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Paris Shopkeepers Cheat Lottery Winner Out Of £24m

Albert Tatlock

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It's not just the French, the English do that sort of thing as well. I think they way shops check the tickets isn't very good as the customer can not see the information on the screen so they don't know if they are being told the truth or not. The few times I do buy a ticket I purchase it on line these days.

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thats really not fair at all and i hope they get done for it .i dont really play the lottery as im just not lucky and get bored easily but hey ho never mind.

but if that happened to me i would be one very p......... off person .and would want revenge as well .

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Its always made me laugh that the only person validating whether you've won or lost is often a petrol station loser or a lard arsed Spar Shop worker.


How do you 'lose' a petrol station? :P

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