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Isle Of Man Electoral Register

John Wright

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I have always voted - but having witnessed the ridiculous and totally undemocratic antics of our representatives following the last election - I'm inclined to say that I have the same respect for the democratic process as they appear to have and will, therefore, ensure that I 'spoil' my ballot paper next time.

Post of the year.


I fear more from a police state and its infringement of my civil liberties than I do from the IRA, Al Quaeda and anyone else who takes direct action against governments who oppress, create war and do not recognise political reality. Who do not talk or try to undestand and compromise.


When will we learn.

. . . . .


If my travel is impeded, it is not the terrorists have won, but the control freaks in power in the so called intelligence services, who want to stop free movement, who want to check where we are all the time.


Don't allow that to happen, the end result is far worse than terrorism.



I find it hard to balance out that on the one hand you are involved with matters concerning the compilation of the electoral register on this small but heavily governmentalised Island of Man and on the other you shout down the "control freaks in power in the so called intelligence services".


I apologise if this post seems a but obscure, but in its brief lines you should be able to understand at least a little of why many people these days resist including their names onto such a government register. You of all people.

With the views expressed on here by John Wright I agree with the Cherry Drop. It seems that John W has some VERY strong opinions of his own, nothing wrong with that by the way, but I don't know that he's the sort of person I would want to conduct an enquiry such as this. In my (humble) experience the stronger your views the less objective you tend to be.....

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Well said Mr Motivator about reducing the number of MHK's to an acceptable level, but where would these excess MHK's go?

It's been alleged in many places of back handers, secret squirrel meetings and the you look after me and I'll look after you partnerships, but the thought of seeing all these spare redundant MHK's about the place, seems uncanny.

I must say though, I find that Peter Karran is a person who ruffles a few feathers from time to time and is quite easy to talk to (I'm not Mr. Karran) and maybe if there was more straight talking and less 'bullshit', then people would take more of an interest in politics.

It would be interesting to see what an MHK gets paid and includes the add ons like travel, meal subsistence, bonuses, tax breaks, pension allowance etc etc.

I could be wrong, maybe they really do important stuff, with their hundreds of meetings, but it feels like that they have meetings for meetings sake, where minutes are taken and hours are lost.

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Half the problem is that our politicians aren't real politicians at all. None of them are properly qualified or experienced to run a nation. Add to this the fact that they do not engage with the electorate to find out what people really want and you have a rift as wide as the grand canyon. It also undermines our confidence in politicians when they make decisions that aren't transparent. So, why vote? As to being on the electoral register, what happened to Joined Up Government? This has been a Government directive (at least from an I.T. perspective) for many years but where is the evidence of joining up information?

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To put your name onto the Manx electoral register is to imply that you are in agreement with the whole political system.


I look forward to the day that the 'authorities' attempt to prosecute people for not putting their name on toy town's register.


And as for jury duty, we have in our midst an extremely unwholesome and corrupt membership within our judiciary.


Mr Wright, will you report this post or have you conveniently closed your little manxforums.com fact finding mission?

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Posts welcome until midnight tonight. I will lock afterwards


I would remind posters of what was said in the opening post


I can only take into account evidence which has a proper name not an alias and has a means of off forum contact for verification

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Oooh John, you have been wanting to put my name to my remarks now but I would prefer not to be buried in the sand at Douglas at low tide etc. etc.


To be serious though, my understanding is that there are many and varied reasons why people won't and don't vote. There is certainly a huge distrust of all things government on this Island. Why is that?


Can't be put entirely down to 'Human Nature' or 'One Of Those Things' can it?

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My uncle Jimmy always used to say that M.H.K's are like" bananas", in that when first elected they " go in green"then they "turn yellow" then they "go bent".


I think quite a few of the old school manxies shared his opinion ,It might explain why so many people don't bother to vote?.[apart from the ones who were excluded from the register by gov'mnt incompetence that is!.]

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