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[BBC News] Child offered lift by man in van


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you gotta' be kidding me! Is this how bad this island has now become?? You offer to take a child home and the police come chasing after you.


Is it against the law to be helpful these days?




Next time someone offers to carry an old lady's bag, he'll be hunted down for attempted robbery. Offer to help a blind man cross the road.. and it'll be attempted abduction!


What exactly did this 'man in white van' do wrong?

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Wearing a white vest, in this weather, must be a wrongun.

Seriously though I hope this doesn't start here, but to use a mucky old transit with a roofrack rather than something a bit less obvious, he really hasn't thought this through has he?

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..he really hasn't thought this through has he?


if I was driving and decided to stop to offer a child a lift home, the only thing I'd be 'thinking through' would be how best to get this child home!


I don't see why offering to help a child is a crime.

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hehe, no.. i agree. But still, I'm just suprised Police are after the guy for such an offer! This is the Isle of Man... maybe I'm still a little hopeful in feeling it is still safe here from 'wrong intentions'.

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It does strike my as a sad state of affairs. Perhaps there is more sinister context that has gone unreported, but it's unfortunate that 'someone offering you a lift' equates in our society to 'someone who is almost certainly a ruthless killer intent on chopping you up into little pieces and burying you under their patio'. I blame the tabloid press.


Is it outside the realms of possibility that this offer of a lift was merely someone being naively charitable?



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Are you saying you'd allow your child to get a lift with a total stranger or thats its ok for children to get lifts from strangers?


It doesn't make a difference if its the Isle of man or not, Doesn't mean its a local person driving, The van could be hired etc.


It wouldn't have been reported to the police if it wasn't "suspicious".

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Are you saying you'd allow your child to get a lift with a total stranger or thats its ok for children to get lifts from strangers?


Not saying that kids should accept lifts from strangers - just that it's a sad state of affairs that they can't. It's getting to a stage where people won't do anything for one another because they're scared that they'll be construed as having ulterior motives.

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What a sobering depressing thread.


It's a terrible state of affairs that you really can't stop to offer a child/youth a lift. I know you can't but isn't that terrible? You can't because you know that it puts them in a compromising position as it goes against all the guidance they will ever have been given. You can't because it puts you in a compromising position also. It's very sad.


It's also a very sobering thought that someone might be trawling the streets for sinister means.


Don't know about you but it does cross my mind to stop for people when its pouring with rain/car broken down/"insert problem" but the thought of my little one accepting assistance also fills me with fear.


As I said, sobering and depressing.

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DJDan, fair enough, but i wouldn't go tellin' your kids its ok to get a lift off a stranger if i were you.


especially a tatty old white van. you'd better paint it.


They aren't rust marks, they're bullet holes from when i was doing a job in 'nam :ph34r:




Back to topic - No-one stops to give anyone a lift unless its a hitcher, its just never done, why would anyone think its alright?

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.. perhaps just to help... some people do still have the urge now and then.


But I am not saying this is the case here.

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