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Car Bomb In Central London


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Police have disabled a car bomb containing gas cylinders in the heart of central London.

Officers carried out a controlled explosion after reports of a suspicious vehicle parked in Haymarket shortly before 0200 BST (0100 GMT).

The area was cordoned off while police examined what they described as a "potentially viable explosive device".

Police sources have confirmed that gas canisters were involved in the incident, close to Piccadilly Circus.

But Scotland Yard has refused to comment on reports that a large number of nails were found in the car.


Police say Haymarket is likely to remain closed for some time and severe travel disruption is predicted.

Piccadilly Circus Tube station is closed and trains are not stopping, while local bus services are being diverted.

The BBC's Daniela Relph, at the scene, said the heart of London was completely closed off and police officers were concentrating on keeping people away.

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I doubt its the IRA, but their words when they attacked the Conservative Party Conference are still hauntingly valid:


Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always.


I hope our luck continues to hold out against those who deliberately plot the mass murder of ordinary people.


Of course its a lot more than luck - intelligence and the dedication of the police etc to try to protect the people of London.


Plus the public being vigilent.

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It would be delightful if these revolting parasites of our society would just inadvertently smithereen themselves while preparing their 'surprises', thereby ridding the populace of both themselves and their evil handywork.


What a sad shame though that people brought up in the UK get brainwashed to hate their fellow citizens enough to try and kill as many of them as they can, in the misguided belief that they will rest on celestial laurels for their efforts.


I hope those responsible for trying to kill so many innocent people get themselves caught up in a nasty bath/electric fire/armadillo accident.

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History repeating itself,this sort of thing doesnt happen in countries with ethical and legal foreign policies.Whilst im on my soap box,i think we should sever our ties with the british government and the war mongering governers they send over here to keep us locals in check.In the words of A.Moore,lets look to the west for our culture,not across the water to the east....

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As soon as i heard about this i thought that this looked a bit weird, for starters petrol gas cylinders and nails are one way of making a mess but not a very effective mess. Having the petrol mixed with washing up liquid and a few more things and instead of just nail use lots of blunt metal as well all compact into a large van would mean that these people knew what they were doing.


I cant wait to see the rest of this unfold and it would not shock me in the slightest if it were some bafoons trying to make it look like an extreemist group who planned this but were a bit on the stupid side. Also if it was some half arsed attempt by some scrotes who wanted to try and prove themselves.


I would find it hard to believe it was Domestic terrorists (pira/lvf ect.) because there bomb making skills are a bit more professional and they know how to put a bomb together rather than gas cyliders petrol and nails.

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This sort of thing doesnt happen in countries with ethical and legal foreign policies.


Just like the 85 Argentinian citizens murdered in Middle East related terrorist bombing in 1994 - after it became a democracy Argentina had a very unethical and illegal foreign policy.


While Indonesia - well its an international pariah - totally deserved the Bali Bombing.


Tunisa, and Algeria too.


Get a life.

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I had a life once china,i travelled through south america including argentina just before the inflation went through the roof.To say argentina,or in fact any south american country are democracies is very niave.Venezuala maybe the exception,now that country is being made an international pariah.

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History repeating itself,this sort of thing doesnt happen in countries with ethical and legal foreign policies.Whilst im on my soap box,i think we should sever our ties with the british government and the war mongering governers they send over here to keep us locals in check.In the words of A.Moore,lets look to the west for our culture,not across the water to the east....


You had me hooked and agreering with you all the way here until "In the words of A.Moore,lets look to the west for our culture,not across the water to the east...."


To the West - I hope you mean Ireland who don't seem to have a foriegn policy! If you actually mean further to the West them you're talking about the worst "ethical and legal" foriegn policy in the frickin world. The USA have been penalising countries whose governments they don't agree with for years. I mean - apart from kicking US companies out, and being communist, what has Castro ever done wrong? What the hell did Grenada do apart from ELECT a communist government. I could go on but can't be that bothered as I'm very tired as at the moment as I'm in China - is that what you mean by not looking across the water to the East? A country who has killed 1.2 million Tibetans since they "peacefully" liberated the place? A country that the US does enormous amounts of trade with yet have commited atrocities for decades (unlike Cuba!). So where to our West do you suggest that has "legal and ethical" foriegn policies?


I'd get off your soapbox if I was you......

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i just hope they get the people who planted them ,they must have them on some cctv footage or another after all is that not what they put up for in the first place .

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You'd certainly think they'd be linked wouldn't you? Also, there was an attack in Ibiza today - maybe a european-wide co-ordinated attack by multiple terrorist groups - or is it just co-incidence?


Worrying times for sure, especially as it's just about high season for the tourism industry.



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I'm with Immortalpuppet on this one - the fuckwhits putting together the London incendaries, and the one at Glasgow airport certainly don't come across as being 'professonal' terrorists.


I would hazard a guess that they maybe 'homegrown' radicals, I'm sure you could probably look up some info on the net to build something more destructive than these recently found, crude devices.


Certainly doesn't seem to be the work of the like of the IRA.


- Fortunately no-one has been seriously injured.

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