once again.


The argument being of course that someone deliberately coded that image, which is somewhat odd to say the least!

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Fans crave cruel video

By CATH BENNETT - Sunday News | Sunday, 24 June 2007


KIWI fans are lining up to buy a video game in which players bash and throttle prostitutes to death.


Manhunt 2 has been banned in Britain and Ireland, after censors said it was too sadistic and brutal.


But the game, played on PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii, can be pre-ordered in New Zealand by fans of any age.


Children's Commissioner Dr Cindy Ciro fears Manhunt 2 will get into the hands of impressionable teens.


"Its clearly not good for children to be interacting with violent computer games," Ciro told Sunday News.


"I have major concerns about games and the effect they have on children and young people - and the chief censor shares this view."


Manhunt 2 is the first video game ever to be banned in Ireland and the first in 10 years in Britain.


"There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which killings are committed and encouraged in the game," said British classifications director David Cooke.


In Manhunt 2, the player is an insane asylum escaper who kills enemies, including prostitutes, in the most gruesome way possible.


Players are encouraged to increase the brutality of their kills, including suffocating victims with plastic bags, garroting them with wire, shooting them and bashing them to death with baseball bats and crowbars.


The game was made by Rockstar Games, a part of American-based global gaming firm Take-Two Interactive, and can be pre-ordered from New Zealand for around $50.


It is tipped for release here in September, but has yet to be given a classification.


"If they plan to release it here we expect to get a copy of it in the next few weeks," said David Wilson, information manager at the Office of Film and Literature Classification.


"Overseas indicators are that at the very least it will have a high age restriction, and given that we banned the original Manhunt, it may well be banned.


"There were pre-orders with the original, and although some had even paid for it, we classified and banned it and they couldn't actually have it."


Since the New Zealand classification office was established in 1994, just three games have been banned, including Manhunt in 2003 and Reservoir Dogs last year.


Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick defended Manhunt 2, saying the game was "art".


"The Rockstar team has come up with a game that fits squarely within the horror genre and was intended to do so," Zelnick said.


"It brings a unique, formerly unheard of cinematic quality to interactive entertainment, and is also a fine piece of art."


...... and just before I get asked some questions - YES prostitution is legal in little NZ - and YES there are huge problems with violence against prostitutes and vulnerable men, women & children in this society as well sadly :(


ps I have not uploaded the graphic which accompanied the MSM story this weekend here etc

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