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Homeless In The Isle Of Man


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The Isle of Man 'homeless' are homeless for the following reasons:


1. Their family/friends are not prepared to put up with their drink/drug behaviour.

2. They often do not want to interact with the help offered to them under anything but their own terms.

3. Many of them persistently abuse, assault, intimidate and freeload off of those working for the health and social services who are there to help them.

4. A small minority can't help themselves due to real mental illness. They obviously need help.


Those who get homed are the decent people who really want a break and are willing to behave in a civil manner.

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Those who get homed are the decent people who really want a break and are willing to behave in a civil manner.


I have to agree. How anyone can accept living on a bare floor and crapping into a Tesco's bag as an alternative to getting their act together and off the White Lightning is beyond me. In order to help people they first have to be able to help themselves.

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Are some of the homeless the same you see outside the Post Office in Regent Street making drunken twats of themselves?

A friend works in regent street post office,serves the dead eggs their social money,always pissed and rude.At least i work to be able to go out at the weekend to get pissed and rude

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Are some of the homeless the same you see outside the Post Office in Regent Street making drunken twats of themselves?

A friend works in regent street post office,serves the dead eggs their social money,always pissed and rude.At least i work to be able to go out at the weekend to get pissed and rude


Yep I've seen them, sitting there getting pissed and one of them asked me for some money!!!!!!


So I told him to get a job, it didnt go down very well.


I have no time for them, I hate people who sponge!


When I rule the Isle of Man, there all going on Chicken Rock.

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Well i was in the DHSS office a while back + i came across this woman crying her eyes out, her freind asked me for asistance as she was so upset crying + so pissed ect that she couldent even sign her name on the form she was tryna fill out! (her friend had a few 2 many also!) she said she had been kicked out of her flat, + lost her money ect ect etc ect

I obvously helped + filled the form in on her behalf.


But goodness knows what shes been thru + is going thru 2 get into that state? :(


I dont think its very helpfull 2 lable them as drunken twats!!! there mostley people with unresolved issues within there lives + have repaetedly been kicked down by society + so have turned there anger + sadness inwards, instead of outwards hence there need for cider 2 make the world seem better at the time.


The wrong doings of society is the reason they drink!

I think they should be allowed help on there OWN terms NOT on anyone elses terms!


Im still gunna speack up for these people, they just simply need a helping hand :)

Edited by Steven
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Well i was in the DHSS office a while back + i came across this woman crying her eyes out, her freind asked me for asistance as she was so upset crying + so pissed ect that she couldent even sign her name on the form she was tryna fill out! (her friend had a few 2 many also!) she said she had been kicked out of her flat, + lost her money ect ect etc ect

I obvously helped + filled the form in on her behalf.


But goodness knows what shes been thru + is going thru 2 get into that state? :(


I dont think its very helpfull 2 lable them as drunken twats!!! there mostley people with unresolved issues within there lives + have repaetedly been kicked down by society + so have turned there anger + sadness inwards, instead of outwards hence there need for cider 2 make the world seem better at the time.


The wrong doings of society is the reason they drink!

I think they should be allowed help on there OWN terms NOT on anyone elses terms!


Im still gunna speack up for these people, they just simply need a helping hand :)


I helping hand into passing traffic.


Its not hard to get a job at all, I was made re-dundent from Manx Airlines when BA took over.....and I didnt "fall apart", I got a job and started the day after my redundency.


There just lazy and blame things on other people........yeah I'll get hammered every day, that will solve all my problems and I'll sponge off the Manx public.


The Couriers free, so when there sleeping under it, they can look for jobs.

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The other thing about this cider is the mixture of mind altering chemicals within the cider which seriously affects the blood sugar blood levels affecting not only insulin levels resulting in diabetes but also distruption of brain hormones ect resulting in severe mood swings ie aggression, deperession ect.

So the food industry is actually selling the stuff endorsed by goverment, which can cause these anti social behavours in people.

So its unfair + hypocritical 2 blame people for these behaviours ie cant get jobs ect when your actually providing this absoloute crap which is oftern causing there behaviours!


Just 2 mention also that saying no one is forcing anyone 2 drink this stuff, well it contains chemicalls which are HIGHLY addictive, so people beome physically + mentally addicted so they HAVE 2 continue 2 drink it intill they can get the help they need!


Some one really ought 2 bring these super markets 2 court over some of the stuff they sell as supermarkets are ultimatley responsible for causing some serious health problems within populations.

Unfortunaltey the legal system is flawed in itself as rich orginizations have money which buys, + they have power which oftern corrupts + so desicions are oftern wrongfully influenced, + so justice is rarely served!


But the other thing about the homeless is the cost of flats on the lsle of man, people are just totally ripped of over here by greedy landlords!!!

A flat in the uk is about 45 - 50 p/w over here there avegeraged about 100 p/w at least!


But what i post may be cobblers 2 some but 2 those with a bit of imagination + understanding it makes perfect sence!


I dont care that i may be an outsider of outsiders, i stand my ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Edited by Steven
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I am a Manxman who has been homeless in his own "home"


In 1984 the bank reposessed the hotel we had been running and we ended up staying on a friends floor, two of us plus our toddler son. There were over 2000 people on the dole here, jobs were scarce and our benefits came to £52.00 a week


We spent the winter days sitting in Barry Noble's amusements to keep warm.


After a few months of this we moved to London, got jobs, worked hard then moved back here when things picked up.


It's about choices, if you choose to devote your life to drink then don't come whingeing when you live in shit, get out and earn a fucking living like the rest of us.

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It is easy to see the slippery slope, but with most people on it, something happens that stops them in the downwards spiral. Its when people ignore that trigger to wake up that they descend into the mire of alcoholism and eventual homelessness. I do not believe alcoholism sneaks up on people, unless they ignore the signs (like waking up with no knowledge of the night before, in some degraded state, lost a job, spouse or children). People in that state no longer have any self-respect, or respect for others, and are very deceitful both to themselves and others close to them.


I have understanding of how most got to that stage, but little sympathy as they have chosen to ignore the signs and, I suspect, many have chosen the alcoholic route as they are too self-obsessed to take the knocks that the rest of us take for granted.


And that is a very intolerant view, but it is one I truly believe, and I drink!

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Give a pompous self righteous ("I've worked like a dog so etc, etc, rant,,rant,lol... ) clown a (brand new) carrier bag, and he'll carry a jar of sun -dried tomatoes (yum) home in it and then bin it. Give the bag to a dosser, and he'll defecate in it for a week or maybe more. And think of the water saved! lol,lol............... Bit like giving goats to Africans really, lol ,lol...........

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I think Steven (no relation or connection with myself whatsoever as far as is known) was alluding to the chemical concoction of some of the manufactured ciders available.


This can amount to a chemical addiction rather than to a traditional alcohol addiction.


It might be suggested that the manufacturers of drinks such as these chemical ciders have an obvious vested interest in selling more and more and more of their wares. Hence the possibility of addictive (albeit currently legal) chemicals being an ingredient.


On a similar related subject, I am led to believe that a certain brand of bottled brown ale, after carrying out extensive market research, had an added ingredient that was quite legal and the only effect it had was to give a headache the following day. This ensured at least some sign of a hangover. You see, the type of people who drank this brown ale apparently weren't satisfied they had had a good night out unless there was a hangover the following day. The hangover and the associated companionship of discussing and comparing your illness with your workmates etc. the following day was all part and parcel of the drinking process.


Me a conspiracy theorist?



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The Isle of Man 'homeless' are homeless for the following reasons:


1. Their family/friends are not prepared to put up with their drink/drug behaviour.

2. They often do not want to interact with the help offered to them under anything but their own terms.

3. Many of them persistently abuse, assault, intimidate and freeload off of those working for the health and social services who are there to help them.

4. A small minority can't help themselves due to real mental illness. They obviously need help.


Those who get homed are the decent people who really want a break and are willing to behave in a civil manner.



I feel more should be done for those unfortunate people that are holmless, may be some with no fault of their own. It makes me angry to watch the report on iomline about the shelter that is currently in place, I mean it needs cheering up a bit, get the people using the facility to look after the place, with support from the right people, ok they may be drunk, but they need to respect the place, they live in, do some jobs earn their benefit.

I lived in Preston till recently, there are a lot more holmless people living their, and lots being done for them. :D

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Sorry if I offend anyone by what I'm going to say, but how many homeless people are there on the Isle of Man? and how can you be homeless anywhere in the British Isles through "no fault of your own"? My (limited) understanding of the welfare system in Britain is that someone only becomes "homeless" by way of personal choice. Though I accept that choice can seem like the best choice (at the time) given what/who some people have to live with.

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