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The Real Victims Of Iraq


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Saw this on another Forum (courtesy of a regular poster here) and it fair made me well up. Not because it was an American child whose soldier Dad had returned but because it was probably epitomising the suffering and pain that must be being inflicted on children on both sides. I am sure there are much more heartrending pictures to see of Iraqi children being orphaned, injured or killed, witnessing death and carnage, or even just getting on with life in extremely difficult circumstances.


At least this little boy got his Dad back, there are many more that won't. He doesn't understand the ideologies behind this conflict just as the very many more Iraqi children affected won't have the first inkling as to why they are suffering. Just makes you think, isn't it time to stop?


(And before anyone starts to link back to my posts in the TT rider thread and what a derelict and uncaring parent I am; this is real trauma, not upset.)

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The plea was to both sides, PK.


In any case, it is not for me, nor for that matter, you, to solve this one. That is why we pay large amounts to various intermediaries, politicians etc. to broker such deals. I don't have the answer, just want to see the outcome.

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I have seen how Iraqi's live in a combat zone three times this year.... my heart truly goes out to them, there is really no direct rule as warlords tend to run certain areas of Baghdad and even their own security force works under a different banner from their Govt. Death is a daily occurrence and what you see on the news is just a snippet of major events that happen every day.


When this war started it opened a can of worms and allowed people of two separate identities who have fought for centuries to take on an automatic stand off.... I am not saying they were better off under Saddam but I think we will see a lot more blood shed over many years to come yet.

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My nephew is in Iraq at the moment, his second tour of duty. Listening to him, there are thousands of innocents suffering day and night, with little hope of things getting better for them.


How sad that the one thing that would slightly ease the pain is not there, the hope or belief that things will improve! The whole sad, sorry affair has been a disaster in every sense of the word.


That clip brings tears to your eyes.

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