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Think You're Tough, Do You?


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omg that had to hurt poor bloke but to not even realise you had been shot .i wouldnt think that was possible at all but hey ho who knows .

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He got shot in the head and they are thinking of arresting him? For what? Failing to dodge a bullet?


In the US, convicted felons are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm. Because both Mr. Moylan and his wife are convicted felons, there should be no firearm available to them, period. At this point, I would think both could be charged with possession as there is no proof who purchased the gun however, I can see that is serves no real purpose at this time to charge Mr. Moylan. He is simply lucky to be here at all. His wife, on the other hand, should be thrown under the jail.

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Throwing a person under a jail is a great way of reducing the prison overpopulation problem. Perhaps the UK ought to consider this approach.


That, my friend, is an old southern expression.....you wouldn't understand it unless you were from the civilized part of the US. I'll try not to confuse you with those type of expressions going forward.

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