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Car Bomb In Central London


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All the more worrying then that there are those out there trying to be something they're not really!


It's bad enough when someone that 'knows' what they are doing is out there trying to cause mayhem (at least the security services will have some sort of idea of who's doing/planning what, or at the very least, receive a coded warning about it) without a load of wannabe's trying their hand!

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I'm with Immortalpuppet on this one - the fuckwhits putting together the London incendaries, and the one at Glasgow airport certainly don't come across as being 'professonal' terrorists.


I would hazard a guess that they maybe 'homegrown' radicals, I'm sure you could probably look up some info on the net to build something more destructive than these recently found, crude devices.


Certainly doesn't seem to be the work of the like of the IRA.


- Fortunately no-one has been seriously injured.


I'm also very glad that the only person hurt in these attacks was one of the perpetrators, but I think we've got to be very careful saying this was the work of a bunch of amateurs - change the balance of luck only a tiny amount and there could have been 3 large explosions with multiple injuries and deaths - we wouldn't be calling them "fuckwhits" if they'd been able to do that.


Hopefully the arrests will give us some ideas of who were involved - and not just directly, but in support roles too.

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Anyone find it strange how quick attacks are linked to Al-Qaeda these days? I personally think the term 'Al Qaeda' is overused to spread fear, and reduce dubiety over responsive actions..


If they had intelligence on any suspects, then surely they would have apprehended the glaswegian 'bomber' after the London botches? Not to mention that the London attempts were noticed accidentally.

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the Glasgow incident seems very strange to me.


there doesn't seem to have been any 'bombs' in the jeep, because if you look at the footage the glass divider in the rear is still in place, not smashed. the jeep is still structually sound apart from the front end used to crash into the building. so no explosions.


they can't have been suicide bombers, why would you waste 2 suicide bombers for 1 attack?


also, why did it take the firefighters all day to put out the fire? they were using 3 water jets when surely the foam they have would have put it out in minutes? it seems they were dragging it out all day to hype it up and generate fear.

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All these botched attempts are clearly by amateurs.


However it was good to see that in the Glasgow attack the driver managed to move about 5 paces before being punched out by a member of the public. They don't f**k about up there do they.

Amateurs? Just how do you become a professional?


It would appear the driver was burning when a voice said "Hey you Jimmie" and it was all over.

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I'm sort of wondering how come that in the middle of London, the city with the most cctv systems in the world, ever, two apparently massive car bombs are spotted by an ambulance crew and some traffic wardens, who actually towed one of them first? Rather odd...

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also, why did it take the firefighters all day to put out the fire? they were using 3 water jets when surely the foam they have would have put it out in minutes? it seems they were dragging it out all day to hype it up and generate fear.

I imagine, suspecting the vehicle was full of gas bottles, petrol and nails, and about to explode over a range of around 200 metres - shredding any fireman in the vicinity - it was better to leave it a while. You can always rebuild part of an airport, but putting people back together is a little more difficult.

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The Register sums it for me...


'al-Qaeda' puts on big shoes, red nose, takes custard pie

Journos join Krazy Klown jihadis in slapstick idiocy


Analysis The "car bomber" hysteria gripping much of the British and international media over the weekend has had a bucket of cold water from the Reg already, but just one bucket doesn't seem enough for this kind of outbreak.


To recap: an exceptionally incompetent group of troublemakers, unknown to the plods or spooks, decided to bring a spot of terror to old Blighty starting last Friday. These people had no actual explosives, and were apparently too lazy and ignorant to learn how to make them. Instead, they decided to load cars with petrol, domestic gas cylinders and "containers holding nails", and then set fire to them - either manually or using a cellphone-initiated remote rig of some kind.


Some selected headlines:


"Police avert car bomb 'carnage'" - BBC


"London on the Edge" - Belfast Telegraph


"Terror in Theatreland" - Daily Record


Normally reputable news sources used phrases like "explosives-packed cars", "Qaeda Tactics" and "a third attempt to create terror mayhem in Britain in under 36 hours. Only luck saved lives".


This isn't just rightwing hacks pumping up fear so that the evil securocrats can steal money from hospitals, aid, road safety etc, as our own Thomas C Greene has suggested (As an aside, for UK readers, the health-service budget alone is around three times that of the Defence ministry - and the Defence budget is the big fish in the UK securocrat pond).



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the Glasgow incident seems very strange to me.


there doesn't seem to have been any 'bombs' in the jeep, because if you look at the footage the glass divider in the rear is still in place, not smashed. the jeep is still structually sound apart from the front end used to crash into the building. so no explosions.


As far as I heard in the initial news after it happened, there was no mention of bombs, just that the jeep was carrying petrol. So no strangeness at all about why it didn't explode.



I'm sort of wondering how come that in the middle of London, the city with the most cctv systems in the world, ever, two apparently massive car bombs are spotted by an ambulance crew and some traffic wardens, who actually towed one of them first? Rather odd...


I'm pretty sure we don't have eagle eyed CSI type people whose job it is to scan the footage on a rolling 24 hour basis (maybe we should?£?). The most useful aspect of having cctv is to look at it afterwards to trace what happened at a given incident.

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